Longer Nipples Request (2 Viewers)

  • Thread starter TypicalZebra
  • Start date
  • Watchers 3


Hello, all~

First request, so notify me if I'm breaking any rules...


So, here's my request/question:

Is it possible to modify the nipples to be longer? If you can do it easily, thank you very much; otherwise, you don't have to waste your time, haha~

Is there a way someone can show me the way about achieving this?

Thank you in advance.

Peter Langton

Potential Patron
Jun 20, 2013
The first thing that comes to my mind is Faceless' puffy nipples import. ( Faceless' misc imports - 16 Nov 15 - Umbra witch head set )

To load it, just download it, launch the game, go to the mod tab and then click on "Load SWF-Mod" (or w/e it's called, I don't remember right now) and then select the mod.
I think I saw another one similar to it somewhere, but I can't remember where it was, sorry.
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Potential Patron
Nov 27, 2013
*Homer Simpson voice" Mmmmmmmmmmmm... puffy nipples. I use those a lot, but there is a vanilla breast set out there. I forget who has it but you have three kinds, perfect, small, and apple. The apple has a larger nipple, and the perfect has a fat one. Hope this helps you in your search. But I like where this could head.


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
Realy wamt them larger niplez pleez :-)
In general, I would encourage you to use the "Report" button when you encounter an old thread which contains broken links. You can also reply to the old thread and mention the broken links (or compatibility problems, or missing files, etc). Creating a new thread in reference to the old thread just generates clutter on the forums :)

This might be what you're seeking. If not, check the <nipples> tag. I've fixed the hyperlinks in this thread.


Casual Client
Nov 2, 2017
Found a lot of great stuff there, but missing the whole spectrum of really lewd nipple types... Here's some pointers for my request, perhaps someone can make these? And specificly for my dialogue mod, can make them in progressive states? From a normal shape, to enlarged, then stretched out and eventually widened and swollen or something? I'll give the creator full liberty in proposing how they should progress...
Only got one cowslave character planned anyway, and he will take full credit offcourse!

You should consider the whol nipples to arealo ratio, as well as some saggyness(dynamics?) if possible.

Here's the pics:
These could be considered normal shape (stage 1)(New to milkig)

These could be considered enlarged (stage 2) (after some miliking)


These could be considered stretched out (stage 3)(Milked a lot!)

And These could be considered widened and swollen (Stage 4)



  • images.duckduckgo.com.jpg
    15.7 KB · Views: 146


Potential Patron
Nov 7, 2017
personally im not into nipples like this, but i think everybody should be happy! i think a nipple size slider like the breast size slider would be a great idea! :) id like em a lil bigger than the default size

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