Assassin's Creed Series (1 Viewer)

  • Thread starter PhoDacBiet
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  • Watchers 9


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Also I want to point out that there is another playable female character in the main game in a surprising secret hidden arc in the game , if you want to be surprised and don't want to get spoiled then don't click on spoilers

during the middle of the game in about sequence 5 or 6 , you will see in the map that there is a secret portal that is available but the game didn't notify you about it and when you enter it you will be surprised that you get transferred into a totally new arc about the world war 1 with true open world gameplay and with its own collectibles and side quests along with the main missions unlike in unity where it was some scripted events in a narrow area and not only that , unlike unity where you played as arno in those sequences but in this one you play as lydia frey the granddaughter of Jacob frey , don't know yet if there is a new ryona in that arc but i will try to find out





Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Hey Boundy, not sure if you were still wondering about the Jack the Ripper DLC, but I finally got around to playing it myself.

Unfortunately, there isn't much new to be had here, from a ryona perspective. When you finally fight Jack himself, he seems to share the same finishing maneuvers of the cane wielding enemies even though he is wielding a knife. The only thing that sets him apart from other generic enemies is that he is able to counter your stun attacks. You need to sneak up on him to take him down. But he doesn't really have any special animations. He does have some nice taunts, though, for what it's worth.

There is one section where you have to fight these insane lunatics that use their bare hands to attack. They share the same kill animation with one of the fight club enemies. The nice thing here is that the screen doesn't turn black like it does during the fight club animation, so you actually get to see the ending of it, but it's not really much.

When you play as Jack, there are parts where you can kill random female civilians and he has these pretty elaborate "brutal kills" that are pretty nice. Wish he would use it against Evie when you fight him, but that is not the case.

There are these new missions where you need to save/protect prostitutes from their male clientele. They have this new animation where the male will grab the woman by the throat and they start making choking sounds. If you don't save them in time they will flop over dead (no special animation). It's kind of cool, but once again, I wish they could use this type of move on Evie.

Speaking of Evie, I kind of despise her character model in this DLC, lol. She is supposed to be 41, but she looks more like she is 65+. It's pretty strange. Also don't really like her outfit. Probably my least favorite outfit in the game.

Sorry to sound so negative. Just really disappointed in the enemies in this game. They really need to come up with some new stuff for future sequels. I am just hoping that we don't have to wait another decade to get another female main character. That would suck.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Thanks Rag :) , It was kind of expected that there won't be any new ryona in the new DLC knowing ubisoft and their laziness but we hoped for at least a thing or two :D

As for Evie looks then IMO it looks too natural for her for two things and i hope you discuss those with me :)

1-) she lives in the 19th century where there wasn't beauty centers or plastic surgeries available so the looks of her depends on nature and her lifestyle only and for example Lucy Thorne is 31 in the game yet she looks like she is in her 40's or 50's

2-) She isn't our usual eye candy playable female heroine , she is too normal in a way that you would appreciate , Despite being a light and humble character but she is more serious compared to other characters in the series , although she is naturally good looking but she isn't a Mrs.Universe like Elise or past AC heroines and her character is a normal human one not a whore assassin one and she didn't even use her charms or body to attract any of her enemies like Aveline or any normal female playable character in existence and her outfits aren't a revealing tight ones just normal ones , although for us ryona fans on papers her overall character sounds not too good to be enjoyed but if we looked from another side she is a great safe example if any gaming developer wished to make a female character that isn't just here for the looks , A natural good looking smart woman with confidence and occasional humor and normal characteristic with normal clothes , not saying that she is a great unique character ryona-wise and gaming-wise but she is the closest you can get for a safe female character that will sell and received positively

And to answer your question about whether ubisoft will make another game with a female main character then from what i read she got received positively from the players and reviews even if she isn't a legend in the series like Ezio or Altair but she is better than Arno and connor for example so that would encourage ubisoft to make another game soon with a playable female


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Hey Boundy,

Yeah, I was mainly referring to her older character model. I actually think her normal model looks great. She's probably one of my favorite female characters in a while, to be honest. I definitely get your point about how people would have aged more rapidly back then, especially with her dangerous lifestyle, but I just think they may have gone a bit too far in this case. But it isn't really that big of a deal.

Regarding the outfits, I actually really like some of her normal outfits. Revealing outfits aren't really my thing anyway, so I don't mind a fully clothed look. It was just the DLC outfit that I thought looked kind of dumb. She has some sort of tall sock/shin guard things tucked into elf-like shoes, lol. Just looked kind of silly to me, but I guess it's supposed to signify her time spent in India with their branch of the Brotherhood. Not a big deal.

And yeah, hopefully the positive feedback for Evie leads to more female main characters in the future. And I am really hoping for a return of the pvp multiplayer because I always got a bit of fun out of that. It was unlike anything else out there. Add to that some improved single player enemies (mechanically and narratively) and some better side content and I would be pretty satisfied.

Ubisoft just needs to give their devs some extra time to improve on their games. I am not sure if they are willing to do that, though. Here's hoping.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
2015 was the year of testing the waters from Major AAA companies for female playable characters , Call of duty Black Ops 3 got a female character , The Witcher 3 got playable sections with Ciri , Fifa 16 got female teams , AC Syndicate got Evie and another character i won't spoil , Life is Strange become a massive success reception wise and sales wise and it is nearly all about females , Metal Gear Solid V can be played from start to end with female characters so i have great hopes that the future will hold a lot of games with female characters

it is a shame that there is no restrain grab or a bearhug/reverse bearhug in the game like in the older games, even Aveline got a reverse bearhug in a vita game and it looked nice

For me the best ryona in this game and i know it isn't that famous but i liked when evie was hypnotized and put to sleep
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Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Yeah, agreed that we are definitely getting a larger volume of female main characters. I wonder if the backlash that Unity got actually played a hand in this.

Agreed that a nice place to start for AC would be to give some of the enemies grapples. One of the gang leaders is this female called the "Brawler", but instead of giving her some cool melee skills, she is just a generic knife wielder like everyone else in the game. They definitely need to take a team of guys and work on their enemies and combat system.

Ah, I remember that quest with the hypnotist that makes you do his bidding. That was pretty cool and at least was a little different from every other generic mission in the game. More curveballs like that would be nice in future games.

We will probably start hearing rumors about the new AC over the next few months. Wonder what it will be.

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
I haven't played the DLC yet but I picked up the game for a bit and wow, I think the latest patch introduced some whopper bugs into the game. Luckily these don't have much effect on ryona but it's kind of weird seeing particles frozen in midair and carriages causing major lag. It's a shame, the game had been pretty solid up to this point.

From early rumors it sounds like the new AC is going to be in India? The games are steadily approaching the modern day. I wonder what's going to happen when they get there? Will they just go back to history again, will they actually make it take place in modern day, or will that be when the series ends? Whatever they do I hope we do get some more female protagonists and a bigger variety of throw/grab/kill animations to enjoy.


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Hmm, so apparently the current rumor is that the next game will take place in Ancient Egypt starring a male protagonist. One of the other rumors is that they plan to do a trilogy starring this character, so that would kind of blow.

The leak originally came from 4chan, so obviously it should be taken with a grain of salt. However, an editor who works for Kotaku also said that he heard the same stuff from his own sources. So now most people think that this could actually be true. We will see, I guess.

On a positive note, part of the rumor is that it will skip 2016 and come out in 2017 and that it will be a complete revamp of the series. I think this is something that is desperately needed at this point. There was a time where AC games were a huge deal and people actually cared about them. But with so many AC games released in such a short amount of time, people are getting burned out on it.

Unfortunately, another part of the rumor says that it will not have any sort of multiplayer at all. I was hoping for a return of competitive MP, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen with this release.

But again, there is no guarantee that this is true yet. In some ways I hope it is, but in other ways I hope it's not.


Ryonani Teamster
Dec 11, 2009
much as real leaks do happen on 4chan, kotaku is far from reliable. they'll take any rumor that's gained some steam and try to pass it as a real thing for site hits. people have even went as far as to work as a group on /v/ to make up rumors just to see if stuff will actually gain traction, and if the post is coming from someone like hernandez or schreir then they probably know as much as you or i.

that said there were a couple of rainbow six devs posting there for a while before release and even a few deus ex guys way back so who knows.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
If they made the next assassin creed in Egypt then if they stick to the canon then they may make a female character for it , remember in Assassin Creed 2 one of the statues was for a egyptian female assassin but sadly i doubt that a non-japanese company would make a trilogy for a female character

But the good news is that if the leaker is true then one of the things he said is that ubisoft is too avaricious to make new assets and animation and they recycle whatever they have so the step they made by making a full animation for Evie may lead them to make other female games because they won't have to do a female animation from scratch again


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Yeah, I was thinking about those statues from one of the Ezio games. I just looked it up and it said Amunet was the female assassin and that she used an asp to kill Cleopatra VII. That would be kind of awesome.

Unfortunately, the guy who was leaking all this stuff specifically referred to the trilogy's main character as being a male. But who knows at this point if any of this stuff is real.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Yea , sadly i highly doubt a company like ubisoft will risk making a trilogy with a female lead , if ubisoft was a japanese company then i might believe


Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
So I got the game and played for a while, I've found a couple of spots full of female enemies and I've recordd some Ryona material...this is the video I've made, I'll probably create another one or two soon.



Master of this Domain
Mar 13, 2011
The underappreciated AC: Rogue has pretty fun stalker enemies:

They look a fair bit more feminine than the Syndicate female enemies. The slit skirts that allow you to see their panties are a plus - 18th century granny panties, but still.

I particularly like their "sitting on a bench while hiding" animation, which spreads their legs wide open. Also, their writhing animation on the ground if taken down with fists. They're supposed to curl up sideways so that you don't see too much, but certain fist takedowns leave them tits-up, just in the right position to be searched by the hero.

They also have quite suggestive taunts, talking up how handsome the main character is, and how happy they are that they're going to be the last thing this "boy" ever sees. Gonna write up a story some day.



Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
Rogue enemies are hot, but I also really like Syndicate enemies. Those pants are really thigh!


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
There is a Rumor that the New Assassin Creed game will feature a Dual Playable Characters , A man and a Woman just like what it was in Syndicate


Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
I only hope for some hot female enemies (barebelly? I can hope of that?) and some brutal unarmed finishers just like Syndicate!


Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
I watched some videos about Origins, but I haven't see female enemies. Any of you guys spotted female enemies?

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