Finds everything fine but I just have white underwear. If you guys could help me fix this I would much appreciate it!
I had a similar issue when I just started modding it, was banging my head on a wall for 2 days with it.
Eventually I deleted the game.pak I had and re-downloaded it - worked like a charm.
Tim is there a chance you could explain me a way to get the dds files the same size like befor after some small edits?
I'm assuming you already know the basics, like how to open/edit the textures in Photoshop (or whatever you're using).
What you're missing is the fact that you have to export the textures using CryTIFF.
Crytek have already made a pretty detailed tutorial on it and even a utility that installs it for you.
First, download the
CryEngine SDK.
Extract/install it anywhere you like.
Install the CryTIFF plugin as described
- Open your texture (DO NOT load any MipMaps)
- Edit it however you like
- Ctrl-Shift-S
- Select "CryTIFPlugin (*.TIF;*.TIF)"
- Select destination and press "Save"
- An RC (ResourceCompiler) window will pop up
- Make sure the output format looks like
this (the text under the right image)
- "Generate Output"
- It will seem like nothing happened
- Close the window or press "Cancel"
- Photoshop will pop-up an error saying RC failed, ignore it, it didn't.
- There's now a shiny new, proper DDS texture at the destination you've selected :)
Note: This won't work properly on Human/Elf textures, those are a bit trickier - for those I had to
open the texture files with something like Notepad++ and just delete the last bytes from the file
(which I saved normally using Nvidia's DDS plugin) to match the original's size.
Wasn't bothered enough by it to figure out why they glitched out with CryTIFF, to be honest.
Hope this helps!