Hi, BlackFireBR (você é brasileiro?)
I installed "resorepless" without customizations and it worked fine. But when I tried to add pubic hair and increase proportions of the body (in customize option), when installing appeared the following message:
Deleting: files_to_patch\.resorepless
Restoring: pad00000[2021-09-16][1251].meta.backup 1 arquivo(s) copiado(s).
Copying Files...
(1/13294) - common_decals_road_04_dec.dds
Failed to open file "patcher_resources/texture/blank_dxt5.dds"
Then, I tried to follow the suggested solutions in program, but I couldn't find that "blank_dxt5.dds" file... Could you help me? Btw, I installed Black Desert through Steam.
Finally, congratulations by your great mod! I hope to be able to use it with customizations!