Street Fighter x Tekken (1 Viewer)


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
Nah it's not a matter of not being able to make one, I just don''t think most of them look good at 100 pixels tall is all. This one did when I cut and resized it, so I went with it. :P


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 26, 2011
Just bought this game and it's a blast. I've never played a Tekken game in my life and I'm def. falling hard for Julia.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
I did get this game on launch day. It's a good fighter despite Crapcom disc-locking content as DLC. I'm bad at this online, though, and the lag and annoying audio bugs certainly don't help. I haven't touched it in a while, though. I'm surprised by how much of a cutie Asuka is in this game. I never found her that cute in Tekken 6, but her big, beautiful eyes and nice bod in this game won me over. Plus, did anyone see Lili's DLC costume based of off Poison? It's pretty hot.


Seriously, Also, I get more of a Kitana vibe from Asuka's swap costume than I do Ibuki. It's probably thanks to the color.


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
Who is Ibuki's swap supposed to be? I get a Kitana feeling too, but I doubt they intended to be having people think of the competition's games somehow.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
Here's Ibuki's swap. It's Yoshimitsu.


It looks a lot like her original outfit, really, just with a big hat and some other details.


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
Then what's that in the first picture? Do they have more than one swap?

edit: Oh, that's Asuka! Duh. That was stupid.


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011


some guys like Steve Fox have attacks that are classed as projectiles but aren't traditional projectiles, so this works on them too.

Patching the game to 1.04 causes Rolento's knife meeting any attack of the projectile type to hard freeze. You have to reset the system.



Ryonani Teamster
Dec 20, 2011
Oh Crapcom. Not only is the bug a problem now, but sales of SFxT were actually lacking.

Capcom: sales of Street Fighter x Tekken "have fallen short of our plan" • News •

They blame what they call the "cannibalism" of fighting games, and that perhaps could be one reason, but it's really because of the disc-locked DLC fiasco. Their reputation is pretty bad right now, and this is clearly the result.

They're now saying that they're reconsidering disc-locked DLC in the future, but all that really means is that people will still have to pay for DLC that should have already been on the disc, instead now, people can't actually say it IS on the disc. Now people will have to download it all.


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
It will eliminate the complaints though, that is how people have been wording it... Capcom really isn't going to stop screwing people, they'll just screw them a different way.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
going to say a few things. all DLC (cept for RARE exceptions like the later DLC in SCV because of high sales) is made during the games production and is sometimes(not always) on the disc. The SCV dlc up until the newest stuff, on the disc, all the blazblue dlc for all versions, disc. This is because it is written and planned inside what is called a GDD which stands for Game Design Document it is basically a HUGE book written by the developers before production actually starts on the game. Somethings do get changed maybe a feature(not a large one) is added or maybe even a feature is taken away but all business and scheduling is in the document and sometimes adjusted by the company and has miles stones and how much time they have to do it. Also all DLC is in this document along with the pricing and release dates.

It honestly bugs me that most gamers who can look into this stuff don't know the industry at all but pretend they do. It honestly pisses me the hell off. It's even worse when they contradict themselves or hate when one company does one thing but is fine when the other does it.

However Capcom DID fuck up in one aspect for this game, the 360 not having the offline co-op. While not a big feature it was still advertised to have it and it did not! It should have had this feature OR consumers SHOULD have been informed that it did not have this feature before release. While it's not PS3 skyrim level bad it is still bad and they lost a grade in the Better Business Buereo(can't spell) as Bethesda deserves it's F Capcom deserved being knocked down to B for this one infarction. I still like them but I would be lying if I said they did not fuck up.

As for sales: the game still did well IMO but what they said is...half correct but not entirely. SFxT did suffer a little from other games coming out. SCV hit it down because fans wanted the game so they ran out and bought it, VF5 final is out on June 5th, P4 arena is due out this summer too, BlazBlue extended came out around SCV and SFxT, and september brings us BOTH Tekken Tag 2 and DOA 5 which are both HUGE fighting titles. So yeah a LOT of fighters are fighting for your dollars HOWEVER that was one of the two factors that affected sales imo. The other, the bad press. When the gem system was introduced it got a huge amount of flack saying it would be broken(the ones in the game normally are not but i heard some DLC ones were but I wouldn't know since I never bought any. I like the gems(honestly) but I have no intention to buy any new ones I got the buffs I need. And the last one was the on disc DLC which I already went over DLC as a whole and how it works.

FUCK this was long


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
Rolento should now be called Trollento

*freezes game with knife*

U mad, onlinefags?


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
pfft yeah that is pretty bad. I know next patch fixes it so i just won't play until june. which is fine been playing other things still horrible


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
If there IS a next patch. Even then who is to say Capcom won't fuck something else up? No faith in them at all anymore.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
because one fuck updoesn't change my view. If it did I would hate most companies including SNK

also there IS a next patch it is confirmed for I said


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 26, 2011
I'm having a lot of fun with this game. I appreciated its tutorial + trials modes, which went a long way to getting me into the overall swing of the game and gaining proficiency with certain characters. I never played SF4 so I figured I'd make up for it with this one, and the gems + launches + Pandora feature make everything pretty insane. I'm far from a diehard fighting game fan, but I love to play this one at the end of the day with a custom soundtrack of 90s hiphop on the Xbox360 playing. The costume/characters DLC really shouldn't be an issue for anyone with a steady paycheck.


If i might add my minor 2 cents as far as on disc dlc goes, if people really don't like it the simple yet easiest way to let capcom or any company know is to simply not buy it , heck lord knows there is a ton of dlc i haven't bought cuz 1 i felt the price was too much for how little u get , or 2 cuz i simply may not have liked the fact that X dlc was done way b4 release, and played a major part in the story yet stayed as dlc ( mass effect 3 is a big offender of this with the release date dlc), but i think gamers see a new element of their game that they like and cant help but want it and buy it , then later complain about how they were conned. On GameFAQs i swear every other post is complaining about on disc dlc, but yet they still buy it!. Some people say its cuz of the entitlement generation, I say its people not knowing how to just say no and not buy it.

on a side note capcom has said that it is "re-evaluating" its on disc dlc policy ( Capcom 'Re-evaluating' Its On-Disc DLC Policies - ) but has said don't expect this change if any change really, to come from any game that's coming out in the near future ( dragons dogma , etc)
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Ryonani Teamster
Feb 5, 2010
You are right ssdanku I don't buy DLC i don't like. The blazblue one I harp on about? I did not buy. But also as I said in my big ass post all DLC cept the rare exception is made during production. And I agree DLC that is important to the story is bad. Otherwise for me DLC is fine even if it is something I personally don't see value in(like buying a color in Arcana hearts 3 though I like the game or an outfit in a game that i don't like the look of.)

I should also note as I did before a TON of DLC is on the disc in games since WAY before SFxT and not by Capcom yet nobody batted in eye


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 24, 2011
People just hadn't hit their breaking point yet. That or the other companies hadn't held back 30% or more of the fucking game as "DLC". People have just finally had enough of the bullshit.


Ryonani Teamster
Mar 15, 2011
going to say a few things. all DLC (cept for RARE exceptions like the later DLC in SCV because of high sales) is made during the games production and is sometimes(not always) on the disc. The SCV dlc up until the newest stuff, on the disc, all the blazblue dlc for all versions, disc. This is because it is written and planned inside what is called a GDD which stands for Game Design Document it is basically a HUGE book written by the developers before production actually starts on the game. Somethings do get changed maybe a feature(not a large one) is added or maybe even a feature is taken away but all business and scheduling is in the document and sometimes adjusted by the company and has miles stones and how much time they have to do it. Also all DLC is in this document along with the pricing and release dates.

It honestly bugs me that most gamers who can look into this stuff don't know the industry at all but pretend they do. It honestly pisses me the hell off. It's even worse when they contradict themselves or hate when one company does one thing but is fine when the other does it.

While I understand how the GDD generally works, I sincerely believe ALL game studios-not just Capcom need to change how they go about writing one up. In this day and age, GDD's need to be more flexible and allow developers and marketeers alike to make drastic changes on the fly and preverbially 'suck dick' to combat bad press and internet hate. As much as Capcom would like to write off missing their sales target on oversaturation of the market, most people-haters and fans alike can see that bad press and rep is what's to blame for this. Now, this could've easily been fixed if capcom's developers were given the opportunity to completely scrap the gem system after it got a scathing from the internet. Unfortunately, we're here now, gems and all.

I know it sounds stupid, but this an age where an 'internet critic' getting colourfully angry on youtube can potentially cost your game hundreds of thousands in sales. Alot of stupid, angry people play video games. These people don't understand how and why things aren't done the way they want it done. Only that it isn't happening, they're not happy about it, and they won't hesitate to throw their blind hate all over the internet, where other like-minded people hop on their hatetrains, thus creating an unstoppable force devoid of logic and reason. And until game studios change how they go about making games to keep the stupid people happy, reps and sales will continue to suffer as a result.

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