Team Z: New ZAKO animated serie project SUGGESTION!!! (1 Viewer)


Club Regular
Jun 24, 2016
Hi everybody,

We are working on a zako animation story, we just started to make this happens, Our main goal is to make more zako series on the web if it was possible.

The idea was just new, we want to be more professional and improve uour works, and make it better and better.

The animation take a lot of time and a lot of things are needed .just if we could find some supporters to the project we can go ahead, and make each chapter better than it’s previous.

The chapters will be launched for free, we just nee to work on the website and fix somethings, so please if you can support the project and become a part of the family the link is bellow:

EDIT: Deleted patreon link - violation of the "I deserve free money" site rule


Well the first project is an animated serie called, Team Z Organisation.


Briefly, called, Team Z Organisation is a secret non governomental organisation who fight the evil vilainess women and the bad organisations.


Victoria, 26 years old, the owner of Team Z Organisation, the Ceo and the commander, she is a rich woman with a good orientation. She really cares about The city and wants to make the city clean from the evil vilainess.


Jims, 23 years old, the most skilled agent in the organisation. He always take responsabilty of taking the hard missions. Spying, surprising enemies, kill them with different ways. catch the bad vilainess and destroy the base.


The first Chapter will be called "The Last Smile Of WitchFace", i dont know how much time will be in each chapter, but its gonna be so enough to fight the zakos and catch theri vilainess or killing her.


WitchFace, she is just a crazy vilainess in the first chapter, 38 years old she loves making chaos and twatching the destruction and the damage. she kidnapped the mayor of the city as a hostage. WitchFace is a big crazy woman, she is the leader of a dozens of henchwomen who fight for her and ready to sacrifice with their lives for her mistress. Her right place in the hospital, but now she is free and she must back to the hospital.


With his silent gun, he eliminate he security of the base of WitchFace, and he moves to inside.


And his special moves and his weapon, he give the zako no time to think what she should do or to ask help. He just surprise them and kill them.


Some zako are easy to obey him when he aim their heads with his gun, they care about their lives. The organisation gave him the autorisation to rape the bad zako and torture them to get some important information that will help him to complete his mission.

The trailer is already done and here is the link to watch it:

If we could find some supporters that’s gonna be so helpful to spend more time on the animation details and the sounds, the graphics and everything else, the idea is always good btw!!

Thanks in advance, and i hope you liked the idea, we will no longer need deeper to find some zako videos anymore.
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Swell Supporter
Nov 13, 2015
And this will be animated? This looks like too much effort. I'm really interested. And yes the trailer is down. Maybe upload it as an webm somewhere?


Club Regular
Jun 24, 2016
Damn! 3 tries to upload and pufff!!error 404 page not found. anyway! i will not be able to edit th topic so i will put the link in a new comment. the trailer took a lot of my time to finish it and i hope wou will like the simple animation :)


Swell Supporter
Nov 13, 2015
Else you could upload it to youtube. Just make it invisible so only people with the link will see it.
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Swell Supporter
Nov 13, 2015
Everything still alright? Or do you have some problem to find a functional domain? Sorry for doublepost but I'm honestly interested how the trailer is going to look like.


Club Regular
Aug 10, 2015
Damn that looks sweet Cobra, if you get this up and running I'll be following it, hell if I could I would like to contribute a few ideas if you open to that.


Swell Supporter
Nov 13, 2015
Sorry for posting that much but anouncing such a project (which has never be done before) and leaving us with no trailer makes me want to wait. I really want to see it.


Club Regular
Jun 24, 2016
Hi guys, i'm so sorry for the late!!

I finally could upload the trailer here and i hope you like it!! Sorry because the animation and the sounds are not professional but i promess you that i will spend more time in everything ;)

Here are some other screenshots, a lot of spying and fighting scenes are coming, a lot of chapter, vilainess and adventures !!!

Screenshot 1:

Screenshot 2:

I hope you like it, have a fantastic day :D

The video in the attachement ;)

68.7 MB · Views: 565


Master of this Domain
Feb 7, 2017
The idea hero and heroine finish zako is excellent for me, and more if the hero and heroine finish with bearhugs and the zakos :)


Club Regular
Jun 24, 2016
Thanks for asking guys, i promise you the first animation will be finished as soon as possible :)


Club Regular
Jan 10, 2016
so will they use the "siri" type ov voice in the final version or will you use real people to vioce them, and make their audio sound more fluid?

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