Assassin's Creed Series (1 Viewer)

  • Thread starter PhoDacBiet
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  • Watchers 9


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Spoilers For Assassin's Creed Origins Started to Surface and it looks like there will be two female playable characters , One in the modern day setting and the other Called Aya which is Bayek's wife but as far as Spoilers went she is only playable in certain mission and it is yet to be seen whether we can play as her in the all missions or not


Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
I'm more interested in female enemies, but I've not seen them in the gameplay videos...


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
I played through the game recently and the ryona is a little disappointing to me. Audio is very integral to ryona for me and that is where this game's ryona fails miserably.

But anyway, for the modern day section, you have Layla as a new playable character. There is only one small part of the game where you encounter enemies as her and she can be attacked. However, none of the enemies have any special kill animations. They simply one shot you with a bow, even if you are in melee range. There are a few different animations on how Layla crumbles to the floor which are somewhat nice and then ragdoll takes over which can lead to some nice poses, but there is no death scream at all. She is completely silent, which ruins it for me personally.

As for the Animus sections, there are several instances where you are allowed to play as Aya. Some of them are just boat sections where you are never allowed to leave the ship which kind of sucks. But some allow you to roam around on foot and fight enemies. This is a bit better than the modern day section since all the enemies have kill animations. But once again, there is no real audio for the different deaths. There is this one where the enemy gets her onto her knees and slits her throat from behind, but she is completely silent during the whole thing. This basically kills most interest that I have in this game's ryona.

So if audio is not integral for you like it is for me, you might enjoy some of the ryona in this game. Some halfway decent motion captured kill animations that then transition into halfway decent ragdoll effects.

One other thing that sucks is that Bayek gets tons of different outfits, but Aya gets absolutely none. This will hopefully change if Aya gets her own future game at some point.

Oh, and for those wondering about female enemies, there are some in the game, but they are few and far between, only appearing during specific side quests. There are absolutely no female enemies during your normal open world exploration, unfortunately. They do make sounds at least, though, lol. Oh, and you can also kill random civilians, but you don't get any special animations that I recall when doing so.

Anyway, I liked the game overall. Ryona was meh, but the world was pretty impressive, though the side quests and random activities get a bit old after a while. And the last half of the story kind of sucked, to be honest. Wish they would bring back the competitive multiplayer to this series, but doesn't look like it's in the cards, unfortunately.

Either way, a female lead AC game seems like it's coming sooner rather than later. So this could be a good thing for ryona purposes. We'll see, I guess.


Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
Well this sucks...I loved Syndicate more for the Ryona content (the game was fun, but boring after some hours). I beated up so many female enemies in that game...can you beat up those female enemies, or can you only kill them with weapons? I'm not interested in the kills itself, I'm interested in the beatdown. Anyway, many thanks Rag40 for the info!


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
No problem, giugo.

Unfortunately, the female enemies were so few and far between I didn't get a lot of chances to test moves on them.

You can unequip your weapon and fight with your fists, but I don't recall there being a lot of extensive beatdown animations. Nothing even close to the fight club style animations from Syndicate, at least.

Actually, in general, Bayek only has two or three kill animations that I saw for each individual weapon types. I mainly used straight sword and curved sword and each of those only had 2 or 3 kill animations. Kind of a step down from previous games. Also, the kill animations only appear when you are finishing off the last enemy of an encounter. Otherwise they just go straight into ragdoll with no special kill animation involved.

I don't even have the game anymore to check these things out for you, unfortunately. The only video I took was of some Layla death scenes. I was so disappointed with the ryona elements I didn't even bother with anything else.

There still may be something of use for you in this game, though. But for me, the lack of audio on death is a 100% buzzkill for any ryona content.

Hopefully if Aya does get a game of her own the ryona will be a little better. And hopefully they add a few normal female enemies to the next game as well. Sucks that they reverted to the sausage fest of older games with Origins. Oh well.


Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
Yeah, audio is important for me too. Syndicate was amazing, too bad no girls were armed in fight club, but those multikill were great, and you can do them on girls only. Yeah, pretty disappointed for this game, sadly I can't find a good game with great Ryona content these days.


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Yeah, been awhile since a great ryona game came out. There is always something wrong that gets in the way or is not done as well as it could be. Either the audio sucks, the screen fades to black way too quickly, the screen distorts/turns colors messing up the entire scene, the ko/death animations blow, etc.

I can literally list every game I've played this year and what I thought was wrong regarding it's potential ryona, lol. Oh well, at least eventually MKXI will come out, but they will somehow screw that up as well.

By the way, here is a vid that shows off some of the Aya ryona. It's towards the latter half.

In particular, check out the fight at 20:00 and how it ends with her getting her throat slit. She should choke or something, instead she stays completely silent. They better improve this for the eventual sequel.


Swell Supporter
Oct 4, 2013
Yep, it pretty much kills all the Ryona content. Yeah, let's hope for MK XI. Well, I would be super happy if they bring the old MK Armageddon for PS4/Xbox One. So much potential, and I never played it. Hope Sareena will be included in the next chapter.

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
Thanks for the review, and damn that sucks. In the last game Evie had like a dozen different grunts and moans when she got her ass kicked and in this game there's nothing? Good thing I didn't crack and impulse buy.

Also looking at the video I'm not a big fan of how stiff the ragdolling looks.


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
I think Aya makes a few grunts here and there during combat when she gets hit, but she is completely silent during all death animations. And yeah, the ragdolls are pretty mediocre. For whatever reason, Unity still has the highest quality kill animations and ragdolls from the AC games. Unfortunate that Elise was not playable in that game, though. At least we got Evie in Syndicate, though.

And giugo, the next MK should be focused on the Netherrealm so if Sareena is not playable then someone at NRS needs to be slapped. And knowing NRS and how they choose characters for their rosters they probably will leave her out, lol.

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
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Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Ubisoft will release later that month a new tool called " Animus Control Panel " which give you a lot of customization to tweak your game experience , Thankfully one of the options is to change your character as seen in this screenshot


So that means it is nearly confirmed that we could play as Aya for the full game ( Unless by character they mean Bayek outfits ) , we even may get other female characters in the option

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
So the new AC is subtitled Odyssey for this year, it was leaked prior to E3 and teased by the official Twitter. Aside from it probably being set in Ancient Greece (the teaser showed a gladiator-looking fellow kicking another one off of a mountain) we don't know much yet, but I grabbed this quote from an article:

"The game will reportedly introduce some new features to the franchise, including dialogue options. Players will also reportedly have the option to select between a male or female protagonist."

Good start. We'll see where this goes...
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kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
Ubisoft press conference is over. Female protagonist confirmed, which (hopefully) means she'll be eating some brutal finishing moves. Plus it looks like you have some control over the outfit customization, so she doesn't have to be wearing a helmet all the time.

Unfortunately I can't say for sure if there are female enemies, but it's hinted that there are.

Here's the gameplay demo featuring Kassandra


Swell Supporter
Feb 22, 2013
Yeah, good stuff.

While it looks like most of the enemies are probably going to be male mooks there is a good chance that some storyline based enemies will be female. Especially because you will be able to alter storylines through dialogue choices and probably get into fights with female NPCs.

Also, there is apparently a bounty system where bounty hunters will come after you if your bounty goes too high. In the following Game Informer vid:

New Gameplay Today – Assassin’s Creed Odyssey - Game Informer

At about the 37:00 mark, there is a bounty hunter that appears to be female who Kassandra is fighting. Tough to confirm with them talking over the video, but I think some of the sounds coming from the enemy are of the female variety.

Oh, and while I love that they brought the full customization of Unity back, I am personally not a huge fan of the whole roman/greek legionnaire type of look that we will probably be stuck with. Sandals just aren't my thing, lol. So I am hoping for some different types of looks even if they wouldn't make sense for that time period.

But anyways, definitely looking forward to this.

kubi mage

Club Regular
Mar 10, 2015
The buzz for this game is surprisingly quiet considering it's supposed to be out in less than a month.

Still there is some good news:

This bit of gameplay footage confirms a "huntress village" exists in the game, and gives us a closeup of a huntress getting killed in the end.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
I saw some videos of the Mystical boss fights and it looks like to have some good ryona , Two of the mysticals can grab Kassandra by hand and smash her to the ground and Medusa can Petrify her

Didn't play the game to see the full ryona moves but that is what I gathered based on a video I saw for MYstical boss fights

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