Tracers outfit (from overwatch) FILLED REQUEST (2 Viewers)


Potential Patron
Apr 27, 2016
FILLED: See link in post #6 Tracers outfit (from overwatch)

I was wondering if anyone would make tracers outfit, as i already have the hair
tracer overwatch.jpg
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Content Creator
Dec 5, 2012
Good try, but this reference is (just barely) not good enough because of the fact that the "side view" is actually a 3/4ths perspective. But Tracer is pretty cute, so I took the liberty of scouring bl*zzard's media for the best art (not much yet), took some screencaps, and located the original hi-rez pdf reference sheet that your image is from. Hopefully this is enough to re-validate your request & someone can take advantage of these!








Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
original hi-rez pdf reference sheet
It's true that the first image suffered from low resolution. But the main problem is that it wasn't presented in an anime art style.

Take a look at your fifth image. Notice the fishnet pattern on the legs? We can't recreate that in Flash. We can do "fishnet" as a standalone thing, but when you combine it with a highly-detailed costume (lots of small creases, overlapping details in the gloves, highlight layers for metallic sheen, maybe even an animated overlay for the oscillating glowy teleporter thingies) you get an unacceptable impact on framerate.

So we prefer to start with an image whose artist has already "smoothed over" the design and simplified it into a limited palette with a few splotches of highlight or shading. In brief: anime style. If someone could find a side-view version of this then it would be a great starting point for a Tracer costume.


Content Creator
Dec 5, 2012
I've seen a few styles of import now (like Harley Quinn's arkham suit) that are more like this style of artwork, so I thought there could be a reasonable precedent for it. Maybe someone will dig it up eventually ;)

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