Ayame's Mission (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Aug 20, 2013
I thought I'd write a story about Ayame for the Tenchu game series, since she's one of my favorite subjects for ryona.
I'm inexperienced at writing fiction and I've never written ryona material before, so feedack is welcome and encouraged. And thanks to all the great writers on here from whom I've gotten a lot of inspiration and ideas.

There are quite a few references to the games for those who've played the series, but you'll be fine if you haven't. Also, if you want to know what the characters looked like in the games, just to get a better visual, look them up on google images :)

"You sent for me my lord?" Ayame said as she went to one knee before Lord Ghoda.
"Yes Ayame. It seems we have new issues with an old adversary. We have gotten reports that Onikage has once again begun to stir up an uprising with a band of Tenrai's old minions. Some villages have been raided and barricades have been firebombed. I was hoping it wouldn't be an issue since he's nearly on his own it seems. But several bands of our forces haven't been heard from in a while, and I fear the worst."
"Why won't that sly bastard stay dead?" said Ayame "he's fallen to my blades more times than I can remember, yet he still keeps dragging himself back out of Hell..."

"Well it's a situation we are once again forced to handle. And Rikimaru has been very ill for the past week, so this issue unfortunately falls to you. But considering all you've triumphed over during your service, this should be nothing.

Do we know his exact whereabouts?" .
"He is most likely holed up in Yakawa castle, a small settlement about 20 kilometers west of the capitol. Just follow the main road about 18 kilometers and cut through the woods; the castle should be just beyond that".

"Be very careful Ayame. As you know he's crafty, and know doubt planning something ambitious. Take him out before he has a chance to enact whatever his plans are. Maybe this time will finally be the last. No one lives forever."
"I understand, my lord. I would be glad to put a sword through his black heart one last time..."

The bright, full moon shined above the trees and dewy grass, making a mix of shadow and sparkle as Ayame made her way to her target through the small forest. Just as she had all throughout her career, she wore all black and grey. From her shoes up to her half-shirt, and her hair pinned up in a bob on her head. This time however she wore an extra accessory: a black, cloth mask over her nose and mouth, which was tied neatly behind her neck. Made her feel a bit more comfortable on stealth missions.
She was in incredible physical shape, even for a ninja. Her skills and talent with her dual blades and various acrobatics were unparalleled throughout Japan. The only one known to be more skilled than her was her partner, Rikimaru, who defeated Lord Mei Oh all those years ago. And whom had a week before become ill with something that resulted in him being confined to a bed, barely conscious. No one knew exactly what was wrong, but he would get better. She didn't think about the alternative.

After a long walk she finally reached Yakawa castle. It was rather larger than she expected. With maybe 7-8 floors, and surrounded by many smaller huts and hovels; some destroyed or damaged, others intact with lanterns burning inside.
In front of the main entrance to the castle she could see a long, dojo-like hallway, with bright light glowing behind a paper, sliding door.

From her vantage point she could see quite a few patrols and sentries moving along routes and keeping watch on rooftops. It seemed everyone around was female. most with short kimonos, boots and cropped hair of various colours. All of them wielded swords, knives or daggers of some kind. A plan of action was needed.

"This ought to be all kinds of fun..." she thought to herself with a sarcastic half-smile behind her mask.

Craack went the kunoichi's neck as Ayame twisted her head around so forcefully her face was completely turned around backwards. She slumped down on the ground, dead. The only guard stationed outside the entrance. She quickly hid her in a nearby bush.
Ayame then quickly ran and leaped onto the roof of the little long dojo in front of the entrance. Pausing for a moment to check if anyone had noticed anything, before flipping through the door and into the castle.

The first several floors were just run of the mill evasion tactics. Ayame was making fast progress. Up the forth, fifth, six floor. The occasional bit of fun distracting guards with little bundles of poison rice, which have the strange effect of making anyone who tastes them immediately start projectile vomiting on the spot. It was quite a display.

Finally, after reaching the top of a set of stairs on the eighth floor, she came upon a large empty room, with a door on the far side that appeared to open to the roof of the castle.
As Ayame took a few cautious steps into the room, someone teleported into view opposite her. A woman in a white kimono with a red sash, and thick black hair held up by two chopsticks, and a sweet looking, somewhat innocent seeming face stood before her.

"You're pretty fun to watch y'know. Just so effortless how you move through our ranks like a shadow, and no one knows you're there. Except I totally do. Did from the moment you set foot in here. You're not as clever as you think. We really just keep these guards around to keep a semblance of professionalism. It's the only way Ghoda takes us as a serious threat."

"Kagura. You foolish girl. Last time we met was in that Buddhist temple, wasn't it? And Despite all your magical gimmicks you still barely held on to your life. Is that enough of a recount of the past to convince you to stand down or do I have to recreate history for you?"

"Dear Ayame. Still your snarky self-assured self. I don't care about last time, and I don't care about surrender. What I care about is making you dance! Hehe". With that she shot a stream of red energy balls straight for Ayame, who quickly flipped sideways to avoid them. "Close your bag of ninja tricks and open your mind to sheoo! the sheoo! possibilities sheoo! of magic! Three consecutive beams of energy shot toward Ayame, forcing her to perform more acrobatics.

After landing on her feet, Ayame quickly threw down a smoke bomb, obscuring the whole area from Kagura's view.

"smoke huh? So unoriginal. Why can't you be more fun like m- aah!" She spun around just in time to catch Ayame aiming for her back with a blade, and blocked it with an force field. "So you want a duel. A plain old duel. Fine then" She conjured up two short swords, identical to Ayame's except for a bit of a magical shimmer. "Well come on".

Ayame lunged for Kagura, locking blades with her, then exchanging a flurry of blows. They moved around the room, the occasional sparks flying from the clashing blades, neither gaining ground.

This continued for the next couple of minutes until Ayame got an idea. She used all her might and rammed Kagura, knocking her backwards and making her stumble. She then threw down a decoy scroll, and jumped up and crouched above on the rafters. At the same time an image that looked just like ayame ran out the door she came into, down the stairs.

"Oh come on Ayame. Don't run away. It's just getting good. I know you're trying to trick me somehow, and I'm not falling for it. I'm not chasing you. That's no fuu-uhhhhh... Kagura looked down to see an end of a short sword jutting out of her stomach. "H-how did you...?
"I have a bit of magic too Kagura".

Kagura fell to her knees. A bit of blood dripped out of her mouth. "You're g-good Ayame. Too good for me..."
"You're a good fighter Kagura. I didn't want to kill you, but you left me no choice"
"I....I know. I really don't c-care who lives and dies. It happens to all of us y'know. One thing I do know...." She smiled up at Ayame "is that this was fun...". With that she fell to the floor, lifeless.

Ayame headed through the opposite door and up another set of steps, which opened into a large rooftop area with a clear view of Ghoda castle in the distance framed with the full moon. At the edge of the roof top, right in the center, stood Onikage, looking off into the distance. Wearing just a pair of pants and boots, just like their other encounters.

"You really have a nasty habit of coming back from the grave, don't you Onikage?
"At least as long as it's necessary. You can't expect me to let my death interfere with my plans now can you? Onikage slowly turned to face Ayame across the way. "It's funny how we never seem to notice the most glaringly obvious things until they've smacked us in the face, isn't it? Like how this little uprising of mine just happened to coincide with our old pal Rikimaru's 'illness'. And like how incredibly easy it was to infiltrate this little castle here.

"You always were one for matters of ego. So I suppose now I'm to believe you planned all this so you won't have to look like a fool for having your plans foiled? Is that it? Honestly I don't have the patience. So will you please just step right up so I can send you back to Hell, yet again"

"This is so much larger in scope than you realize. I have people all over Japan. Moles, agents, ninjas, kunoichis. The list goes on. I don't need to stage an uprising. I don't need to rely on bands of vagabonds left over from Tenrai's reign. Think, ninja girl, think. How...does it all...fit together....
At that moment, a fire started at the edge of Ghoda castle, clearly seen from the Takawa roof. Then two more on the other side.

"Oh my god....what have you done?
"A simple decoy operation girlie. After Old Rikimaru was slipped his 'illness', all that was left was getting you away from the castle and...well here you are" He said with a subtle, half smile. "Now this is the current situation. It's ninja girlie versus demonic psycho from hell one more time. If you win, just maybe you can get back in time to save Ghoda, whom you inexplicably care so much about protecting. And if you lose, well....let's wait and see about that. Shall we? He beckons her toward him.

"I can't believe what you've done. And I can't believe I fell for it. But no more. This is it Onikage. I've killed you time and time again. This is the last time. This time I'll drop your head into Mount Fuji itself.

With that Ayame started toward Onikage. Both staring the other down while moving to attack. Ayame lunged with both blades, straight for his heart, and was quickly blocked by a raised leg. Onikage then went offensive, repeatedly kicking, jump kicking, twirl-kicking, all being parried by Ayame's interlocked swords. She new how he fought. She new his tricks. She could do this blind. She just had to focus.

They continued, exchanging blow after blow, while moving around the rooftop. Never stopping, never resting. Two mortal enemies in a battle for the ages.
One blow after another. None landing. "You know, one more thing"-more parried blows- "When we've fought before..."-Onikage suddenly let off a flurry of punches, driving them past Ayame's blades and into her stomach. One after another. Making her heave in pain and surprise, and finally get knocked to the ground-"I only ever used my legs". The subtle half smile returned. Come on now ninja girl. Show me your skills.

Ayame charged again, whipping around acrobatically with her blades, aiming straight at his midriff. Ooph! She was met with another blow to the stomach, and another , and another. Each causing her to gag and heave. One last blow sent her flying through the air and crashing into the far wall, her trusty blades falling out of her hands, one dropping over the edge of the roof.

"What will you do without one of your little trusty weapons ninja girl?"
"I....I don't need it. I will...will end you Onikage!" She charged him again...and was met with a third set of blows to her stomach, each more forceful than the last. Each making her feel like passing out.
After the last blow Ayame dropped her last sword, which was caught by Onikage, who then held it to her throat, while gripping her tightly.

"I win" He whispered in her ear.

Ayame couldn't think straight. She couldn't believe what was happening. Defeated? How. How is this really happening. How. She didn't even comprehend the implications of her situation. How could some stomach punches weaken her so much. She'd never felt such force before in her life.
"Y-You'll have to k-kill me. Go ahead. S-slit my throat. I'll die of honor.
"I'm afraid that's not how this will turn out, ninja girl.

Onikage let go of the sword, spun her around and began punching her square in the stomach, over and over. Time and time again. Ayame would have vomited a long time ago If she had eaten anything. Each punch feeling like the worst pain imaginable. He no doubt had super strength. The likes of which she'd never known, because like he said: He'd only used his legs.
She became barely able to stay conscious. Pain so severe, she wanted to beg him to stop. But she couldn't give in. Then all would be lost.

"All you have to do is submit and It'll punch all punch stop."
Ayame felt delirious. What he said kind of made sense, at least as an alternative to this hellish pain in her whole body. Anything is better then this. "I....I won't surren...surrender. no....no."

The punching continued. Over and over she felt it. Minute after minute went by as her resolveweakened to nothing.

Finally, predictably, she broke. "I...I...please stop. I give ...in. Onikage's half smile came back one more time as he ceased the punches, and let her fall unceremoniously to the floor. "I'll do a-a-anything....you want just...please...let me ....rest.

"And with those words my dear, all of your sense of honor as a ninja warrior, your loyalty to Lord Ghoda, and your respectability as a person, were vanquished. Now you're mine."

Ayame stayed sitting on the floor in front of Onikage, too tired to think about anything, but knowing at the same time that it was all over now.

Onikage moved behind her and untied her mask, letting it fall to the floor. He then took her fallen blade and cut her half shirt from her, along with her bra, exposing her. He then did the same to her pants and panties, along with her shoes. Leaving her totally naked. "Just one final touch..." he unclipped Ayame's hair, letting it fall messily around her head.

"Now Ayame, who's name now means nothing. You're mine. Body, Mind and Soul. The rest of your life will be spent as my slave girl. Doing what you're told, how you're told, when you're told. You have nothing. You are nothing"

"And to think, we were once proud arch rivals, battling through time together. But now my dear conquered ninja girlie, you have lost.

Onikage layed his slave girl down on the floor, and began using his new blade to tear strips out of her pants and half-shirt. He then used one of the strips to tie her ankles tightly together. And another to tie her wrists behind her back. Then a third strip to bring the ties together to form a hogtie.

He then took her panties and shoved them into her mouth,and tied them in with her own mask.

There she lay. Naked, hogtied, gagged, dishonored, defeated, humiliated beyond repair. The last thing she saw before losing consciousness, was Ghoda castle in the distance, with Rikimaru and Lord Ghoda inside, burning to the ground.
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Ryonani Teamster
Dec 1, 2010
I forgot to mention that there are some fans of Tenchu and Shinobido here.
And two of them (including me) are also a fans of enemy kunoichi. Maybe if you make another fiction, you can add them to fight and ryona Ayame or vice versa?


Potential Patron
Aug 20, 2013
Absolutely. I'll keep that in mind.

I'm a fan of Tenchu also; both as a game series, and for ryona. I don't know Shinobido. I'll have to check that out sometime.


Potential Patron
Mar 7, 2010
Woah, I can't believe that people still make and like Tenchu after all this times.
I did get the references, and loved Kunoichi a lot.
I hope to see more of this soon, there isn't enough Tenchu fiction and ryona around...

Deleted member 773

Potential Patron
Feb 11, 2013
Amazing story! I love how Onikage was denouncing her like that, telling her how she failed. I ESPECIALLY like how, even as he stripped her and bound her, you never hear any objection from Ayame


Potential Patron
Aug 20, 2013
@CuriousHyperGamer. I love Tenchu a lot. I'll probably keep it as a focus in the next story,

@pirate1466 Thansk a lot :) I've felt exactly like you do when I've read other stories, like sooperhero's excellent tale about Chun Li, for example. At the very end of the story, there should be no defiance, no snarky attitude, no rebellion. Just total defeat and complete, permanent subjugation, at least if I'm the target audience :p

The last bit is best read with this in the background: Tenchu Music - Battle with Onikage - YouTube :P

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