Requesting the "Yamcha" hairstyle usable for your custom characters in DBXV 1 and 2, Dynamic preferred but static will do just fine. Animated saiyan tail would be neat too but I can't imagine that'd be done easily if at all. This is a "her" hair request just to be clear. Please and thank you.
Hello all. Not much to say here, but I recently read SyntaxTerror's backgrounds tutorial and have decided to try my hand at making them. I hope you all Enjoy.
P.S.: Here's the link to said tutorial: How to make a static PNG background
Disclaimer: None of these backgrounds are...
background request
everyday backgrounds
hotel transylvania
life is strange
star wars
staticstatic backgrounds
sword art online
I was hoping that someone would make static hair of Himiko Yumeno from Danganronpa V3
Here are some reference pics that I included -Himiko-
-It would be nice to have two versions
One with a hat and One without a hat, I would personally prefer her with the hat. Thank you for your time.
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