- Joined
- Jul 10, 2018
After enjoying this game for so long, I think its time I started giving back. I'll keep this thread up to date with any dialogues I happen to create. [2024 Edit]: I keep my promises! It uh... took 5 years, but I made a new one! It also seems like there is a 'resource' system on this website now. So I took the time to put both Try 'n Cheer AND Loving Angel into the resource system.
Loving Angel
Try 'n Cheer
Generic Template, all positions
Loving Angel
Loving Angel
Someone traveling the multiverse makes a stop in Elysium. One of the angels takes notice, and sees to their needs...
Regular version
Gender neutral dialogue. This applies to both his lines, and her lines. So the angel, and the traveler, can be either sex and the dialogue won't assume one over the other.
General, Pull off, Resistance, and Vigorous lines have two sets of dialogue. One set if her head is held, and another if it isn't.
ATV version
Same Gender neutral dialogue as the regular version. There's one vaginal line that refers to her being wet, but well, it is vaginal.
General, vigorous, Pre-cum and cum lines for Anal, Titfuck, and Vaginal positions.
Requirements: The regular version has no dependencies. The ATV compatible version obviously requires Animtools for the non-oral lines to function. It can be acquired here.
Disclaimer: Angel wings and halos sold separately.
Someone traveling the multiverse makes a stop in Elysium. One of the angels takes notice, and sees to their needs...
Regular version
Gender neutral dialogue. This applies to both his lines, and her lines. So the angel, and the traveler, can be either sex and the dialogue won't assume one over the other.
General, Pull off, Resistance, and Vigorous lines have two sets of dialogue. One set if her head is held, and another if it isn't.
ATV version
Same Gender neutral dialogue as the regular version. There's one vaginal line that refers to her being wet, but well, it is vaginal.
General, vigorous, Pre-cum and cum lines for Anal, Titfuck, and Vaginal positions.
Requirements: The regular version has no dependencies. The ATV compatible version obviously requires Animtools for the non-oral lines to function. It can be acquired here.
Disclaimer: Angel wings and halos sold separately.
Try 'n Cheer
Try 'n Cheer
SD Chan is trying out for the cheer squad. Little does she know, the all futanari team have a different idea as to what 'trying' her out means... much to her delight. A good time will definitely be had by all! Just drink some water or something, this one can take a while to get through...
It's assumed you've assigned a custom name for Her. If you don't know how to do that, you just need to set up a custom character and select them. That'll set it for you. Alternatively click on one of the default characters whose name you'd prefer.
Known issues:
1. Ghost Arms. I never managed to get this to stop happening. T'is just something I've learned to live with.
2. Sometimes the NEXT button gets jammed up during non-oral. If this happens, I've found two things work for getting it to function again. 1, reset Animtools. Almost always works. 2, turn auto mode on and just click the button while the game is playing itself. No I have no idea why the button works in auto mode. But it does!
1,643 lines.
Working XP and arousal system. She gets more into it as time goes on, and as she gains XP for oral, handjob and fucking she'll both get more confident and be more comfortable with vigorous fucking even while not aroused. She has unique lines for each arousal state, at each XP threshold, for oral, handjob and fucking. She also gets more comfortable with cum as she swallows more and / or gets filled up.
Two complete sets of oral lines following the above formula, one set for when her head isn't grabbed and one set for when her head is grabbed. (Aka, whether SD chan or her partner are driving the action)
She can orgasm when she hits max arousal while getting fucked. This resets her arousal to 0. In another dialogue, it would be sensible to set back to 50 instead (so she doesn't have to warm up more than once), but I wanted the player to have the chance to see all the low arousal dialogue since there are variants for each XP stage.
12 partners, each with their own names and bodies, that you cycle through twice (once for oral, once for fucking), with a unique intro / outro for both visits.
An endless orgy at the end, which you can skip directly to at the very start.
Notes and comments from me within the dialogue that explain how some of the systems function, in case someone wants to pick it apart and replicate some of the features here.
Trap / Trans version
An alternate version where the character is a trap / trans woman applying to an all women's cheer team. They're all extremely supportive, and are very eager to... make sure she gets the whole experience.
This dialogue requires the following mods to function:
AnimToolsv38, available here: link
With the following positions set up, all of which are included in v38 by default iirc:
The ATV documentation has all the info you need to set those positions up to be recognized by triggers in a neat way. The simple version: paste those position files into the loader's 'Settings' folder.
DialogueActionsv4.09dev or newer, I recommend sby's fork which is available here: link
Older versions of DA will probably work, but if you want the cheerleaders appearance to actually change, you'll need 4.09dev5 at least.
Not required, but supported:
MakeHerCum with dialogue trigger, located here
Paired with the MakeHerCum patch for futa hers, so she can cum during her climax lines in the trap / trans version of the dialogue (if you can get it working): located here the default version uses [PUSSYDRIP] for this, which is baked into dialogueactions (iirc) so its only the trap version that requires this step for full functionality.
It also expects you to have defined a name for HER. So I recommend doing that if you don't want them referring to her as SD Chan or whatever default character you last picked.
SD Chan is trying out for the cheer squad. Little does she know, the all futanari team have a different idea as to what 'trying' her out means... much to her delight. A good time will definitely be had by all! Just drink some water or something, this one can take a while to get through...
It's assumed you've assigned a custom name for Her. If you don't know how to do that, you just need to set up a custom character and select them. That'll set it for you. Alternatively click on one of the default characters whose name you'd prefer.
Known issues:
1. Ghost Arms. I never managed to get this to stop happening. T'is just something I've learned to live with.
2. Sometimes the NEXT button gets jammed up during non-oral. If this happens, I've found two things work for getting it to function again. 1, reset Animtools. Almost always works. 2, turn auto mode on and just click the button while the game is playing itself. No I have no idea why the button works in auto mode. But it does!
1,643 lines.
Working XP and arousal system. She gets more into it as time goes on, and as she gains XP for oral, handjob and fucking she'll both get more confident and be more comfortable with vigorous fucking even while not aroused. She has unique lines for each arousal state, at each XP threshold, for oral, handjob and fucking. She also gets more comfortable with cum as she swallows more and / or gets filled up.
Two complete sets of oral lines following the above formula, one set for when her head isn't grabbed and one set for when her head is grabbed. (Aka, whether SD chan or her partner are driving the action)
She can orgasm when she hits max arousal while getting fucked. This resets her arousal to 0. In another dialogue, it would be sensible to set back to 50 instead (so she doesn't have to warm up more than once), but I wanted the player to have the chance to see all the low arousal dialogue since there are variants for each XP stage.
12 partners, each with their own names and bodies, that you cycle through twice (once for oral, once for fucking), with a unique intro / outro for both visits.
An endless orgy at the end, which you can skip directly to at the very start.
Notes and comments from me within the dialogue that explain how some of the systems function, in case someone wants to pick it apart and replicate some of the features here.
Trap / Trans version
An alternate version where the character is a trap / trans woman applying to an all women's cheer team. They're all extremely supportive, and are very eager to... make sure she gets the whole experience.
This dialogue requires the following mods to function:
AnimToolsv38, available here: link
With the following positions set up, all of which are included in v38 by default iirc:
The ATV documentation has all the info you need to set those positions up to be recognized by triggers in a neat way. The simple version: paste those position files into the loader's 'Settings' folder.
DialogueActionsv4.09dev or newer, I recommend sby's fork which is available here: link
Older versions of DA will probably work, but if you want the cheerleaders appearance to actually change, you'll need 4.09dev5 at least.
Not required, but supported:
MakeHerCum with dialogue trigger, located here
Paired with the MakeHerCum patch for futa hers, so she can cum during her climax lines in the trap / trans version of the dialogue (if you can get it working): located here the default version uses [PUSSYDRIP] for this, which is baked into dialogueactions (iirc) so its only the trap version that requires this step for full functionality.
It also expects you to have defined a name for HER. So I recommend doing that if you don't want them referring to her as SD Chan or whatever default character you last picked.
Generic Template, all positions
A template that I made which is ATV compatible, all ready for easily writing lines for each position. I figured it might be useful for others, so decided to include this here
Loving Angel.txt
27.2 KB · Views: 1,258
27.2 KB · Views: 1,258
Loving Angel - ATV compatible.txt
44.7 KB · Views: 918
44.7 KB · Views: 918
Try 'n Cheer v1.0.txt
228 KB · Views: 314
228 KB · Views: 314
Try 'n Cheer v1.0 - trap version.txt
219.4 KB · Views: 181
219.4 KB · Views: 181
Generic template, all positions.txt
9.4 KB · Views: 169
9.4 KB · Views: 169
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