The Powerpuff Girls is an American animated television series franchise that takes place in the fictional city of Townsville and stars the titular Powerpuff Girls, Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, who appear in the 1998 Powerpuff Girls series and the 2006 Powerpuff Girls Z series, as well as Bliss, who joins the trio beginning with the 2016 Powerpuff Girls series.
Secondary characters include Professor Utonium, the girls' father who created them in his lab; Mayor, the goodhearted but dimwitted mayor of Townsville who frequently calls the girls via hotline to ask for help to protect the city; Ms. Bellum, Mayor's secretary who acts as the voice of reason when he makes decisions; and Ms. Keane, the girls' kindergarten teacher at Pokey Oaks school. The series' villains include Mojo Jojo, a hyper-intelligent, megalomaniacal ape; HIM, a mysterious demonic being; Fuzzy Lumpkins, a Bigfoot-like hillbilly; Princess Morbucks, a wealthy, spoiled girl; and the Gangreen Gang, five green-skinned hoodlums.
Series creator Craig McCracken originally conceived the characters while attending the California Institute of the Arts in 1991. McCracken fleshed-out the premise as a short pilot called The Whoopass Girls in Whoopass Stew. After a name change and character redesigns, a new pilot, called "The Powerpuff Girls: Meat Fuzzy Lumkins", aired on Cartoon Network's World Premiere Toons animation showcase in 1995. High viewer approval ratings convinced the network to approve a full series, which premiered in 1998. After the original series ended in 2005, a reboot began airing in 2016.
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