Colin's Loader Mods (1 Viewer)


Content Creator
Apr 11, 2016
Testing complete. Everything appears to work great, the only issue at the moment is the mouse press toggle takes a couple frames to process, so you need to toggle the mouse 2-3 frames before you want her to pass the penis. Therefore, if you want to use the trigger that brings her to his balls with a high speed or on a very large penis, you need to run the mouse press trigger, then run the movement trigger about 2 characters later.

I still need to type up new notes for this version, so I won't post it tonight, but it should be up sometime tomorrow afternoon. I am VERY happy with how this turned out, and I hope you all will be as well.


Content Creator
Apr 11, 2016
That's it, overhaul complete, notes updated. Huge amount of customization possible, most will probably not use the ramp/random functions due to the amount of info you need to give them though.


Content Creator
Apr 11, 2016
One more update, fixes a bug with value_custom and other functions, allows multiple options to be set from a single value_custom call, and adds options for frequency of ramp increase, random chance for random, scaling factor for random, and versions of each option for changing the y value, i.e. changing delayDownY or randomChanceY. You can set up to thirty values form a single value_custom call, that is EVERY option available from X_CUSTOM, RAMP_CUSTOM, and RANDOM_CUSTOM, plus the Y version of those options in a single call. I do NOT expect that to be fully utilized very often:grin:

If you can't do what you want with these options, it is probably outside the (expanded) scope of this project, or there is a bug preventing it. If it is a bug I will try to fix it quickly, just let me know about it as there are now FAR too many possibilities for me to directly test all of them.


Casual Client
Sep 14, 2013
Wow - this is getting quite extensive.
A short dialogue(especially if annotated with few comments about what the line are doing and why) that ran some of these might help people to start creating their own ones - as they could use your dialogue template as a guide to crate their own dialogues.

BTW, on a previous post you wrote:
defaults to the value of speedXUp
I think you meant:
defaults to the value of speedXDown


Content Creator
Apr 11, 2016
You are probably right Aztlan. I may look into making a short dialogue for this purpose, or redoing my old one using these instead of the old auto functions.

And thanks for spotting the mistake, it's fixed now.

In case anyone was not aware, this mod was intended to fulfill one of two functions.
1: My primary purpose, full on stories. User interaction would at most be making selections at different points.
2: Short cut-scenes. For example, if the girl was supposed to be a succubus, and part way through the guy loses control, the dialogue takes over for a while until he can break free, at which point the user can control what happens again.

Edit: Oh, and I just realized I forgot to specify how to STOP the ramp/random functionality using the VALUE_CUSTOM trigger.
To stop the ramping functionality just specify a huge number for FREQINC, anything over 360000 will ensure it never happens as the counter resets at that point.
To stop the random functionality, set RANDCHANCE to a negative value, it triggers by comparing a random number [0, 1] to RANDCHANCE and if it is LESS than RANDCHANCE it triggers, so if RANDCHANCE is negative it cannot register as true.


Content Creator
Apr 11, 2016
Another update. I am trying to add the possibility of callback functions, so that when conditions you set are met (i.e. when you have a ramp function and maxX becomes greater than 30, or when over 100 frames have passed) it will trigger a line you have set.
This should let you do things like keep ramping up until you get to a certain maxX value, stop ramping up and have her complain that you need to stop since are hitting her womb, then after a given number of frames suddenly increase maxX to 100.

Since there are so many components to this it is going to require fairly complex trigger usage, but from my testing it appears to work. I will do some more testing tomorrow and hopefully post it by tomorrow evening.

Currently you can set up to 3 tests, and every test you have set must be true for the line trigger to occur. You can select min/max/spdup/spddown/delayup/delaydown for x/y or a frame count for your test value, and you can select >, >=, =, <=, or < comparisons.

To give you an example I have tested and ensured works as it is, this line starts at min/max x = 0, then ramps maxX up at 5% every 35 frames until it gets to 20%, then calls the line labeled ft2:

Stepping through this line:
The first trigger says to set test 0 to check that max >= 20.
The second trigger says to set test 0 to active.
The third trigger says to start at minX = 0, maxX = 0, speed = 50%, increment every 35 frames, and increment maxX by 50(5%) each time.
The final trigger says to set the line to be triggered to ft2, and sets testing to active.

And I just realized this freaking mod is now over 1400 lines of code... My original intent only required ~ 200, and that includes variable declaration and initial mod setup. The actual functions were around 80-100 lines. Talk about feature creep.


Content Creator
Apr 11, 2016
Ok, it is up, and as far as I know everything works. This should be the final major version update, the only other thing I can think of that I might add, would be a trigger that allowed the user to maintain control while continuing to count so that something would occur after a given amount of time... that is pretty low priority however since this mod is mainly intended for automated sequences.

I will try to develop a decent dialogue to showcase what you can do with this mod. It will probably be pretty crappy AS a dialogue but it should demonstrate what is possible, expect in in the next couple of days unless I post a message with another update.

This monstrosity ended up at over 1500 lines of code, and 44k characters (including tabs/spaces) so I would not be too surprised if there are some bugs. Just let me know if you find any and I will do my best to locate and fix the cause rapidly. I want this thing to WORK.

For your reference the only thing you would need to change in the above example to get it working with the current version is the "1"'s used to activate tests/testing should now be "on"


Content Creator
Apr 11, 2016
For anyone interested I just threw together a quick demo dialogue that shows off some of this mods features. I only spent about an hour on it so it is not very involved (or good), but it does display some of what you can do with this mod.

It is in the downloads section at the bottom of the first post.


Content Creator
Apr 11, 2016
Ok, Just uploaded a semi-beta version of the final product. If I have not found/heard of any bugs within 1 week I will upload it to the resources section and call it complete. Details on changes are near the top of the original post now.
Basically, you can choose to add/subtract instead of setting the value using value_custom. You can now check whether she is going towards max, is at max, is going towards min, or is at min for the tests, and you can essentially call value_custom to do something specific when an individual test is true, along with a maximum number of time to make that call.

I did a good amount of testing myself, and the only problems I am seeing are:
The move tongue command can have a bit of a delay.
Rounding can give values slightly different than expected when adding/subtracting using value_custom/set_test. i.e. you set maxX to be 50, then add 5 to that on 4 occasions, you might end up with maxX = 69.9998 due to rounding, so if you wish to ensure it works, add slightly more than you think it NEEDS to be, say 5.001 in this case.

Move key on set_test should always use comparison "e" as saying "it is true when the value is less than 'godown'" does not make much sense.


Casual Client
Sep 14, 2013
MOVE: Tests her current movement to see where she is in that movement. Returns one of 4 values:
1: If she just reached maxX that frame: "DOWN"
2: If she just reached minX that frame: "UP"
3: If she is moving towards maxX: "GODOWN"
4: If she is moving towards minX: "GOUP"
After the frame from 1 and 2, for the rest of the delay it will count as 3 and 4 respectively.​

Obviously I don't get it. If she is moving towards maxX why is this not GOUP (as X is increasing not decreasing)?
And vice versa.


Content Creator
Apr 11, 2016
I went with it generally being referred to as going down on someone as they are swallowing him. And maxX is how far towards maximum penetration it gets, so 100% maxX is 100% penetration.


Casual Client
Sep 14, 2013
Thanks. Makes sense.

How does this mod work with animtools positions?

For example you note:
To overcome initial resistance the penis MUST actually exit her mouth before pressing back in.​

Is there a certain x coordinate that applies to the above, as well as "tip", "head", "center" and "hilt"? ("off' is defined as X = 0 I think.)


Content Creator
Apr 11, 2016
The word versions ("tip") work for the built in positions, for animtools positions you will have to try out various values. It will also depend on penis size, but that is taken into account for the basic positions.

intro_resist_break and the position words are ONLY accurate for base oral positions. They will still operate in others, but they will not be nearly as accurate. The custom values work exactly the same no matter the position, as they just setup mouse values.

As for a specific X coordinate, that will vary with the size of the penis as well, since if it's small enough you might need to go to 90%, while if very large it might not be POSSIBLE to get the penis out of her mouth. I think at the base maximum penis size value it exits at around... 40%? I would have to check to find out for sure though.


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2016
Hi Colin,

I've seen that your [Tongue] Triggers perfectly fit my needs, which I described in this post earlier:

How to change the position of his arm...

But your mod alose made the [AUTO_SELF] to automatically grab her head when activated, which is absolutely not what I need (and is not the default behavior of _SELF). I don't know at all where the problem come from and I could not troubleshoot this myself (but I have tested the same line several times, with and without your mod loaded and it's a 100% grab with your mod) so I just took your code and added it to a custom version of DialogueActions. And then it works perfectly.

I'll post a message very soon on the DialogueAction Thread (Pim_gd's Mods - DialogueActions v4.02 (1 Mar 2016)) to let them know about this, for them to decide if they wish to keep my modifications on an official new build or not. In any cases, you'll be totally credited for this of course but I just wanted to let you know so that you don't feel like I stole this from you behind your back.

Many thanks for you work, it made me save a lot of time and learn to walk my first steps in flash modding for SDT. I really prefer that than having to beg and bother people for them to add new functionalities when I can do it myself :)

All Hail to the Colin ! ;)
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Content Creator
Apr 11, 2016
I'm glad it helped you :)
I am very uncertain as to why it would make it grab her head, as unless you called one of my other functions first, it should not even be active... I will have to look at it to find out what the issue is, as that definitely should not be occurring...

Edit: Ok, I looked at it, and are you referring to him grabbing her head again when you turn auto off? That is there even without my mod. With my mod I am still seeing it release her head/not grab her head when AUTO_SELF is activated...
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Content Creator
Sep 15, 2012
Wow I just discovered this today! What a boon for dialogue automation. Even just using a handful of the triggers would enable one to do much, much more than the standard auto options. I might use it in my next project. Did you actually make any dialogues with it, colin? Would love to try one out.

Just checking but does HOLD_CUSTOM basically lock her in place regardless of mouse movements? That would ensure that important speech lines resolve without giving the player the option to fill her mouth with cock until she's finished, for example.

Also, how would a command like MOVE_TO_BALLS work with non-oral positions?


Content Creator
Jul 10, 2016
Hi Colin,

I now use my modified version of DA for the Tongue, so your mod is never activated in my dialogue. I retried to run it with your mod loaded though, and I did not get the [AUTO_SELF] grab bug... I don't know where this could have come from, but I'm still sure it came from CustomAutomation for having tested it almost 3 times each with and without your mod loaded with the exact same dialogue (which have been modified since...).

I'm not able to reproduce the bug and won't be able to help you investigate more on this for now but I'm still happy it made me give a try to modding by myself, even if there are still some things that I don't get...


Content Creator
Apr 11, 2016
Wow I just discovered this today! What a boon for dialogue automation. Even just using a handful of the triggers would enable one to do much, much more than the standard auto options. I might use it in my next project. Did you actually make any dialogues with it, colin? Would love to try one out.

Just checking but does HOLD_CUSTOM basically lock her in place regardless of mouse movements? That would ensure that important speech lines resolve without giving the player the option to fill her mouth with cock until she's finished, for example.

Also, how would a command like MOVE_TO_BALLS work with non-oral positions?

That is exactly what HOLD_CUSTOM does. For the specialty movement options it will act as the the mouse was moved to the relevant location in oral, so it will simulate a mouse position at far right and just over halfway down if you use MOVE_TO_BALLS. I guess
I could add something about that to the notes just in case others have the same question.

I started to redo the one dialogue I had already done without this mod (The Cruel Queen's Punishment) but it was fairly long, and I will admit doing detailed work with this mod is not quick/simple because of all the possibilities I wanted to include, so I only got the first chapter redone. If I get the rest of it converted I will upload it so that others can try it out and see what is possible.

Anyways glad to see people interested in this monstrosity (I really was not expecting my first published mod to be over 1700 lines lol) and I hope it helps you all make the stories you want to share. Let me know if you have any more questions, and I will try to answer them in a semi-reasonable time frame.


Content Creator
Sep 15, 2012
Cool, thanks! Well, just as an aside I can tell you that I've used CLENCH_TEETH and/or ARMS_HAND_JOB to simulate what HOLD_CUSTOM does before. Hand job mode basically locks her head in place and I don't really care if the player has her stroking the cock while she's speaking. You can even set his pleasure percentage to prevent him from cumming meanwhile. Clench teeth is useful to prevent penetration of the mouth (or cumming in mouth) when she doesn't have to speak. I examined the work I had so far and think that at present I prefer the hand job/clench teeth solution, but it's gonna be a LOOONG project so I'll definetely look into automation later and then HOLD_CUSTOM (especially for non-oral positions) and other triggers will come in useful.

Looking forward to trying out your Cruel Queen later - I missed that before for some reason :)


Potential Patron
Aug 20, 2016
Hey there Colin amazing work, but for some reason it's not following my commands, as in my mouse still has control over the character negating the effect of the actions I want to happen.

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