There are too much mods in SAO Megapack to bother loading every one of them manually. I should have done this much sooner.
This new update adds a new requirement : Pim_gd DialogueAction mod
Here is the discussion thread
Here is the direct link to the bitbucket repo download page (last version at this update day is 4.09dev10)
DialogueAction is installed like any other mods, nothing complicated. Pim_gd has fully documented his work so there is no reason you would get into any kind of trouble.
Just paste the mod into your Mods/$INIT$ folder, then add a line with the mod's name into your Mods.txt file, after the defaults mods line and the TemplateExtention one, in this same folder.
How to install
How to use
- You will now find a folder named SAO in the archive. Just extract this folder and put it directly in the Mods folder of your loader pack (the Mods folder, not the $INIT$ one !)
- In this same Mods folder, edit the CharacterFolders.txt by adding a line "SAO:SAO"
- You're done
Let me know if you ever have any trouble setting this up. It should be easy but you never know. If needed, I'll open a thread on the forum and link it here in order to ease the troubleshooting.
- If you followed the previous steps properly, you'll find a new character folder in your game
- Click on this SAO folder and the menu dialogue will load
- You will now just have to select your character, skin, and variant, using the button menu. Please note it's not as reactive as a program interface. It may take a few seconds to answer between every click. Don't panic if it doesn't seem to work, just be patient and click a button again. Usually, when the empty thought dialogue bubble disapear, the game is ready to execute another button action.
- You can hide the menu by pulling her down (Be in manual mode, drag her off the dick, hold left mouse button, then move down the mouse until the menu disapear, release the left mouse button)
- To bring back the menu, you got to pull her up (same as pull her down, but... well... up)
Fixes on one of Asuna Schoolgirl mod where the bra was missing, and a few others where the panties knob was showing through the skirt.
Asada Shino Schoolgirl (rework and new mods)
I wasn't really satisfied with the breasts drawed on the chest layer, nor with the skirt itself. One thing after another, here is the complete rework of Asada Schoolgirl Outfit mods. And guess what, it's now fully RGB adjustable. The mods contain embeded charcode to load it with the original colors, but you're now able to change it to your heart content. The tie color on the "full" outfit cannot be changed.
A few things to know:
- You should clear the mods before you load another one ! (some do not clear the existing piece - on purpose - while loading).
- The jacket color is following the skirt color, both the jacket and the skirt will always be from the bottom RGB 1 Slider color.
- There is an hidden stripe on the skirt wich can be set by using the bottom RGB 2 Slider.
- There is an hidden stripe on the socks wich can be set by using the legwear RGB 2 Slider.
- Bra and panties use their own 2 RGB Sliders.
(click image for larger view)
New mods only:
Outfit (open jacket): Asada Shino School Outfit (open jacket).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Outfit (open jacket & shirt): Asada Shino School Outfit (open jacket & shirt).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Outfit (open shirt tucked): Asada Shino School Outfit (open shirt tucked).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
RGB Bra and panties standalone versions:
Asada Shino Bra.swf
Asada Shino Panties.swf
Yuuki Asuna Schoolgirl (rework and new mods)
What was bothering me with Asuna's outfit was mostly the vest sleeves. She also benefited from my work on other stuffs. The mods contain embeded charcode to load it with the original colors, but you're now able to change it to your heart content. Stripes on the shirt's collar cannot be changed though. The ribbon color on the "full" outfit can be adjusted with the top RGB 2 Slider.
(click image for larger view)
New mods only:
Outfit (open jacket): Yuuki Asuna School Outfit (jacket open).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Outfit (open jacket & open shirt): Yuuki Asuna School Outfit (jacket open shirt open tucked).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Outfit (open shirt tucked): Yuuki Asuna School Outfit (no jacket open shirt tucked).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Outfit (open shirt): Yuuki Asuna School Outfit (no jacket open shirt).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
RGB Bra and panties standalone versions:
Asuna Bra.swf
Asuna Panties.swf
Kirigaya Suguha Shcoolgirl (update)
- Complete rework of the skirt
- Some elements are now RGB adjustable (bra, panties, skirt, socks, and shoes).
- Standalone releases of the bra and the panties are now RGB Adjustable with both sliders.
(click image for larger view)
If you're looking for more customization, I'll be releasing soon a new package for school's outfits. You'll find back many things you've seen here, with a few more (lifted skirts versions for doggy positions for example). It'll be a package of standalone single piece mods only, but all of them RGB adjustable. It'll be up to you to compose your own outfit then.
Kirigaya Suguha (new mods)
As a second part to answer @Antimatter42 request, here are new mods for Kirigaya Suguha:
- Kirigaya Suguha Schoolgirl Outfit
Outfit (full): Kirigaya Suguha Schoolgirl (full).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Outfit (no sweater): Kirigaya Suguha Schoolgirl (no sweater).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Outfit (tank): Kirigaya Suguha Schoolgirl (tank).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Outfit (topless): Kirigaya Suguha Schoolgirl (topless).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Outfit (underwear): Kirigaya Suguha Schoolgirl (underwear).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
- Kirigaya Suguha Pajamas
Pajamas (full): Kirigaya Suguha Pajama (full).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Pajamas (open shirt): Kirigaya Suguha Pajama (open shirt).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Pajamas (topless): Kirigaya Suguha Pajama Pants.swf - Loader NOT required - New mod.
Panties: Kirigaya Suguha Panties.swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Bra (standalone - see schoolgirl outfit picture): Kirigaya Suguha Bra.swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Asada Shino (new mods)
As a first part to answer @Antimatter42 request, here are new mods for Asada Shino:
- Shino Asada Schoolgirl Outfit
Dynamic Hair: Asada Shino Dynamic Hair.swf - Loader NOT required - Unchanged, only some code cleaning making the file slightly lighter. Removed normal mood from included code.
Eyewear: Asada Shino Glasses.swf - Loader NOT required - From 1.3 update
Outfit (full): Asada Shino School Outfit (full).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Outfit (no jacket): Asada Shino School Outfit (no jacket).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Outfit (open shirt): Asada Shino School Outfit (open shirt).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Outfit (topless): Asada Shino School Outfit (topless).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Outfit (underwear): Asada Shino School Outfit (underwear).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
- Shino Asada Casual Home Outfit
Unlike other mods from this pack, this outfit is composed from 4 different mods you can use at your convenience for modularity.
Top: Asada Shino Casual Home Sweater.swf - Loader REQUIRED - BreastFirmness strongly advised but not mandatory (charcode included) - New mod.
Bottoms: Asada Shino Casual Home Shorts.swf - Loader NOT required - New mod.
Bra: Asada Shino Bra.swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Panties: Asada Shino Panties.swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
More to come...
Asada Shino (update)
For some reason, the shift-click on the glasses would not work in some environments. I made changes to ensure proper mod work, and it will make it an easier use with moreclothing.
Dynamic Hair: Asada Shino Dynamic Hair.swf - Loader NOT required - No longer contains glasses.
Eyewear: Asada Shino Glasses.swf - Loader NOT required - New eyewear mod.
Leafa (update)
Shading added on the bottom parts of Leafa's mods where the skirt is on.
YUUKI Asuna (updated and new content only)
- School Outfit
Outfit (full): Yuuki Asuna School Outfit (full).swf - Loader REQUIRED - Shirt collar part reworked, Vest sleeves length adjusted, Shirt sleeves reworked, Added overall shades. The school oufit now includes its own footwear.
Outfit (no jacket): Yuuki Asuna School Outfit (no jacket).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Outfit (topless): Yuuki Asuna School Outfit (topless).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
Outfit (underwear): Yuuki Asuna School Outfit (underwear).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod.
YUUKI Asuna (updated and new content only)
- Knights of Blood (Aincrad Arc)
Dynamic Hair: Yuuki Asuna Natural Dynamic.swf - Loader NOT required - Unpleasant offset lines located on the lower hair strands behind her body which could be visible when those strands move ahead of her chest/belly, removed and reworked. Added one more shading depth.
Outfit (underwear): Yuuki Asuna KOB Outfit (underwear).swf - Loader REQUIRED - BreastFirmness advised but not mandatory (charcode included) - New mod
- Alfheim Online (ALO Arc)
Dynamic Hair: Yuuki Asuna ALO Dynamic.swf - Loader NOT required - Same changes as Yuuki Asuna Natural Dynamic.swf
Outfit (no coat): Yuuki Asuna ALO Outfit (no coat).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod
Outfit (underwear): Yuuki Asuna ALO Outfit (underwear).swf - Loader REQUIRED - BreastFirmness advised but not mandatory (charcode included) - New mod
KIRIGAYA Suguha aka Leafa (updated and new content only)
- Leafa
Outfit (no coat & no skirt): Kirigaya Suguha Leafa Outfit (Lightwear).swf - Loader REQUIRED - The mod no longer loads the default in-game briefs panties but loads its own, matching the mod's outfit.
YUUKI Asuna (updated and new content only)
- Knights Of Blood (Aincrad Arc)
Outfit (full): Yuuki Asuna KOB Outfit (full).swf - Loader REQUIRED - Skirt from the previous outfit updated
Outfit (no armwear): Yuuki Asuna KOB Outfit (no Armwear).swf - Loader REQUIRED - New mod
Outfit (no coat & no armwear): Yuuki Asuna KOB Outfit (light).swf - Loader REQUIRED - BreastFirmness advised but not mandatory (charcode included) - New mod