added registerDialogue_Class in ModPackage for easier audio dialog creation, made note in project:
* sby note - custom dialog, audio dialog mod simplification (requires template extension version 8 or newer to use 'Settings' feature of dialog lines)
* added functions to register various combinations of custom dialogs
* registerDialogue(lineType:String, dialogLineText:String) for basic dialog lines (no audio, no settings)
* registerDialogue_Class(lineType:String, dialogLineText:String, audioFileClassName:Class, volume:Number) for dialog lines with audio (no settings)
* registerDialogue_Settings(lineType:String, dialogLineText:String, dialogSettings:String) for dialog lines with settings (no audio)
* registerDialogue_ClassSettings(lineType:String, dialogLineText:String, audioFileClassName:Class, volume:Number, dialogSettings:String) for dialog lines with both audio and settings
* --parameter breakdown--
* lineType:String the lineType of the dialog line, common ones are "intro", "general","restart","cough","interrupt","resistance","first_throat","first_dt","pull_off","held","wake",'vigorous"
* dialogLineText:String the text for a dialog line. some of the vanilla examples are "I can\'t believe you made me drink it all*, YOU*." "I can\'t take it any deeper!"
* audioFileClassName:Class the name used in your audio file class embed. will be unique for each imported dialog, should be named as a simplification of what the audio is saying. if an audio file says something like 'I'm gonna choke you down until you cum on my face' , you probably want to use an abbreviated name like 'ChokeYouDown1'
* volume:Number audio file playing volume level, a numeric value ranging from 0.00 to 1.00. 0.1 would be almost silent, 0.9 would be almost max volume.
* dialogSettings:String the settings for a dialog line. these are in curly braces at the end of normal texual dialog. quotation marks have to have escape character backslashes. like "{\"held\":\"true\"}"
* example:
[Embed(source="audio/steady_now.mp3")] //files stored under 'SDTMods' project folder
var steady_now:Class;
registerDialogue("intro", "Example custom line."); //can use this to register basic lines that have no audio or settings
registerDialogue_Class("intro", "0 going intro1 line [intro1]", steady_now, 1); //use this to register lines that have audio, no settings
registerDialogue_Settings("intro1", "1 going intro2 held [intro2]", "{\"held\":\"true\"}"); //use this to register lines without audio but does have settings
registerDialogue_Settings("intro1", "1 going intro2 free [intro2]", "{\"held\":\"false\"}");
registerDialogue_ClassSettings("intro2", "2 Steady now, he is grabbing her head.", steady_now, 1,"{\"held\":\"true\"}"); //use this for lines with audio and settings
registerDialogue_ClassSettings("intro2", "2 Steady now, she is blowing him hands free.", steady_now, 1,"{\"held\":\"false\"}");