Nice, the website just increased download capacity!
This one's a self-contained Loader Pack, so you can download it without downloading the previous updates (hopefully). Be sure not to overwrite any other SDT projects you might have.
Some things I noticed during making this:
-Music files are still huge.
- If you have another loader folder, it'll try to pull files from THAT folder. Use the flashplayer inside the self-contained loader file to fix this. And of course, use the flashplayer inside your own loader files to go back.
- The particle effects take quite a bit, don't they? This set of scripts was designed around most of the features disabled (except the tongue), strand shaders off, and no gag/cough sounds.
- Something about loading animtools from the modpage is different from loading it from the dialogue. Or loading the dialogue again when something breaks. I had to test the script several times to get the positions just right. And even then it gets a little shifted out of place here or there...
- Same issue with the Auto command. If something breaks, try pressing A a few times and see if the aim realigns.
- Sometimes while changing positions the mouth sound overlaps and plays endlessly... I had to put in some in-between positions to keep that from happening.
- Theres a hole in the lower leotard, so if the character's too small you can't just combine it with a form-fitting shirt to get a swimsuit. I had to do a buncha animtools and copypasting over some other scripts to make sure it didn't show up.
Anyways, I've finished two pages of scenarios and this will probably be the last update. If something in here's broken... try and fix it yourself? Eh... Happy Halloween!!