1st post:
Care to enlighten us Slicky? Since following the instructions results in a file corrupt error. Doing a 31GB file check yet again. I keep all clothes except starter underwear; set max size for sliders to 2.5, min size untouched; censorship removal set to high; shaved innies; 3d vaginas yes; mod applies to female only, all male classes off; kibelius is untouched; keep all weapons. I hit install, about 200 files to patch, no errors, and I use the recommended option in meta inject, again, no errors, exit and exit. Run restore n patch shortcut with the -idle target, run launcher. No patch, game tries to start, RnP quits, then file corrupt error from the bdo game itself. This happens every time.
2nd post 11/1/18:
Thank you SlickySlicky! Can confirm that this method works with the current version 3.6f. I believe the full uninstall and removing the -idle tag is what did it. I've tested all other options set to different values (like clothing options, slider sizes, censorship removal etc) and these were the only changes that yielded errors if done differently. It still scans the whole ~30GBs worth of files after logging in, but only takes about 5 minutes, after which the mod's RnP takes over WITHOUT the idle tag. You can try utilizing the option to ignore the file recheck in the mod, but I haven't played with that one yet, as I've decided to play with nudes instead lol
3rd post 11/8/18:
Followed steps above ^ after yesterday's update and all is good, no errors or glitches! I will return if there is an issue in the future, but as of now, it's working great!