
Sharpshooter 0.5

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  • This is a prudential update. It does not fix any actual or reported problems. If you're using V0.4 of the mod and you're happy with it then there's no need to download the V0.5 update.
  • There's a potential vulnerability in the sharpshooter code which could cause a saliva-related bug, similar to the one fixed by the 5.2 patch of moreCumSpurts.
    • I was unable to actually trigger this error during testing, but I've patched the code just-in-case.
  • No changes to config parameters.
    • Please feel free to continue using your old sharpshooterV1settings.txt file; you can delete/ignore the TXT file included in the 7z archive. Or you can just skip this update entirely.
    • If you're new to this mod then you should copy the included TXT file into your Settings folder.
Added a null check to guard against a proxy-order vulnerability involving removed strand links

No new functionality in this version
Added an unloadMod() call - as suggested by @Pim_gd. This should resolve a problem which arose when loading it via a Character Folder.

No changes were made to the actual functionality of the mod.
  • Added Settings file
    • The mod will work without its Settings file but you'll be stuck with the default options.
    • For best results, move the Settings file into your ./Settings subfolder before loading the mod.
  • Refactored for use with Lightweight Mod Compiler
    • The AS3 code is not actually shared yet because the mod is still experimental and I haven't fully documented it.
    • Feel free to decompile; otherwise wait until 1.0 version (which will include proper source code).
  • Added a "more generous" collision-detection pattern (optional)
    • simplifiedCollisionChecks
  • Added the option for semen strands to always bypass the mouth (which usually means that they'll hit the side of the face) when the girl's teeth are clenched
    • canHitWhenTeethClenched
  • Added the option to suppress the semen-absorption behavior while the girl is swallowing
    • canHitWhenSwallowing
  • Added the option to ignore the position of the girl's tongue -- so that the guy's ability to aim the strands will be the decisive factor (rather than the girl's willingness to catch them)
    • canHitWhenTongueHidden
  • Added the option to suppress the semen-absorption behavior while the girl is speaking (to hopefully avoid conflicts with complex dialogue triggers)
    • canHitWhenSpeaking
  • Added the option for each absorbed semen strand to momentarily interrupt the girl's current line of dialogue -- adding a muffled interjection such as "mmph"
    • cumInterruptsSpeech

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