Fic requests? (1 Viewer)


Ryonani Teamster
Jul 30, 2010
Give me a guy and girl character (no real people please) or two girls and tell me who you want to win. You get two specific requests per story in terms of say, where it takes place or what moves are used, the rest will be my perogative


Vivacious Visitor
May 1, 2019

One with long stong legs and colid calves while other with defined hard abs while being petite in size.
Winner is your choice.
They use lot of belly stretching and busting holds or moves. Bellypunching and Backbreaker. Petite one is more agile, but long legged have more muscle meat.


Avid Affiliate
Nov 23, 2020
Cute Asian girl who wrestles in college wants to try pro wrestling and first match is vs a Nia Jax type wrestler who dominated the 100 pound Asian girl leaving her a named and crying in middle of the ring as fans cheer.


Ryonani Teamster
Jul 30, 2010

One with long stong legs and colid calves while other with defined hard abs while being petite in size.
Winner is your choice.
They use lot of belly stretching and busting holds or moves. Bellypunching and Backbreaker. Petite one is more agile, but long legged have more muscle meat.
Top woman in purple (lets call her Sara) vs. bottom girl in black (lets call her Kayla).

Kayla was nimble, weaving through Sara’s punches and delivering quick strikes to her torso. Grunting from the blows, Sara powered through and managed to grab her opponent’s petite figure. She yanked on her hair and bent her backwards, dropping to one knee so Kayla was draped over it. She drove her elbow into Kayla’s tight stomach once, twice, three times.
“UNGH” the smaller fighter groaned. Her groan was cut off by a firm hand around her throat and another on her groin. Sara used her formidible upper body strength to press down on Kayla, bending her spine like a pool noodle.
“AUGHHH” she cried out in agony as the stretch reached its apex and a noticable crack was heard by the entire arena. Sara flipped her opponent off her knee and made her land on her stomach, stunned. Sara marched in a circle around the redhead waiting for her to recover. Kayla struggled to her feet and unleashed a high kick aimed at the taller woman’s jaw. Sara leaned back, Kayla’s heel barely missing her chin, and countered by throwing an elbow strike that clocked her good. Spit flew from the smaller fighter’s lips as her head turned 180 degrees, and the rest of her body followed.
“It’s ironic how strikers can’t take a hit,” Sara taunted as she approached the spun-around damsel and wrapped her arms around her torso. Kayla was shocked by the power of her opponent’s grip. A German suplex followed, slamming the slender warrior headfirst into the canvas. Dazed and defenseless, she was then dragged to her feet by her scarlet hair and thrown in the direction of the turnbuckle. She limply hung there, back to the corner and arms resting over the top ropes. Sara smirked and began working over Kayla’s torso. Belly punch after belly punch, THWACK, THWACK, THWACK. Each blow made the poor girl feel like her organs were being rearranged. Spittle flew from her face as she took the blows and grew more and more limp.
The ref started to intervene but Sara placed a claw-hand over his face and told him to wait a moment. As her opponent’s midriff started to bruise and she hung in the corner, defenseless, Sara showed her true might. Her long legs manuvered over the ropes and she got behind the turnbuckle. she wrapped a hand around Kayla’s neck and reached down with the other to wrap around her right thigh. She leaned back, stretching her opponent like a bow, using gravity to her advantage. Kayla began to tear up as her back was stretched out by her opponent’s own body weight. After about 30 seconds of agony, she begged for mercy and the ref ended the match. Sara allowed her to fall onto her stomach in the ring and lay there, humbled. The victorious, taller woman climbed the ropes and raised her fists in victory.


Ryonani Teamster
Jul 30, 2010
Cute Asian girl who wrestles in college wants to try pro wrestling and first match is vs a Nia Jax type wrestler who dominated the 100 pound Asian girl leaving her a named and crying in middle of the ring as fans cheer.

Akiko Sayama was a bubbly, athletic Japanese-American co-ed about 22 y/o. She was a volleyball player, sometimes-boxer, and had even ran track in high school. However her real passion was pro-wrestling. Her father, ring name Cheetah Kano, was a renowned wrestler back in his youth in Japan, and had even won the championship belt at one point in his career. In the ring, she wore a cute two-piece cheetah-print costume inspired by her dad that showed off her tight body and toned legs that were adorned with white lace-up boots.
She had signed up for an exhibition match in her new college town’s prostyle league, versus a mystery opponent.
The announcer welcomed her to the ring as the crowd cheered, all 5 ft. 4 and 100lbs of her bouncy and lively, her firm B-cups perky in her top. She flashed a cute smile and blew a kiss to the audience, bouncing on her heels in the corner.
Her mouth opened in an O as she gazed across the arena and saw her opponent approach. 33 y/o and 5 ft. 10, maybe 11, nearly 200lbs, curvy and busty with curly blonde hair contained by a red bandana. The sharp-featured white woman wore an American flag one-piece spandex suit with a window cut out for her cleavage, with matching wrist braces and black boots.
The announcer introduced her as “General Gina” as she slid under the ropes into her corner, her big ass grazing the bottom one.
Akiko was a little concerned abt the size difference but she was confident in her abilities and knew if she believed in herself she would make her father proud today. The bell rang and the match began.
The mismatched opponents circled one another arms wide. Gina broke the silence as they glared at eachother.
“Sayama, I recognize that name. Cheetah Kano was your dad, right? I loved watching him fight as a young girl. I wonder if you have even a shred of his ability and technique.”
Akiko shot her a look of steely determination.
“I’m going to show you what the Sayama family is made o-“
Akiko’s reply was cut short by a vicious karate chop to her throat.
“GURGGhh” she gagged as she clutched her neck with both hands. The crowd let out a boo as the General’s dirty move stunned the Japanese girl. Placing her own hands on top of Akiko’s, Gina squeezed tight and lifted her into the air as she fought for breath with two pairs of hands around her windpipe. Gina grinned as she dropped to one knee and brought the slender co-ed down crotch-first onto it.
“UNHH!” Akiko cried out as Gina rose back
up and looked down at her opponent who was now clutching her groin. The General’s large mitts grabbed the sides of the girl’s head and dragged her to her feet. She brought a closed fist down like a gavel on the top of Akiko’s skull, THOK! forcing her to bend forward. She positioned her thick thighs around the girl’s head and guided her arms behind her back. A tight squeeze of her legs later, she kicked them out from underneath herself and brought Akiko down with her, facefirst into the mat.
Gina released her opponent’s arms and let them splay out as she lay still on her stomach. Akiko was dizzied and confused, and rolled over onto her side as Gina rose and pranced around the ring collecting cheers from the audience, shaking her big tits and sticking out her tongue.
Akiko’s pride was arguably more hurt than her body as she attempted to regain composure. She managed to stand up and tried to run at her American opponent with a clothesline to turn the tide. Gina caught her mid-sprint and wrapped her buff arms around her little waist. Stomach to stomach she put her in a brutal bearhug.
“GAHHHH!!!” Akiko’s pretty face contorted and she threw her head back yelling as Gina squeezed.
“I thought the offspring of the great Cheetah Kano would be a more formidable opponent. Guess his fighting spirit didn’t get passed down,” Gina remarked as Akiko struggled. The General could’ve finished her there but she chose to let her drop to her knees and cackled. Akiko’s perky tits bounced as her legs hit the canvas and her arms hung at her sides, her spine white-hot with pain. Her glistening, fit body was defenseless as Gina humiliated her to great laughter from the arena by placing a hand behind her head and pelvic-thrusting into her.
Akiko was on the verge of tears. She felt as if she had let her family’s legacy down and couldn’t believe how poorly she was performing in her debut match. These thoughts were chased out of her head by Gina’s announcement to her:
“Looks like you have some training to do before you deserve to wear your dad’s colors, nepo. Remind me, what was your daddy’s finishing move? Oh wait, I think I remember!”
Panic flashed across Akiko’s face. Her heart sank into her stomach. She couldn’t lose to someone stealing and disgracing her father’s finisher! She had to fight back, she needed to gain control of the ma-
Suddenly, Gina’s knee rocketed into her face with a sickening KRAK! Akiko’s brown eyes went crossed and she began to fall forwards. Her opponent graciously caught her and easily manuvered her upside down, arms around the small of Akiko’s back, just above her cute ass, the helpless young lady’s face almost buried in her stars and stripes crotch.
“Please, just pin me, don-don’t win this way I beg of you,” she said muffled by spandexed groin.
“I love when my prey pleads for mercy,” Gina said with a grin. “You don’t deserve to wear the great Kano’s colors. But you do deserve this: WILDCAT PILEDRIVER!!!”
With that pronouncement, Gina dropped to her knees, drilling the outmatched Japanese girl skullfirst into the mat. The impact meant lights out for the co-ed combatant. Her final thoughts before blackness overtook her was her shame and humiliation. Finished by her own father’s special move…pathetic.


Ryonani Teamster
Jul 30, 2010
Cammy vs Tracer and make it end in a draw
The World Warrior in her green leotard with her fat ass hanging out put up her red gauntlets and tossed her long blonde ponytail over her left shoulder. She was facing down another formidable opponent, Overwatch agent Tracer. Her skintight orange flight suit accentuated her slim build and tight buns.
“There’s still time to surrender,” Cammy tells her.
“It’s not very sporting of me to use these,” her fellow Englishwoman says as she tosses her blaster pistols aside. “I can clean your clock with just my mitts!”


Tracer dashes to Cammy’s left in a blink, punching her in the face. Cammy turns to face her but Tracer blinks back the way she came and nails her with a kidney shot. Cammy’s muscled arches in pain and with a final blink Tracer delivers a belly punch that bends her opponent’s body the opposite way.
Her blinks start recharging as Cammy retaliates with a high kick, Tracer weaves through it but a second mid kick connects with her midriff. “UAH!” she cried out as she’s knocked to the ground. Cammy rushes her down, mounts her and beats her face in with her gauntlets. After taking several hits, Tracer’s blinks recharge and she escapes out from under Cammy. She blinks above her and does a falling dive kick that hits Cammy’s chest and brings her to the ground.
“Unf!” Cammy grunts as she hits the dirt. Tracer stomps her torso right above her navel and blood flies out of the soldier’s mouth. K.O.!!!!
Tracer giggles and stands over her triumphant.


The combatants reset. Tracer blinks backwards to avoid Cammy’s kick and then forward to land a right hook. But her opponent anticipated this and delivers one of her own, SMAK! Tracer is stunned with stars floating around her head. Cammy combos the dazed pilot: uppercut, elbow strikes to the tits, belly punch belly punch knee to the chin! “WAHHHhh” Tracer screams as she falls on her ass. She blinks in retreat, health bar low, flashing red. She tries a special move, a cartwheel kick, but Cammy dashes forward and delivers a bullet-like punch to Tracer’s ribcage as she’s mid-rotation. Tracer flops over with a moan and Cammy grabs her. She deftly peforms an over the shoulder throw that SMASHES Tracer onto the ground. K.O!!!! Cammy shows her ass to the camera and looks over her shoulder with a satisfied smirk.


Tracer blinks in the air again but Cammy is able to block her kick. After touching the ground, Tracer goes for a two-piece combo that smacks the green bimbo around. Cammy snap kicks her in the chin and punches her in the throat. Tracer blinks into her personal space and knees her rapidly in the abs. Cammy throws her again and follows up with an axe kick. Tracer blinks out of its path and lands a low blow. Cammy moans and bends forward. Tracer tries to elbow her head but she recovers and dodges. Tracer blinks backwards and plans to finish the fight with a blink-dash kick. She uses her last blink with her leg high and moves forward. She blinks through Cammy, causing critical damage and defeating Cammy. But on the way through her she got hit with a charged punch that reduces her health to 0. Both fighters fall to the ground simultaneously.



Avid Affiliate
Nov 23, 2020
Akiko Sayama was a bubbly, athletic Japanese-American co-ed about 22 y/o. She was a volleyball player, sometimes-boxer, and had even ran track in high school. However her real passion was pro-wrestling. Her father, ring name Cheetah Kano, was a renowned wrestler back in his youth in Japan, and had even won the championship belt at one point in his career. In the ring, she wore a cute two-piece cheetah-print costume inspired by her dad that showed off her tight body and toned legs that were adorned with white lace-up boots.
She had signed up for an exhibition match in her new college town’s prostyle league, versus a mystery opponent.
The announcer welcomed her to the ring as the crowd cheered, all 5 ft. 4 and 100lbs of her bouncy and lively, her firm B-cups perky in her top. She flashed a cute smile and blew a kiss to the audience, bouncing on her heels in the corner.
Her mouth opened in an O as she gazed across the arena and saw her opponent approach. 33 y/o and 5 ft. 10, maybe 11, nearly 200lbs, curvy and busty with curly blonde hair contained by a red bandana. The sharp-featured white woman wore an American flag one-piece spandex suit with a window cut out for her cleavage, with matching wrist braces and black boots.
The announcer introduced her as “General Gina” as she slid under the ropes into her corner, her big ass grazing the bottom one.
Akiko was a little concerned abt the size difference but she was confident in her abilities and knew if she believed in herself she would make her father proud today. The bell rang and the match began.
The mismatched opponents circled one another arms wide. Gina broke the silence as they glared at eachother.
“Sayama, I recognize that name. Cheetah Kano was your dad, right? I loved watching him fight as a young girl. I wonder if you have even a shred of his ability and technique.”
Akiko shot her a look of steely determination.
“I’m going to show you what the Sayama family is made o-“
Akiko’s reply was cut short by a vicious karate chop to her throat.
“GURGGhh” she gagged as she clutched her neck with both hands. The crowd let out a boo as the General’s dirty move stunned the Japanese girl. Placing her own hands on top of Akiko’s, Gina squeezed tight and lifted her into the air as she fought for breath with two pairs of hands around her windpipe. Gina grinned as she dropped to one knee and brought the slender co-ed down crotch-first onto it.
“UNHH!” Akiko cried out as Gina rose back
up and looked down at her opponent who was now clutching her groin. The General’s large mitts grabbed the sides of the girl’s head and dragged her to her feet. She brought a closed fist down like a gavel on the top of Akiko’s skull, THOK! forcing her to bend forward. She positioned her thick thighs around the girl’s head and guided her arms behind her back. A tight squeeze of her legs later, she kicked them out from underneath herself and brought Akiko down with her, facefirst into the mat.
Gina released her opponent’s arms and let them splay out as she lay still on her stomach. Akiko was dizzied and confused, and rolled over onto her side as Gina rose and pranced around the ring collecting cheers from the audience, shaking her big tits and sticking out her tongue.
Akiko’s pride was arguably more hurt than her body as she attempted to regain composure. She managed to stand up and tried to run at her American opponent with a clothesline to turn the tide. Gina caught her mid-sprint and wrapped her buff arms around her little waist. Stomach to stomach she put her in a brutal bearhug.
“GAHHHH!!!” Akiko’s pretty face contorted and she threw her head back yelling as Gina squeezed.
“I thought the offspring of the great Cheetah Kano would be a more formidable opponent. Guess his fighting spirit didn’t get passed down,” Gina remarked as Akiko struggled. The General could’ve finished her there but she chose to let her drop to her knees and cackled. Akiko’s perky tits bounced as her legs hit the canvas and her arms hung at her sides, her spine white-hot with pain. Her glistening, fit body was defenseless as Gina humiliated her to great laughter from the arena by placing a hand behind her head and pelvic-thrusting into her.
Akiko was on the verge of tears. She felt as if she had let her family’s legacy down and couldn’t believe how poorly she was performing in her debut match. These thoughts were chased out of her head by Gina’s announcement to her:
“Looks like you have some training to do before you deserve to wear your dad’s colors, nepo. Remind me, what was your daddy’s finishing move? Oh wait, I think I remember!”
Panic flashed across Akiko’s face. Her heart sank into her stomach. She couldn’t lose to someone stealing and disgracing her father’s finisher! She had to fight back, she needed to gain control of the ma-
Suddenly, Gina’s knee rocketed into her face with a sickening KRAK! Akiko’s brown eyes went crossed and she began to fall forwards. Her opponent graciously caught her and easily manuvered her upside down, arms around the small of Akiko’s back, just above her cute ass, the helpless young lady’s face almost buried in her stars and stripes crotch.
“Please, just pin me, don-don’t win this way I beg of you,” she said muffled by spandexed groin.
“I love when my prey pleads for mercy,” Gina said with a grin. “You don’t deserve to wear the great Kano’s colors. But you do deserve this: WILDCAT PILEDRIVER!!!”
With that pronouncement, Gina dropped to her knees, drilling the outmatched Japanese girl skullfirst into the mat. The impact meant lights out for the co-ed combatant. Her final thoughts before blackness overtook her was her shame and humiliation. Finished by her own father’s special move…pathetic.
Great job. Thanks


Dec 22, 2022
Nice stories! If you are still doing this I want to propose my favorite target for ryona. It's Cassie Cage against Terminator. I picked T800 as the opponent because I like the idea of Cassie going up against a merciless machine and losing bad. Please try and fit in as many stomach attacks as possible.


Ryonani Teamster
Jul 30, 2010
Nice stories! If you are still doing this I want to propose my favorite target for ryona. It's Cassie Cage against Terminator. I picked T800 as the opponent because I like the idea of Cassie going up against a merciless machine and losing bad. Please try and fit in as many stomach attacks as possible.

Cassie Cage blew a pink bubble with the gum in her mouth and casually popped it. Clad in her matte-gray tactical catsuit that adhered rigidly to her body and her blonde hair in a undercut and small bun, she stood across from a large man in a leather jacket and jeans, sunglasses obscuring his stoic, almost expressionless face.
“Target acquired, Jax,” she radioed to her commanding officer. “Hopefully this will be quick.”
The Special Forces soldier cartwheeled towards the silent opposition and upon completion fired off a high kick to his jaw. With unparalleled reaction time, he cocked his head to the right, avoiding her boot. His fist shot forward, connecting with Cassie’s face. She grunted and almost lost her footing.
“Damn, you got a mean straight jab,” she quipped as she rubbed her cheek. “Try mine out for size!”
The T-800’s infra-red targeting system anticipated the punch and weaved through it, stepping forwards and delivering a massive body shot with his right fist. THUK. Cage groaned as her knees buckled and she felt the blow deep in her stomach. Before she could retaliate, the android launched a high knee into her chin, making her eyes clench tight and sending her head snapping backwards. He comboed it with a swift uppercut as her chin rocked back into place. POW! The young soldier was lifted off the ground and fell on her side, stunned. She rolled out of the way nimbly as his motorcycle boot stamped down where her torso had been, and made it to her feet.
“I’m a little outclassed here, Jax, I could use backu- HRKKK!” Cassie’s plea for backup was cut short by a vicegrip around her slender neck as the Terminator laid into her midriff with his other fist: THOK, THOK, THOK, THOKTHOKTHOK. The last three punches were delivered rapidly. The wind knocked out of her athletic figure, Cage fell to her knees gasping, clutching her stomach, unable to call for assistance.
The machine scanned her and determined she was almost incapacitated. It approached her, bent forward and wrapped its arms around her svelte waist. Picking her up as she cried out, upside down, he finished the poor rookie with a devastating piledriver. The top of her blonde head struck the ground and she flopped over, unconcious.
“Cass? Cass!!” Jax shouted over her comms as the T-800 scanned her and determined her no longer a threat, leaving her in defeat.

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