Hitman: Absolution (1 Viewer)


Swell Supporter
Jun 24, 2012
Strippers massacre at Vixen Club

WARNING: these videos may not be acceptable for everyone, because of the scenes with unmotivated deadly violence applied to a non-combatant, unarmed and self-defenseless in-game female characters. You should clearly consider it before downloading!

This pack features the following scenes:

part 1:

1. Busty stripper at backstage was garroted, beaten and multishot (3 clips)

2. Two strippers in front of the mirror on the first floor were multishot (10 versions)

3. Four strippers in front of the mirror on the 2nd floor: 1 garroted (1 clip), 1 necksnapped (1 clip), all 4 multishot (4 versions), all 4 shot by point shooting (8 versions)

part 2:

1. smoking stripper on the 1st floor shot (2 versions)

2. busty stripper was shot while performing a private dance for the club owner

3. bartender girl shot

4. Three strippers on stage: busty one garroted (1 clip), all 3 multishot (11 versions)

5. Carrying the dead body of stripper (illustrates natural tits bouncing capability - 2 short clips)

6. Cashier girl garroted (1 clip) and shot (1 clip)\

link to shared folder with clips:

2oneofone Thanx for positive feedback! BTW, are You that person who have published some Poser artworks on the Hitman theme at sexyamazons some times ago? If so, I guess I can assure You that some people are still in hope to see Your new works in the future! Though, it becomes harder and harder for Poser users to overdo modern games graphic abilities...=)
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Club Regular
Apr 9, 2012
2oneofone Thanx for positive feedback! BTW, are You that person who have published some Poser artworks on the Hitman theme at sexyamazons some times ago? If so, I guess I can assure You that some people are still in hope to see Your new works in the future! Though, it becomes harder and harder for Poser users to overdo modern games graphic abilities...=)

Hey! Yes! That is me! Haha! Man if I had time I would make poser works everyday, I am going to take a weekend soona nd pump out a ton of 3d stories ive been working on over the past 2 years, be rest assured!


Ryonani Teamster
Jun 28, 2010
Wow... you can stand on the dance floor gunpointing for a full minutes without getting the slightest panic from the crowd in this game?
My god! what have they done!
In previous Hitman, if you went around with guns, you'd get shot at, or people would run around...

Seriously, wtf!

(nice video btw!)


Swell Supporter
Jun 24, 2012
Wow... you can stand on the dance floor gunpointing for a full minutes without getting the slightest panic from the crowd in this game?...
Normally You can't do such a things in the game. I've just turned on invisibility mode with some cheating software called "trainer" =) Thats the easiest way to get close to the target and capture a variety of elimination scenes...

attack ON the Saints

"The Saints" - a squad of an elite killers, all young female, all wearing tight black leather, was sent to kill 47... That's what we all were waiting for at Hitman-5! =) Too bad there was not a big variety of weapons avaliable at this level... and not very large quantity of those lovely Saints (only 7). =)

This pack of clips features the following scenes:

1. Stealth killings - close silencing in back, garroting, neck stabbing, throat slitting (5 clips)

2. Stabbing in guts (3 versions)

3. Melee combat killing

4. Killed by iron hit in the face

5. Knife throwings (4 versions)

6. distant shooting (2 versions)

7. Shootings (13 versions)

8. Electrocuted & shot (3 versions)

9. Shotgunned (11 versions)

10. Machinegunned (3 versions)

link to shared folder with clips:
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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
Good kill videos!
Thank you for sharing, I don't have a game so I'm unable to see those babes in real actions.


Potential Patron
Nov 16, 2012
rumors theres groinshot within specific reaction on this game?anyone can confirmed?

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