Dr. Cursed's Zone-Tan: Updated with Tattered Sweater (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Jul 28, 2012
Hello, you can call me Dr. Cursed! This is one of my first posts. I'd like to introduce myself as a grade A evil genius. Well enough with the introductions and formalities, you are probably here because of that title up there no? Well I won't keep you waiting. Here is my greatest invention, the third version of my Zone-Tan hair import! Please, if you share this, give credit to Dr. Cursed ay? I spent hours working on this import drawing it vector by vector with a touch pad on Flash. I have neither tablet or mouse... Oh woe is me! Now where was I? Right! You must use the following code for this hair import to work. The character is given rhinoplasty to receive Zone-tan's signature upturned pug nose and the skin must match the nose or she will look like Michael Jackson... Also, it looks most accurate with angry mode turned on.



Note: The eyelashes are about as good as I can make them. I'm still trying to fix it. When she closes her eyes, it can look slightly weird, but if you are busy doing your business... you should not notice. CHEERS!

Updated 2012/07/29

Zone-Tan's boots are now available! Now with more Zone-tangy goodness! This is a swf. You just load it on the latest SDT. Thank you Kona for allowing us to modify anything and everything... This will be fun! Now for the mad scientist to enjoy a well deserved sleep...

Updated 2012/07/30

I present to you the prototype of Zone-tan's sweater. The design is not the final and I will tweak it some more when I find the time... Enjoy Zone-tan in all her sexiness...

P.S. Still waiting for suggestions regarding the sleeves and over the shoulder collar.

Updated 2012/08/05

Wait a minute Dr. Cursed, I thought you were on a two week hiatus? Well, I am and I am here posting this update because I'm a mad scientist... I'm soooo MAAAD! Leave it to the evil genius to work during a hiatus. I present to you, Zone-tan outfit version 2.0: Rape edition. The same Zone-tan sweater with more fingie lickie rapey goodness... Yummeh! Everytime you use this mod, you owe Zone-tan a new sweater.

As always, this mod includes the boots. If you want to remove the boot or sweater just change it after applying the import. A version with the sleeves tied behind the back like a bow is planned. It was actually planned from the start, but being the evil genius I am, I took the liberty of making the tattered version first. Future plans beyond that includes, Halloween Zone-tan Recolor, and Christmas Zone-tan Recolor of the outfits. There is also plans to turn the hair into a dynamic one... Well then, the doctor is going on a real hiatus now. Cheers!

P.S. Apparently, according to Zone-tan's twitter... she wears nothing under that sweater... Oh gaaawd Hnnnnngh! *dies*

Project Status 2012/08/29

This is not a project update, but the update of the status of the project. I fixed the shadows on the torn outfit... I can't make the outfit work with the color sliders because I shaded the outfit by hand... I'm sorry, if someone wants to give a whack at it, they are free to decompile the swf and attempt it as long as they give me credit. I was working on the Halloween recolor, but my little cousin up north is coming for a visit. I'll have to stop for today... Exposing a young girl to this stuff is against the doctor's moral code... Pffft hahaha as if... Actually I just don't want my aunt to see me working on this stuff or all sorts of rumors will spread and what not... I'll attach swf files, whenever I feel like I've actually done anything big... Ciao... Also I'm wondering if it'd be possible to make the outfits change with a click... For example clicking Zone-tan's normal outfit will change it to the Halloween version. We'll just have to see...


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Zone Boots with Outfit Ver. 1.swf
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Potential Patron
Jun 6, 2012
Re: Dr. Cursed's Zone-Tan

Thanks for your hard work :)
Did you know that this import already existed? Might interest you: link

zxc369 said:
Oh bother... I appear to have posted this in the wrong section... Would anyone care to move it for me?

You could PM Anonymous for instance ;)


Potential Patron
Jul 28, 2012
Re: Dr. Cursed's Zone-Tan: Updated with Boots

This is just the evil genius asking for a bit of insight. I am currently constructing Zone-tan's iconic off the shoulder sweater and I am unable to create the off the shoulder style. The sweater is also diabolically long-sleeved and I don't know how to go about making the sleeves. Anyone with experience working with the swf stuff do chime in... If all else fails, I am thinking of creating a tattered-version of her sweater and calling it a mission accomplished; that is unless someone sheds some light on this little snag.


Potential Patron
Apr 8, 2012
Re: Dr. Cursed's Zone-Tan: Updated with Sweater Prototype

Can't help you with suggestions (I assume you've already thought of just arranging the sleeves bunched or tied loosely around her waist), so I apologise for replying in the first place, but: I really like the current version of the sweater - would you consider releasing it as a separate file without the boots?


Potential Patron
Jul 28, 2012
Re: Dr. Cursed's Zone-Tan: Updated with Sweater Prototype

@chair You can just change the boots after applying the mod. I'm sorry, but due to the sweater being just a prototype, I don't have a backup fla. of it to republish as a standalone item. ^_^;; Will also have to tell everyone that I will be putting this project on hiatus due to real life issues... Will try to be back working on it 2 weeks from now.


RM Moderator
Dec 10, 2011
Re: Dr. Cursed's Zone-Tan: Updated with Sweater Prototype

I used your sweater and Faceless' Saria boots on on of my faves.

I guess she works at the same club as Zone Tan and borrowed her clothes?

And is it just me has Zone just given us fodder for audio dialogue for SDT with his ZTV news?


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Potential Patron
Jul 28, 2012
Re: Dr. Cursed's Zone-Tan: Updated with Sweater Prototype

zzaapp002 said:
And is it just me has Zone just given us fodder for audio dialogue for SDT with his ZTV news?

With only 2 episodes, there really isn't much usable dialogue unless you want a soundboard of Zone-tan senselessly swearing at you. Anyways I noticed I screwed up on the shadows on the torn outfit... will try to fix it after I wake up later...


Potential Patron
Aug 3, 2011
Hope you don't mind but I went ahead and editted your hair import. I didn't much care for the nose that and the shading under her jaw didn't look right.

Kuddos for trying to be precise with the import but I belive the shaded nose is because when ever you see zone tan she is usually in a darkened area (with I think the execption being ZoneTV).

Anywho, here it is. Love it, like it, or don't use it the choice is yours:



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RM Moderator
Dec 10, 2011


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Potential Patron
May 12, 2012
I see the DL links for the boots and some of the tops but not the torn top, that's the only thing I want. Am I doing sumpn wrong? HALP!

Also, Kinkman, who is the artist who made your animated avatar? I'd love to see more of his/her work.


Potential Patron
Jun 5, 2011
Sukmeoff said:
I see the DL links for the boots and some of the tops but not the torn top, that's the only thing I want. Am I doing sumpn wrong? HALP!

Also, Kinkman, who is the artist who made your animated avatar? I'd love to see more of his/her work.

it would be nice if people that post previews, would also post the source files. ;)

you have a PM Sukmeoff


Potential Patron
May 12, 2012
kinkman said:
Sukmeoff said:
I see the DL links for the boots and some of the tops but not the torn top, that's the only thing I want. Am I doing sumpn wrong? HALP!

Also, Kinkman, who is the artist who made your animated avatar? I'd love to see more of his/her work.

it would be nice if people that post previews, would also post the source files. ;)

you have a PM Sukmeoff
So are you saying there is no link? WEAK! Anyone have this? Can share?

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