
  1. Ring (no tux)

    Ring (no tux) 2016-06-29

    Ring without the tuxedo for him
  2. Lafiel Static Hair

    Lafiel Static Hair 1.0

    Static hairstyle for Lafiel (Ablïarsec Néïc Dubleuscr Bœrh Parhynr Lamhirh) in Banner of the Stars
  3. Aldra Static Hair

    Aldra Static Hair 1.0

    Static hairstyle for Aldra of Queen's Blade: Rebellion
  4. Dark Magician Girl Costume

    Dark Magician Girl Costume 1.0

    Sexy dress, boots, and jewelry worn by Dark Magician Girl of Yu-Gi-Oh!
  5. Olga Static Hair

    Olga Static Hair True Skin Color

    Static hair for dark elf queen Olga Discordia from Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru
  6. Sakuya (SAO) Static Hair

    Sakuya (SAO) Static Hair 1.0

    Static hair for Lady Sakuya of Sword Art Online (SAO) - ALfheim Online (ALO)
  7. Tharja Static Hair

    Tharja Static Hair 1.0

    Static hairstyle for Tharja of Fire Emblem: Awakening
  8. Celestine Static Hairstyle

    Celestine Static Hairstyle 1.0

    Static hair for Celestine (Seresutein) Lucullus from Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru
  9. Mozu Static Hairstyle

    Mozu Static Hairstyle 1.0

    Static hairstyle and goggles for Mozu (Frankie's girl) of One Piece
  10. Menace Costume

    Menace Costume 1.0

    Skimpy clothing and headdress worn by Menace of Queen's Blade
  11. Bar Earring

    Bar Earring 1.0

    Bar earring worn by SCLover's OC Kris-Chan
  12. Alicia Dynamic Hairstyle

    Alicia Dynamic Hairstyle 1.0

    Dynamic hair and headwear for Alicia Rue (Arisha Rū) of Sword Art Online
  13. Snow White Funeral Attire

    Snow White Funeral Attire 1.0

    Dark blouse, suit jacket, and skirt worn by Snow White of The Wolf Among Us
  14. Snow White Business Attire

    Snow White Business Attire 1.0

    Blouse, suit jacket, and skirt worn by Snow White of The Wolf Among Us
  15. Professor Juniper Static Hairstyle

    Professor Juniper Static Hairstyle 1.0

    Static hairstyle for Professor Juniper (Araragi) of Pokemon Black and White
  16. Nose Stud

    Nose Stud 1.0

    Small stud through the nostril
  17. Nose Ring

    Nose Ring 1.0

    Small ring through the nostril
  18. Septum Ring

    Septum Ring 1.0

    Small nose ring through the nasal septum (bull-ring pattern)
  19. Chikusodo Piercings

    Chikusodo Piercings 1.0

    Facial piercings worn by Chikusodo (Animal Path) of Naruto
  20. Sarah Earring

    Sarah Earring 1.0

    Bead earring worn by Sarah of Suikoden

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