Based on an older request I finally got around to splitting some of the fur components out as well as the tail.
The "Fur Cuffs" variant includes the wrist fur, ankle fur, and "collar" fur (the stuff at the top of her shoulder). This mod ALSO changes the RGB distribution - the Arm and Leg furs are now independent (Arms bound to Armwear, Legs bound to Legwear*), and the Top fur now binds to the Collar RGB slider (as that fur is basically a "fur collar" anyways).
*The leg fur can be rebound to LegwearB via MoreClothing using the modifier
at the end of the line where this is added, e.g.,
Dangerous Beast - Fur Cuffs.swf=Fur Cuffs+convertlegweartolegbwear
The Tail is split out in 2 variants. Due to the nature of the tail's RGB, it CANNOT be simply converted to LegwearB the same way as the Fur Cuffs; as such, the 2 versions exist to automatically bind the tail to LegwearA (simply referred to as Legwear elsewhere) or LegwearB.
In addition to the above, I noticed that technically the fur cuff on the girl's left hand should be
slightly visible behind her back. The adjustment has been made to both the standard coloration and the RGB colored variant (as well as to the standalone cuffs). See below image for reference: