Archive & Game download (Check Here Before Requesting) (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Mar 12, 2011
Re: Import Master List (Check Here Before Requesting)

well this what should be done if people want it. you could make new swf folder for each show to have swf hair mods. since it would separate them from regular hair. or do what best for you since if do what people might want will take long time to make since will have to have separate fold for each folder name to have SWF hair mods.


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Feb 17, 2011
Re: Import Master List (Check Here Before Requesting)

Anonymous said:
Also, I still need someone's opinion on whether swf imports should go into their own folder, or should I sort them like all other hair imports?

imho you should just put them into the respective folder with all the other content.
It´s easier to find stuff that way, I wouldn´t even make new swf folders.


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Feb 16, 2011
Re: Import Master List (Check Here Before Requesting)

The way v2.3 works is there is a ZZZ_Mod_Loader and ZZZ_SWF_Imports folders. Each with their respective swf imports.

With Dynamic hairs, I understand sorting them like normal, which makes sense.

I even kind of understand accessories for specific characters. But then shouldn't that go with Accessories, since you could give that accessory to ANY character.

And then there are imports that don't have specific characters, like original content, so should that go in the OC folder?


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Feb 17, 2011
Re: Import Master List (Check Here Before Requesting)

Anonymous said:
I even kind of understand accessories for specific characters. But then shouldn't that go with Accessories, since you could give that accessory to ANY character.

Hmm, I didn't think of that.

Maybe just have the accessories twice, once with the character and once in the imports folder, those swf files are really small anyway.


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Feb 16, 2011
Re: Import Master List (Check Here Before Requesting)

Yes, but it is kind of unnecessary.

But then what about the accessories that are for no character in particular? Should I have an accessories folder just for swf files? or should I just keep them in their current ZZZ folder?


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Feb 17, 2011
Re: Import Master List (Check Here Before Requesting)

The current ZZZ folder would be fine, maybe with different folders for eyewear, collars, gags if the number of imports increases.

Whatever works best for you will be ok, I´m using your archive all the time searching for parts to vectorize and use in my own imports and never had a problem to find stuff.
My only improvement suggestion would be to rename the OC folder to ZZZ_OC (btw in archive v2.3 there are two folders with original content) and to have all the templates and zip-files of programs in another ZZZ folder, just because I´m using ViewIt (some imagebrowser) to scavenge the archive so it would be nice to have these things at the end (by alphabetical order).
Obviously this is just nitpicking, the archive is great as it is.


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Feb 16, 2011
Re: Import Master List (Check Here Before Requesting)

I already fixed that. The second one is spelled "Orginal Content" I believe, I misspelled.

I thought about that. I'll look into that. I think I may keep the sdt.swf/exe and modloader in the main folder though.

I may try to do that as well, doing the ZZZ_SWF and inside that have a different folder for different imports.

I may also keep duplicates like suggested earlier.


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Feb 16, 2011
Re: Import Master List (Check Here Before Requesting)

Currently working on releasing the next version of the archive. I'm trying to be quick. But I don't know how to sort these SWF imports.

Dynamic hairs are sorted like normal hairs (by series) in the SWF imports folder. Most accessories are sorted by their accessory type (Eyewear, collars, etc.) in the swf imports folder. Accessories for a specific character are sorted as stated before, PLUS there is a duplicate placed in the folder for the character (NOT in the swf imports folder). <-- Really not sure about that one. (Maybe I should sort like that, but inside the swf imports folder?, I was thinking keeping the accessories with the static hair because that would be what you would probably use it with.)

I figure it useless to sort by series for accessories, because they will likely be used with characters other than their original intent. Such as eyewear, because the static import will already have the glasses.

This may just be a long process of getting into a good place for swf imports.


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Feb 16, 2011
Re: Import Master List (Check Here Before Requesting)

Well, the things added in v3.0 would be the list from v2.3.1.txt But v3.0 is a new version because I completely reorganized the archive for swf importing.

I can however add the v#.#.1.txt file as Updates.txt but I don't see why you'd want that when you can just download the txt file from the site while you are downloading the archive.


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Feb 16, 2011
Re: Import Master List (Check Here Before Requesting)

I apologize, I was so tired and I have to go to the hospital so I forgot to post. New archive, v3.1 and such.

Third download location added at filesonic. Thanks to MODDOUCHE. lol jk ;)


Re: Import Master List (Check Here Before Requesting)

torridstoic said:
Would it be feasible/simple for you to keep a seperate txt file or a seperate section in the main one that lists the additions between versions? That seems like it would be useful for a number of people.

I very much second this! I and surely many other people only keep the hair imports we like, so a list that only lists the new additions between versions would save the trouble of wading through the entire downloadable archive every time a new version is released. Case in point, the list for the new V3.1 once again lists the entire collection...


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Feb 16, 2011
Re: Import Master List (Check Here Before Requesting)

v3.1.txt lists the entire archive. v3.0.1.txt lists all of the new additions in v3.1. It is a very simple concept. I've explained this earlier as well.


Avid Affiliate
Feb 16, 2011
Re: Import Master List (Check Here Before Requesting)

New archive v3.2 is out.

I'll explain this again, because people don't seem to understand. v3.1.1.txt contains the information of what has been added to v3.2


Content Creator
Jun 12, 2011
Re: Import Master List (Check Here Before Requesting)

Hey, Anon, I'm looking through /_Backgrounds and there are a couple of duplicates. Background(20).jpg is Background(1).jpg, and Background(36).jpg is Background(2).jpg. Also, Background(4).jpg is a thumbnail.


Avid Affiliate
Feb 16, 2011
Re: Import Master List (Check Here Before Requesting)

I've actually considered removing that folder entirely


Potential Patron
Jul 26, 2011
Re: Import Master List (Check Here Before Requesting)

for /r mydrive:\path\to\AnonymousArchive %%g in (*) do echo %%~nxg>>list.txt

This is to help you create a list. Just replace the path with yours, and save as a bat file.


Avid Affiliate
Feb 16, 2011
Re: Import Master List (Check Here Before Requesting)

You mean to suggest a method to create a list of files in the archive?

I use this

dir /s /b /a:-d "Anonymous Archive v#.#\*.*" > v#.#.txt

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