Video Games Julia Chang - Trap (1 Viewer)


Vivacious Visitor
Aug 14, 2021
My first fic, so I hope everyone'll enjoy it.
I've been a long-time lurker here, ever since the ryonani days. I know that a recent fic was also uploaded with the same main characters, so I do hope readers won't find this too boring.

Julia Chang - Trap


Heaving a sigh of relief, Julia stepped out of the glitzy hotel into the humid summer night of Tokyo’s Shibuya district. The King of Iron Fist Tournament Gala was a necessary and compulsory evil for all Tekken finalists to attend, but she’d never been a fan of being in the spotlight, especially with all her upcoming opponents present, quietly evaluating everyone else.

Not a fan of being in the spotlight, really?…. the thought rang through her mind as a hint of a dry smile swept across Julia’s lips. The past year since the prior tournament had brought about interesting changes to her lifestyle.

The idea of live-streaming her pre-Tournament preliminary fights online was initially just to raise awareness regarding her efforts in re-foresting her tribe’s homeland in Arizona. Little did she know that her grace, beauty and fighting prowess would cause her videos and streams to explode with such popularity, and she was now a somewhat well-known internet celebrity.

Julia was still a fairly private person, and she oft-wondered if she’d made the right decision to broadcast her fights. Usually, she’d bury those thoughts with the fact that with every new fan she made online, one more person would know about the issues plaguing her home, and could potentially help her cause.

However, tonight’s gala dinner brought to the forefront again how ill-equipped she was to handle her newfound fame. She felt a little sick in the stomach remembering Ganryu mimicking her online persona. She made sure that Ganryu had a good look of her disgusted expression before ignoring him for the rest of the evening.

Even worse, Bryan Fury, whom she’d hardly had any prior interaction with, had walked behind her during one point in the evening and whispered under his breath “I’m going to enjoy breaking every bone in your face. Live.”

In any case, the ordeal was finally over, and she was eager to put some distance between herself and the Mishima Zaibatsu’s event. Stowing her tablet and glasses into her handbag, she turned in the direction of Shibuya’s sprawling multi-platformed train station, eager to return to her accommodation and prep for her fights set to begin in a week’s time.

She’d barely taken two steps, when a shriek behind Julia caused her stride to falter:

Ta-tasukete! Dorobou da!!” Julia had some very basic Japanese conversation lessons a few Tournaments prior in order to get around Japan, enough to know what a cry for help sounded like.

Before completing her turn towards the cry of distress, a figure dressed in a dark hoodie brushed past Julia and sprinted towards the less brightly-lit residential sections of the Shibuya area.

Julia’s keen eye noted the bright red handbag in the figure’s arms. She also took one look in the direction of the cry for help, quickly remembering the features of the lady wailing desperately. The dry smile on Julia’s pretty face spread a little wider in genuine pleasure as she thought about doing a good deed for the night, providing a positive closure to a rather dismal evening.

Julia took a deep breath. She lifted her toned legs one-by-one to break the heels off her glitzy footwear for better stability, and began sprinting after the hooded figure.

It was quite a sight. Despite being close to midnight, Shibuya was still fairly bustling and the sight of a hooded figure being chased by a pretty foreign lady in a tight-fitting, bright orange mini-dress stopped bystanders in their tracks. This good-looking lady was undoubtedly very fit, and was soon gaining on the desperately-fleeing thief.

The thief being nowhere near as fit as Julia, was starting to slow down even further. She’d hardly broken a sweat in this short sprint – years of training for the King of Iron Fist Tournament could attest to that. She knew that there would be no issue accomplishing her good deed for the night.

The thief ducked into a narrow alley between two mid-height residential apartment blocks, and Julia followed suit. The alley turned into a sharp perpendicular corner which broadened out into a pentagonal area bounded by 4 buildings. The thief made a beeline for the building at the furthest end, and threw himself into a door, which shut behind him immediately. Julia arrived at the door just a second after the door shut, and before she could grab the handle, a giant metallic crash rang out from behind her.

Startled, Julia turned around to see that a large metal fence, around 4-meters in height, had landed and blocked the only exit from this area – the alley through which she’d entered from. Floodlights from all 4 buildings and the fence suddenly lit up, momentarily blinding her and eliminating all shadows from the area. It took her a few seconds to recover from the glare, when she noticed that she wasn’t alone.

Standing at a corner, leaning against a wall and looking quite pleased with himself – hands folded across his chest and smirking – was the hulking figure of Craig Marduk.

Julia paused as she caught her breath. This was obviously a setup, but she actually had an official Tekken match lined up with Marduk the following week, so she was wondering what all this effort was for. Despite the bright lighting, the area was deathly quiet – the usual neon lights and sounds of Shibuya blocked off by the 4 buildings. Only the sound of Julia quietly catching her breath could be heard as she recovered from her brief run.

Eventually, Marduk broke his silence: “I didn’t think this would work – but I’m glad it did.”

Julia replied: “So you staged a petty theft to coerce me into an unsanctioned fight? You could’ve just requested for a sparring practice match prior to the Tournament, rather than go through all this effort.”

“Would you have agreed?”

“Maybe. Although now that this has happened, I don’t think I ever will.”

“Have you ever wondered, little one, about the popularity of your streams and videos?”

Julia paused for a moment, a little perplexed with the sudden change in topic. She had the exact thoughts earlier this evening during the gala, and was wondering how her own musings had migrated to Marduk’s mind, on top of the question’s relevancy to this elaborate charade.

“Does it matter? I’d rather know what your intentions are right now,” Julia retorted.

“Have you ever looked at the view counts and likes of your streamed videos?” Marduk continued, ignoring Julia’s question. “Have you drawn any analyses?”

Julia had not expected this line of questioning, and frankly was not planning to answer Marduk even if she did. She spent the ensuing silence evaluating the metallic fence between her and freedom, and figured that having successfully climbed rock walls without safety gear in the past, she’d have no difficulties climbing over the fence if it came to that.

“I’ll tell you what I know then, little streamer,” Marduk finally spoke into her silence. “Your top videos and streams, and your most liked ones, are of those whereby you lose, or get severely beaten. I’m sure you’ve noticed that.”

Julia’s cheeks burned as she remembered a training bout between her and King which went viral. Julia had an odd history with King, and whilst she would consider him a friend, King certainly didn’t act like one during friendly sparring matches. That particular video had received millions of views, and an unfortunately large number of lewd comments in the comments section, revelling in Julia’s anguish screams and moans as King mercilessly subjected her to his many grapples and throws.

“I personally don’t care about online trolls in general,” Julia finally retorted. “I’m sure they’re just a loud minority.”

“Who said anything about trolls?” Craig smirked. “I’m referring to your biggest fans. Loving fans who have actually bankrolled this entire operation…. and willing to watch this beatdown live.”

Julia paused for a moment. And adrenaline started to coarse through her body, causing her to breathe a little quicker as she belatedly noticed – around the floodlights, in multiple areas spread across the four buildings, and even on the metallic fence, multiple flashes of red were blinking at her – all signs of video cameras recording.

“You’re live-streaming this”? Julia gasped.

Marduk nodded wordlessly, a smirk still etched across his face.

“You’re pretty stupid, aren’t you?” Julia goaded. “Live-streaming a kidnap, trying to hold an unsanctioned fight, and if you hit me first, that would be aggravated assault. The video evidence will put you away for a long time here in Japan.”

“I admit – I’m not the best when it comes to understanding tech. But your passionate fans certainly do.”

Julia stared puzzledly at Marduk, not sure where he was going with this.

“Firstly, this very special occasion is only bankrolled by only a select few of your fanatical fans. They’ve set up the stream to be completely undetectable. I heard the words like ‘Dark Web’ being involved, but again, I’m no tech genius. They have told me it will be entirely safe, and there will be absolutely no trouble with the local authorities.”

“Its still videographic evidence, Marduk. Nothing recorded digitally ever disappears in cyberspace. I’m glad my ‘fans’ have thought this through. You lay a finger on me, its assault, and I’m allowed to fight my way out. And you’ll be put away behind bars.”

“I’m not too worried. I’ve been incarcerated before, and besides, I’ve been paid way too much for this job.” Marduk continued, “In fact, I was offered a rather large bonus if I could make this as long, drawn-out and painful as possible”.

Julia felt a tinge of fear trickle into her gut, and once again sized up the metallic fence blocking her from freedom. She wondered if she’d be fast enough to get over it before Marduk got to her.

Marduk, quietly watching Julia’s gaze, finally pushed himself off the wall he was leaning against, and started walking, or rather, stalking towards his target.

“I must admit, I have to thank you for the delicious outfit you showed up for the gala tonight. Arriving for this post-party event dressed like that already provided me an excellent bonus from your loving fans,” Marduk said lowly.

Marduk finally stopped, a meter’s gap between him and Julia. He looked at Julia, silently admiring her beautiful facial features. The low-neckline of her orange dress, barely concealing her bosom also distracted him a fair bit. The dress’s hemline, ending high above her knees, also did little to conceal Julia’s slender and toned legs.

Julia ignored his gaze. She was not unused to male opponents being distracted by her beauty, and assessed her would-be assailant. Marduk was a hulking brute not known for his speed or finesse. He had massive strength however, and also sported a nasty temper. From what Julia had heard about him, he was accused of rape in the past, but the charges were strangely dropped by the victim. Her best course of action would be to stun him momentarily before making a run for the fence.

“So. What would it be? Ladies first?” Marduk goaded. Spreading his arms wide. “Go ahead, take your best shot.”

“I’m not fighting you, Marduk. Or rather, I’m certainly not going to be the one to take the first shot. You hit me first, and you’ll be charged for assault. I’m not going to leave any video evidence that will work against me.”

“You’re pretty stupid, aren’t you?” Marduk laughed evilly, using Julia’s earlier words against her this time. “What makes you think you’ll be able to continue standing if I hit you first?”

Julia swallowed, noting painfully the full height difference between Marduk and herself. His entire upper-body was made almost entirely of muscle, and on the flipside, she was a rather petite fighter – a full head shorter than Marduk. Nonetheless, she had beaten opponents of his caliber before, and tried to ignore the discomforting fear threatening to engulf her gut.

“I’ve won against bigger opponents before,” Julia whispered quietly, almost to herself. Mentally bracing herself for the inevitable coming fight, she said louder, “I’m no pushover, Marduk. Spirits, give me str….”

Julia’s little prayer stopped rather abruptly as Marduk dashed forward and brought his face right up to hers, stopping just centimeters from her nose.

To her credit, Julia did not flinch or even step backwards, having expected Marduk to conduct a test of courage.

“You’re braver than I thought, little streamer,” Marduk breathed in her face. “I have to admit, I don’t think I’ve met any female fighter who wouldn’t flinch from this”.

Julia did not respond, and refused to be goaded. Her full attention was on Marduk’s body movements. Her fighter’s instincts roared at her that he was now ready to take his first shot, and she prepared herself to react.

Marduk took a step backwards away from Julia’s face, and slowly brought his massive right arm backwards.

Julia took a deep breath. This is it, she thought, letting her handbag fall off her shoulder and onto the ground in preparation for the coming fight.

With astonishing speed, Marduk brought his arm towards Julia’s face. Julia reacted immediately, bringing her arms up to parry. She was about to grab Marduk’s arm when she realized – his punch never connected.

Marduk’s fist was just centimeters in front of Julia’s eyes. And she uncomfortably realized that the size of his fist was fairly close to the size of her own head.

“I’ve been paid good money not to harm your pretty little face,” Marduk said from behind his fist. “Anywhere else is fair game.”

Before Julia could process his sentence, a tremendous, inconceivable and excruciating level of pain ran throughout her whole body. She let out a long moan, before succumbing to her knees:

“Aaaahhh…. Oooooohhh…..”

With Marduk’s right fist blocking most of Julia’s vision, she’d not been able to see Marduk bring his booted left foot up into a vicious low blow, under her mini-dress’s hemline and up to her unprotected crotch.

The level of pain was unimaginable. And nothing in her prior training had prepared for this underhanded and painful attack. As she slumped to her knees, landing on her ankles, her hands automatically covered her groin, belatedly offering some semblance of protection.

Julia’s eyes remained closed, unaware of her surroundings as her body shook uncontrollably from the inflicted pain. Her thoughts were a mess – all the prior mental preparations for the fight evaporating with this one hit.

Marduk waited. His orders were to drag this on for as long as possible. And he was sure Julia’s fans were now going through the multitude of camera angles set up around the makeshift battle area, watching Julia’s pained reaction to his low blow.

Thirty seconds later, with Julia’s painful moans finally receding to pants as she gasped for air, she finally managed to form some words:

“H… ho… how could y..?”

Before Julia could finish her question, Marduk grabbed her by her mini-dress’s thin shoulder straps, and hauled her to her feet. He then shoved her backwards, knocking her back onto the closed door the “thief” had disappeared into just minutes earlier.

As Julia tried to mount a semblance of a fighting stance whilst in her dazed and pained state, Marduk brought his massive right fist back once again, and buried it brutally in Julia’s abdomen.

“A…. aaaaahhhhh,” Julia moaned. Whatever lucid part of her mind now completely regretting her decision to allow Marduk to have made the first move.

Her slender legs once again gave out under her, and as she started to slide downwards against the door, Marduk reached over with his right arm.

He hooked his index finger down Julia’s cleavage, between her voluptuous chest breathing heavily and pressing tightly against her mini-dress. Using just his finger, Marduk pulled her up, preventing her from sliding downwards.

“Its only been two blows, little streamer”, Marduk said menacingly. “Its way too early for you to go sleep.”

With his finger hooking onto Julia’s dress’s neckline, holding her up against the door, Marduk used his right foot to spread Julia’s right foot further to her right, and did the same with her left foot. As her legs were forcefully spread outwards by Marduk, the short hemline of Julia’s mini-dress rode further upwards, teasing the viewers of the livestream with glimpses of Julia’s undergarments.

Again, this was quite a sight to behold: the hulking figure of Marduk hovering over Julia’s limp body; her chest being held upwards by Marduk’s right finger hooked on her dress's neckline, rising and falling rapidly as she fought for breath; Julia’s head leaning backwards against the door as she fought for mental clarity, her eyes closed in a painful wince; her legs spread outwards against her will, desperately fighting to support the beautiful fighter’s weight; her tight-fitting dress's hemline riding higher as a result of the pose.

The viewers of this livestream were definitely getting their monies’ worth.

Marduk held this for a good ten seconds, enough for the cameras to get multiple angles of this humiliating pose of the once-confident beautiful fighter. He also started to feel through his right finger that Julia was to starting to recover as her deep breaths were becoming less laboured.

Not wanting Julia to recover too much, Marduk brought his right leg back and thrust his knee upwards, pulverizing Julia again in her vulnerable and already-sore groin.

“Uh…Uuuuuuhhhhhh…” Julia moaned loudly.

The force of Marduk’s knee lifted the poor Arizonian fighter off her feet slightly. As she dropped back from the low blow, her legs buckled for the third time that evening. Marduk relinquished his finger’s hook from Julia’s neckline and lightly shoved her heaving chest. The door behind Julia vibrated lightly as her back landed gently against it.

With her hands uselessly covering her crotch again, Julia slid down with her back against the door, once again landing on her ankles as her knees folded under her against her will. Her breath came in quick yet heavy huffs, occasionally moaning uncontrollably as she fought the pain shooting up her nether regions and towards the rest of her body.

Marduk took three steps back away from the fallen fighter, once again allowing Julia’s viewers a range of unblocked camera angles to relish in her agony. Marduk knew, after all, that the star of this livestream was definitely Julia, and he was paid handsomely to do his part.

Looking down at Julia’s beautiful yet tragically-pained face, a past memory resurfaced in his mind. Marduk had defeated Anna Williams in a Tournament battle previously, and despite the organizers’ protests, had picked up her beaten body and brought her back to his accommodation. That evening was a highly memorable one, even more so when Anna regained consciousness on his bed, and declared that it was her plan all along to lose the battle against him. That night was perhaps one of his most enjoyable nights he’d ever had in his life.

Looking at Julia now, he was sorely tempted to re-live the same event again with her. Julia was fitter, prettier and younger than Anna. She had a beauty that shone through naturally, rather than Anna’s elaborate and self-constructed seductress appearance. Furthermore, the dress Julia had chosen to wear tonight at the gala was testing Marduk’s self-control to his absolute limits.

However, he had already been paid way too much, and had to abide by very strict rules imposed by the event’s organisers. Julia’s fans, whilst keen to see her beaten, were very adamant about what Marduk could do after the match, given his past history. Besides, he was at their mercy with all the video evidence, and he didn’t want to add an even worse charge to the list if the night’s video did somehow leak.

As Marduk took another step back to admire his downed opponent, his booted foot landed on Julia’s handbag which she’d dropped at the start of the battle. Seeing as his opponent was in no position to fight at the moment, curiosity got the better of him and he opened Julia’s handbag to fish through its contents. He took out Julia’s glasses which he’d remembered her wearing during the gala event earlier in the evening. His amusement broadened when he realized that the spectacles didn’t even have any power in the lenses. Women, he thought, mentally rolling his eyes.

As he considered if Julia’s fans would appreciate spectacles on her beautiful face, he picked up Julia’s tablet from within her handbag. It was locked, naturally, but the lockscreen showed a photo of Julia together with her adoptive mother – Michelle. It was probably a recent photo, as Julia was wearing her signature checkered cardigan she’d used ever since she started her livestreaming career.

Admiring the two lovely ladies on the tablet, he hadn’t noticed that Julia was using this lull in the fight to regain her breath and energy. As her labored breath eased and the pain from the various blows started to reduce in intensity, her fighter’s instincts rose within her.

Julia was typically a calm person, and hardly got angry even in the heat of battle. Her adoptive mother had always taught her to rein in her emotions during battle for the mental clarity required to win fights. But this fight had incensed Julia, especially with the awful way Marduk had manhandled her. In addition to the underhanded and painful low blows, she was particularly infuriated with the way Marduk had roughly stuck his finger down her chest, and felt extremely violated.

With a burst of second wind, despite the pain almost threatening to overwhelm her, she quickly rose to her feet, dashed across the 3-meter distance to Marduk quickly, and brought the pointy-end of her broken heels up to Marduk’s groin.

It was the first time Julia ever dealt a low-blow, and she was partially embarrassed that it was livestreamed. Nonetheless, her mind did register that her footwear encountered a surprisingly hard resistance. And as her tablet that Marduk was holding dropped from his hands, she noticed that he was looking at the selfie she’d last taken with Michelle.

Gross, Julia thought. But with no time to waste, she bolted for the metallic fence, intent on climbing over and escaping before Marduk had time to recover. She’d expected him to be out for a few good seconds to make her escape.

As Marduk was looking at the tablet on Julia’s lockscreen, he was thinking (rather ironically) about Ganryu’s infatuation with both women. The two of them were certainly good looking, with Michelle looking much too young to be Julia’s real mother, but conceded that the aging Japanese sumo wrestler had good, if somewhat twisted, tastes.

It was around this moment when he felt a dull bump against his protected crotch. Unlike Julia, he’d arrived for the event very prepared and was just shocked with himself at his own lack of attention. He hadn’t expected the little streamer to recover so quickly and hadn’t anticipated a swift attack. Marduk dropped Julia’s tablet in preparation to tackle her to the ground, but without even looking up, Julia had swung around him and dashed for the metallic fence.

Perfect, Marduk grinned. It looked like he’d be getting even more bonuses this evening. He waited until Julia had climbed halfway up his 4-metre fence, and reached into his pocket.

600V of electrical supply ripped through Julia as Marduk maliciously activated his trap. Julia screamed in response, all hopes of escape eliminated from her brain as the pain took over her body, spasming uncontrollably as the electrical current flowed relentless through her body now seemingly stuck to the fence.

Marduk deactivated his trap, and watched as Julia fell from a height of about 3-meteres. She landed heavily, and arched her back – her body convulsing against her will from the effects of the electrical shock, as well as the impact from her fall.

Again, Marduk watched from a distance, allowing the cameras to record the star of the stream. Julia’s twitching and arching body, together with her pained moans and facial expressions, did remind him again of his night with Anna, but he clamped down on his urges. More still needed to be done with Julia, and truth be told, he was quite annoyed with himself for allowing her to land a hit on him.

After twenty seconds of watching Julia convulsing on the floor, giving the viewers ample time and angles to watch, he started walking over to her. She was still moaning and arching her back occasionally – the effects of the electrical fence and fall had not completely abated. Each time she moaned and arched her back, her full and tight chest would thrust towards the sky, giving Marduk a clear look down her cleavage as he walked closer.

Once again, he was sorely tempted as Julia lay helplessly on the ground near the electrified fence. Her body was obviously not acting on its own volition, and as Marduk mounted Julia’s body, she was still trying to arch her back and convulse. The movements Marduk felt from under him, together with Julia’s seductive mini-dress, threatened to overwhelm his urges once more, but he held back surprisingly. Its amazing what money can do, Marduk smiled inwardly.

After a few more minutes, Julia’s convulsions started to subside. Her moans had grown softer, although her breaths still came quick and fast – a sign of the pain caused during the evening.

Her eyelids started fluttering open, and Julia was looking at Marduk with pleading eyes. “Please…,” Julia breathed, “let... me... go...” The electrical fence had clearly taken the fight out of Julia. The once-confident native American fighter was already mentally defeated despite the short fight.

“I’m afraid not, little streamer,” Marduk replied. “The night is much too young, and I’ve been tasked to drag this on for as long possible. I’m also very upset that you’d managed to land a strike on me. It was futile, but still...”

Marduk raised his left hand, balled it into a fist, and brought it down towards Julia’s face. This time, Julia did flinch in alarm, and she brought up her arms to fend off the attack.

“You forget?” Marduk teased. “I’m not supposed to harm your pretty little face. Everywhere else? Fair game.”

Using his massive left hand, Marduk grabbed the wrists of both of Julia’s arms which she’d brought up to protect her face. She definitely had lost a lot of energy, and wasn’t putting up much of a resistance as Marduk pulled her arms further upward.

Using his free right hand, he started pummeling Julia’s ribcage. Each blow bringing a loud cry of pain from the young lady.

As the blows rained down on Julia’s ribcage, she tried to open her mouth to beg for Marduk to end this fight. But as he rhythmically bashed her sides, Julia’s mouth would instead open on its own accord, letting out anguished cries, moans and shrieks of agony. She was unable to form any words as Marduk continued his punishment on her.

This carried on for an eternity, and through the pain, Julia wished for unconsciousness to envelope her, so that she could no longer feel the blows being inflicted on her.

Eventually, the blows suddenly stopped. Pain still ran through her entire body, and Julia felt strangely paralysed and immobile. Nonetheless, she had enough energy to open her eyelids, only to see Marduk still mounted over her. She hadn’t noticed that Marduk had already let go of her arms, seeing that she wasn’t able to mount a basic defense at all.

“I know I’m repeating myself,” Marduk said lowly. “But you look ridiculously amazing in that outfit. I’m really regretting agreeing to the terms and conditions of this event. The tasks given to me once this event is over are way too strict.” Marduk sounded truly regretful.

“Regardless, I’m glad you’re still awake,” Marduk continued over Julia’s laboured breaths and gasps of air. “I’ve been tasked to do a few moves for bonuses. I’ve never done this before, but I’m pretty sure I’ll enjoy it.”

“Wha-?” Julia began. Her eyes bulged with panic as she saw Marduk lift both his hands overhead, tightly grasped together. The gigantic ball of muscle and bone came down with astonishing speed, and landed squarely on her sizable chest.

“Uh….aaaahhh,” Julia gasped. The feeling of pain and violation spread across her again, causing her to blush with embarrassment, as she fought for breath against the blow.

With her low-cut mini-dress and bright floodlights in this makeshift arena, the viewers of this special livestream were magnificently treated to multiple angles as Marduk mercilessly brought his two hands down on her ample bosom.


Each blow on the fighter’s well-proportioned chest elicited a gasp and groan of pain from the beautiful fighter on the ground. It wasn’t long before tears started falling from Julia’s pretty yet devastated face.

The cadence of these blows from Marduk were a lot slower than before however. And Julia was able to recover somewhat between blows to eke out some words:

“Please….,” “Beg….,” “You…,”

Marduk was not listening. He was acting purely as per the event’s organisers wishes, and continued his brutal assault on Julia’s well-endowed chest. Each blow resulting in cries of pain, fear and shame from the downed fighter.

Eventually, as with Marduk’s previous blows, they finally came to an abrupt stop. Julia, with tears falling down her cheeks now, was wondering if the night’s events were finally over. She was deeply afraid of Marduk at this juncture, especially since she’d heard of his previous tendencies. With the state Julia was in, she knew she was completely at Marduk’s mercy, which caused her to gasp uncontrollably in fear. Tears continued to stream down her beautiful yet beleaguered face.

“Hey,” Marduk said, in a surprisingly soothing voice. “I promise – I won’t do anything untoward to you. In fact, I think its time for you to go.”

Julia slowly opened her eyes, and noticed that Marduk was no longer mounted over her. In fact, he was walking over from the door the “thief” had run into, and was holding onto Julia’s handbag.

“Can’t… Move…,” Julia gasped. Her ribcage was undoubtedly broken, and she had no energy nor the ability to get up.

“Of course,” Marduk said, in a uncharacteristically sweet voice. “Let me help you up”.

Again, Marduk lifted Julia to a standing position by grabbing the straps of her mini-dress. She was completely oblivious to this however, with her vision fading in and out. The only thoughts going through her mind were the immense pain she was feeling, and getting out of this makeshift fighting arena as soon as possible.

Julia felt something cool against her back, and felt Marduk’s rough fingers let go of her dress’ straps. Her legs started to buckle under her immediately, unable to hold her weight. But Marduk once again hooked his right index finger down her cleavage to hold Julia up by her dress’ neckline. With his other hand, he grabbed the wrists of both of Julia’s arms which were dangling limply by the side and held them up.

With a suspicion that something was wrong, Julia’s eyes fluttered open again. She had no strength to lift her head to look upwards, but could feel that Marduk was doing something with her hands above her head. She could see downwards though, and her cheeks burned with shame again as she saw Marduk’s finger once again hooked down her chest.

Suddenly, Marduk’s finger abruptly let go of her neckline, and Julia saw his right hand move upwards to work with his other hand. She still lacked any energy to look upwards, but felt a restraint tighten across her wrists above her head.

“Thank you,” Marduk said suddenly.

Julia had no clue what he was saying, being in a state of semi-consciousness.

“Your handbag’s straps and detachable buckles have been ridiculously helpful.” Marduk carried on. “This might hurt a little, but it should be better than before. After all, you’ve already experienced this.”

Julia was still dazed and not quite comprehending, so Marduk continued to wait until she became more lucid.

“Can…. I… go?” Julia asked.

“Of course, you can. I did say it was time for you to go.” Marduk said evilly. “Assuming you can get out of this.”

With Marduk’s abrupt change in tone, Julia finally had enough strength to look upwards. She saw that her arms were binded together with her handbag’s detachable straps above her. Worryingly, she’d finally realized that the coolness at her back was actually the electrical fence, and Marduk had tied her wrists to it.

Her eyes snapped open with sudden shock at her predicament. “Please! Marduk! Please d…. nyyuuuuuuhhhh!!”

The rest of her pleas were once again drowned out with Julia’s shrieks of agony as Marduk activated the electrical fence. He kept it short however – Marduk had no intention of killing Julia, and he had to keep her conscious for as long as possible to appease the livestream’s viewers.

Despite switching off the fence, Julia’s body was still convulsing, and she continued moaning constantly. Her body held up only by the makeshift restraints high above her head. Each convulsion and spasm caused her ample bosom to bounce rather spectacularly within the tight constraints of her orange mini-dress, threatening to tempt Marduk’s self-restraint. He tried to calm and console himself – he’d already personally seen and felt a lot up-close when he was mounted over Julia earlier.

In any case, this was part of the event’s organisers’ requirements for additional bonuses. He did feel rather bored however, as he would be spending the next 10 minutes just pressing buttons.

To Julia’s credit, she never lost consciousness fully. She did however, continue to scream painfully into the night as the electrical fence continued to deliver voltage through her spasming body. After each brief shock, her body would go through a series of convulsions, and she would continue to moan for a while.

The cameras captured every single painful detail live. The defeated yet beautiful fighter spasming against her makeshift restraints, and trapped against her will. Every scream, moan and convulsion happily observed via varying camera angles only accessible by a small selection of Julia’s richest – and twisted – fans.

After Marduk delivered the final jolt through the electrical fence, he left Julia hanging from his makeshift restraints for a good 5 minutes, marveling not only at the fighter’s beauty and outfit, but also at her tenacity and training regime. The little streamer was still conscious – barely – and was continuously moaning and groaning as her body hung limply against the fence.

Sighing to himself, slightly disgruntled with his orders and the lack of difficulty in this fight, he walked slowly over to Julia.

She barely had any mental capacity to form words at this point. Julia was still hoping that unconsciousness would claim her, so that she could be free from the night’s ongoing anguish. The electrical torture had felt like it had lasted hours and with the injuries already inflicted on her, and she once again wished for the blackness to claim her. Doing so would liberate her from experiencing any more pain.

She felt, rather than saw – her own eyelids lacked any energy to open now – Marduk close to her. His breathing was slow and even, and it even sounded like he’d let out an annoyed sigh. She felt movement around her arms overhead and abruptly, they were let go from her restraints. Immediately, her legs under her started to give way.

Again, she felt his massive index finger slide down between her chest. This time, she lacked any energy whatsoever to feel any chagrin as Marduk once again held her upright using her dress’ neckline.

“You still awake, little streamer?” asked Marduk. With his left hand, Marduk gently pulled some of Julia’s curled hair backwards, which had become stuck to her cheeks due to her sweat and tears. He used the back of his hand to tap her cheeks lightly to eke a response from the besieged fighter.

Julia had no energy to respond. Her body continuing to spasm slightly, whilst her mouth unwillingly and periodically let out moans of pain.

Suddenly, her solar plexus erupted in extreme pain. The air from her fractured lungs came out in a gigantic woosh, and her eyelids shot open unwillingly. Marduk had evidently given her a sucker punch to wake her up.

Again, Julia regretted ever allowing him to take the first shot. The night might have ended differently had she not made that ill-fated choice. Julia’s devastated body fell limply forwards after the excruciating blow, with her body supported and draped along Marduk’s right arm. Before Julia’s eyes closed once again in pain, all she saw was the muscular hulk of the vicious fighter’s arm.

Marduk looked down at the moaning fighter. Her breath coming in shallow gasps and gulps as her tortured lungs worked to regain the air lost due to his vicious punch. Julia had fallen limply right on top of his arm, and her exquisite chest was heaving and stroking along his arm in tandem with her labored breaths and moans.

He sighed yet again, cursing the limited boundaries meted out by his paymasters. Julia was certainly a much better catch than Anna, especially in tonight’s outfit. But he was certainly not planning on reneging on his side of the deal, and pushed the temptations out of his mind for the umpteenth time that evening.

Marduk shook his arm lightly, and the lifeless form of Julia slid slowly off and landed with her back to the ground. Again, Marduk reached out to stroke Julia’s hair gently away from her cheeks, to better allow the livestreaming cameras to record the beautiful fighter’s pained facial expressions.

Her well-endowed chest continued to gyrate and heave rhythmically as Julia’s lungs worked to refill its recently-vacated capacity, straining against the tight neckline of her orange dress. On Julia’s face was an almost permanently-etched grimace, a sign of the long suffering she had endured that evening.

The evening was drawing to a close soon, and frankly, Marduk was now somewhat bored. With the amount in his bank balance, and the restrictions imposed on his behaviour, he was now itching to end Julia’s torment, and spend his ill-gotten gains in the various nightclubs at Kabuki-cho.

Nonetheless, his final feat for the night would be more palatable to the viewers if the star of the show was at least semi-conscious, so he continued to wait for Julia’s recovery.

On the cold, hard ground, every breath Julia took felt agonizing. The punch to her solar plexus, her crushed ribcage, all worked against her body’s efforts to replenish her oxygen supply. Nonetheless, through all the pain she’d endured, she knew that unconsciousness was now not too far away, and she mentally begged for it to come soon, having lost all energy to communicate verbally.

Oddly, Marduk didn’t seem to attack her any more, and Julia wondered if the night was well and truly over. Perhaps Marduk had finally completed his tasks, and hopefully someone would notice Julia’s beaten body in this makeshift arena, and call the local emergency services.

After several minutes, Julia’s breathing finally regained a semblance of normality. Each breath was still painful, and her body would not respond to any of her mental commands to move, but at least her mind was starting to clear somewhat.

Then she felt some movement at her legs, and felt two warm and large hands wrap around her ankles. With deliberate slowness, her legs were gently pulled apart from each other, and upwards.

With all the mental energy she could summon, Julia painfully forced her eyelids to open. She was dreading what her vision would provide. Whatever lucid thoughts she had screamed internally at the emergency of the situation, given Marduk’s history. Alas, she had no energy whatsoever to fight back, but at least hoped that her body would give out soon so that she could spend the rest of this disastrous night in unconsciousness.

Oddly, her vision showed Marduk just towering over her. He stood with his hands holding her ankles above the ground and slightly spread out. Crucially, the massive brute was still fully-clothed. Ironically, Julia was about to heave a sigh of relief, when her cheeks flooded with colour again as she noticed the pulsing red lights around the makeshift arena, silently blinking but visually reminding her that her current pose and undergarments were exposed to the few paying viewers of this livestream.

“The night is finally ending, little streamer”, Marduk said, sounding almost bored. “You only had one good shot at me this evening, so I’d like to return the favour.”

Marduk smirked, and waited. Julia’s thoughts were so jumbled, and it took her a long time before she could comprehend what the brute was saying.

The painfully slow-moving cogs in her brain finally clicked, and Julia’s eyes snapped further open.

“P… please… n….” Julia began.

Marduk jumped whilst still holding her ankles apart. He lifted his feet behind him, and let gravity drive his right kneecap down onto Julia’s exposed crotch.

“Aaaahhh…. Oooooohhh….” Julia moaned involuntarily. Her body convulsed and her head and upper body jerked upwards towards Marduk at the force of the blow.

However, Julia was already gone. Unconsciousness having finally claimed her as Marduk’s third low-blow of the evening finally granting the defeated fighter her wish. Her last conscious and fearful vision was the terrible sight of Marduk landing between her legs with his knee.


Marduk was good with his word. As the organisers of this event had requested, he’d gently left Julia’s beaten body at the door of an apartment, apparently owned by a local unlicensed doctor who had been bribed to keep quiet and to help Julia recuperate and recover from the ordeal.

Japan’s addresses in particular were a tricky mess for foreigners to understand and navigate, but a particularly helpful taxi driver had at least assured him in broken English that he was brought to the right apartment block.

Marduk bit his lip, once again tempted to revisit his night with Anna, using Julia as a replacement. He sighed, thought about the huge bump in his bank account’s balance, and gave up. Grabbing his smartphone, he took a photo of Julia slumped against the apartment door, still looking lovely in her orange mini-dress, with the unit number in sight.

Before leaving, he snapped a few more close-up photos of Julia. Her unconscious face, still beautiful despite the agony she’d experienced earlier, and the rest of her delicious body wrapped in the exquisite orange mini-dress, once again tempted Marduk.

But with restraint that surprised himself, Marduk knocked twice on the apartment door, and headed for the building’s exit. Attaching the photo of Julia and the apartment door, Marduk sent an email via his smartphone to the organisers of this livestream, with a reminder that he’d expected all bonuses to be paid out within the morning, and to send him the highlight reel as soon as possible.

Inside the apartment, upon hearing the two knocks on the door and departing footsteps, Ganryu shut his laptop and smiled.
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Asuka Kazama Ryona

Club Regular
Mar 25, 2018
That was an incredible fic! I loved it from start to finish, and I'm excited to read more fics from you! I especially liked your descriptions of Julia especially with respect to the positions she and her outfit got put into when she was getting beat. Great work, truly!


Vivacious Visitor
Aug 14, 2021
Thanks AKR! I really appreciate your feedback especially since I've enjoyed your well-written fics in the past. I actually think the Marduk in your recent fic was definitely more in-character than my portrayal of him.

I'm also really not great/familiar at writing and elaborating on fight moves, so it may be a while until my next fic. Thanks again for reading. =)


Vivacious Visitor
Aug 14, 2021
holy shit

Username checks out. =)
Jokes aside, thanks for reading. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Naice!! I loved the ending

Thanks! I'm still not sure how I feel about it. I liked the idea of Ganryu being a key player behind the scenes, but I also felt it was extremely out of (canon) character. I'm not sure how I'd ever pen a sequel, as I'd already shoehorned him into being an antagonist.


Swell Supporter
Apr 29, 2011
Username checks out. =)
Jokes aside, thanks for reading. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks! I'm still not sure how I feel about it. I liked the idea of Ganryu being a key player behind the scenes, but I also felt it was extremely out of (canon) character. I'm not sure how I'd ever pen a sequel, as I'd already shoehorned him into being an antagonist.
Honestly, Ganryu is already kind of dicey if you think about it! He got turned down by Michelle in the older Tekken games and now lusts after Julia who is strongly implied to be her adopted daughter! So he is pretty much simpin' for the whole family at this point :cool:

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