Kagero's Interrogation (jasada1000 x stomachache collab) (2 Viewers)


Swell Supporter
Feb 19, 2010
(This is a roleplay thread between jasada1000 and me. We want to run it on this thread for everyone to enjoy. Comments are welcomed and appreciated at any time. Thanks!)

My name is Haka, and I’m a ninja from the kingdom of Hoshido. I’ve joined the army of Nohr as an undercover spy, but I’ve been defeated in a recent battle. Choked unconscious with a stranglehold.

I couldn’t see who it was, but my assailant possessed a firm grip. I also felt a pair of soft breasts pressed against my back. Extremely large breasts, in fact. Could it have been Camilla, one of the princesses from Nohr? Has my identity been exposed?

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Potential Patron
Mar 25, 2013
The silence was broken by the footsteps walking into the room. A kunoichi quietly came into view, and stopped right in front of the intruder. She came right into his line of view and slapped the tied up spy three times in the face. "Wake up. Now."
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Swell Supporter
Feb 19, 2010
"Mm! Uoo! Hnnngg!"

Sweat scattered from my forehead with the first 2 slaps, then with the 3rd, saliva spilled from my lips. The spit landed on my captive's face.

It's Kagero, the beautiful kunoichi from Hoshido. Though we're from the same clan, she wouldn't know a small fry like me. In fact, I'd never even seen her face to face until tonight.

I glanced down, and there were her pair of exceptionally large and shapely breasts. That confirmed she was the one who'd choked me out earlier.

I'd met Nohr's Camilla several times during my time as a spy. That woman boasted an enormous pair of mammary glands, but Kagero, hers might be even larger.

Damn, I need to stop staring at her chest. I gazed down at her bare feet wrapped in a pair of sandals. Even her toes are perfectly shaped. I had no idea Kagero was such a perfect woman through and through.

"I guess the show's over, Kagero, so listen, I'm a spy from the nation of Hoshido. This is all a big mistake."


Potential Patron
Mar 25, 2013
Kagero gave him a cold stare. "First off, eyes up. Second, of course it's a mistake, you decided to become a spy for the wrong side. Now, you're going to answer to my questions. Now. If you don't..." She wiped the saliva off from her cheek, grabbed his chin and forced him to make eye contact with her.

"You're going to be in a lot of pain."


Swell Supporter
Feb 19, 2010
Eyes up? Kagero, you might have no idea, but every ninja desired you in their wildest fantasies. My gaze drifted up as demanded, but I took my time to burn every inch of Kagero's body into my memory. From those long legs up to her wide hips, followed by her tight stomach, firm breasts, then up at her full lips, and finally that beautiful face.

This might seem like a bad time to indulge in lust, but I knew I'd be okay. My underling must already be on his way to Lord Ryoma this very second. Once my lord arrived to explain the situation, this would all be resolved.

But damn, these binds sure were tight. A pair of ropes tied my ankles to a pair of stool legs, then another rope squeezed against my wrists. As a ninja, I could worm my way out of most binds, but Kagero twisted the ropes at the perfect angles, leaving me with no room to maneuver.

Kagero was too smart to fall for cheap talk, so for now, I had no choice but to endure.

"I'm a ninja, you know. You think I'd be scared of a little pain?"
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Potential Patron
Mar 25, 2013
Kagero's cold stare grew angry. "So, you're not going to talk, huh? Don't tell me I didn't warn you." Without hesitation, Kagero threw a knee into the kunoichi's stomach and grinded it back and forth. "Tell me where your leaders' army is, and where they'll strike next." She reeled her knee back, ready for another strike...
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Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Sooo... If Haka is a kunoichi then why is this tagged as gyaku? Unless you just didn't know that kunoichi specifically means 'female ninja' or something? Just thought I'd note as I found that slightly confusing.


Swell Supporter
Feb 19, 2010
Sooo... If Haka is a kunoichi then why is this tagged as gyaku? Unless you just didn't know that kunoichi specifically means 'female ninja' or something? Just thought I'd note as I found that slightly confusing.

Aww, I didn't know this! I've made the edits into "ninja" now. Good to see you here dino! Hope you're enjoying the story :grin:.


Swell Supporter
Feb 19, 2010
"Guuuuu! Fuu... hhnnngggg!..........."

What incredible speed. Kagerou's legs are not only beautiful, but also powerful. One glance at her thighs, and I knew her muscles were well toned.

Fortunately for me, I'd tightened my abs right before her knee connected. My six packs were not only for show, either. I only moaned so Kagerou would have the satisfaction of hearing me moan in pain. Please, Lord Ryoma. You have to hurry.

"Coh! Coh! *Wheeze* Fu... fu..."


Potential Patron
Mar 25, 2013
Kagero grinned and fired off one more knee into his midsection, making sure to make this one even harder than the others. She proceeded to go behind him quickly and untied him, letting his body collapse on the floor. He landed on his back and wasted no time in placing her foot right on his stomach and putting pressure down on him. "Don't even think about escaping, are you going to give me the info I need?" She pressed her foot down harder while saying this.


Swell Supporter
Feb 19, 2010
"Uuuuuuoooo!" Okay, that one hurt even with my abs tightened. Not only was Kagero fast, she was also strong.

What the, Kagero untied me? Had she finally realized this was all a big mix up? I collapsed to the floor but struggled hard to climb back onto my feet. "Good, looks like you—hhhuuuuuooonnnNNNNNN!"

Kagero pressed her foot into the pit of my stomach. I certainly wasn't admiring her feet, toes or anything of the sort now. The only thing on my mind was pain. I could tighten my abs all I wanted, but when Kagero's foot were separating my insides and pushing my spine against the floor? Lord Ryoma, please hurry!

"OooooKa-Ka-Kagero... p-please... I... I can't breathe..."


Potential Patron
Mar 25, 2013
She lightened her foot, releasing some pressure, but without missing a beat, she went around to his side and positioned her legs around his stomach beginning to lightly squeeze. "I'll start off light. You know what I want, I won't repeat myself."


Swell Supporter
Feb 19, 2010
What a horrifying move. Even as a veteran ninja, I'd never seen this type of torture technique. I'd heard Kagero knew every bone breaking move in the book. If I took any more missteps, she might cause some permanent damage.

To top things off, she kept targeting my stomach, probably the strongest part of my body. When she managed to break that down, I was filled with both agony and humiliation. Let me see if I can lighten the mood.

"Guuuuuuu....... Si... silly Kagero... you hadn't even asked me the question yet..."


Potential Patron
Mar 25, 2013
Kagero's look once again turned into a furious one. "You fully know what I want from you! Where is your leader and his army striking next!?" She tightened her grip on his stomach, not holding back her strength at all. As she felt a few ribs lean in from the pressure, she gave him a sadistic smile. "You know what I can do to these, right?"


Swell Supporter
Feb 19, 2010
Okay, bad joke! I never should have looked down on a kunoichi, least of all Kagero. She knew the location of every bone, every weak point in a man's body. "My leader? Hnng... I already told you... my leader is... Lord Ryoma!"


Potential Patron
Mar 25, 2013
"Do you take me for an idiot? You were in the Nohrian army!?" She squeezed even harder, her thighs pressing together like steel cables around his middle until a louder than normal POP was heard.


Swell Supporter
Feb 19, 2010
"HnnnnnnnHHAAAA!!!!!!! ARGGG, UGGG, HULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! My ribs, my ribs... my ribs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The pain was too much to bear, and I, a mighty ninja, had begun to pee myself. Kagero had the courtesy of leaving my pants on, but she could probably smell the stench. Damn it, what a nightmare.


Potential Patron
Mar 25, 2013
Kagero, even though she was frustrated, couldn't help but give a sadistic smile at her work. But ugh, she hadn't expected him to actually wet himself. As she covered her nose and got back up, she repositioned herself right behind the ninja. She sat down and coiled her legs around his neck in a figure four position, pulling back on her ankle. "Pathetic man..."


Swell Supporter
Feb 19, 2010
"Kagero... please... b... can't breathe..." Damn it, her legs were even more powerful than her arms. My wind pipe still hurt from her choke hold earlier, and now this.

"Ugu... uu... guuguu..." As my consciousness faded, I began to foam at the mouth, spilling saliva all over Kagero's thighs.


Potential Patron
Mar 25, 2013
As soon as Kagero felt the ninja choke up on her thighs, she knew he was finished. She let go of her choke and got up again. "Wake up."
She stomped down on his stomach, not hard enough to break anything, but landed on the already broken rib.

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