
Potential Patron
Jul 6, 2016
Installing Nude Mods:

First you will need to get:

Followed by:
EDIT by moderator.
The files partcutdesc.xml and parthidedesc.xml are needed.
However, the links to those files are broken, and AN69 AN69 has not logged in since May.

Along with any additional textures and edits you have.
(All of which I have uploaded here to attachments or linked to their source.)

Next, locate your Paz folder.
Should be something like:
C:/Program Files/Black Desert/PAZ/

Now extract
BDOToolkit.zip, Resorepless_v3.6f.zip, and Meta_Injector.zip into that paz folder.

After extracting, make sure to copy the
pad00000.meta and save it somewhere safe (i.e. desktop) as a backup.

Next run BDOToolkit as admin by right clicking and pressing “run as administrator”. It should be self explanatory, just press “1” then press “enter”, and it should launch Resorepless afterwards. If not, just right click Resorepless and run as administrator.

Now in Resorepless, you could go through the menus if you want to and choose whatever you want from the menus. Just make sure to turn on 3D vaginas.
Once you are done, just go back to the main menu and choose install.
(You shouldn't have to launch BDOToolkit or Resorepless ever again after this, unless you want to turn off or change something in Resorepless menus.)

~(Just remember running Resorepless again and editing things, will erase everything in files to patch. Causing you to need to reinstall all additional/custom files again with Meta_Injector)

After this is done, it should launch MetaInjector. If not, just right click it and run as administrator.
Place whatever ADDITIONAL/CUSTOM mods/textures/files in your PAZ NOW!

(ALL files start from here:
C:/Program Files/Black Desert/PAZ/files to patch/.resorepless/Character/
or go further in.)
Place the parcutdesc.xml and parthidedesc.xml files just inside /Character/
Place any
.dds texture files inside /Character/textures/
Place all
.pac models inside /Character/model/.../*
*(They should be named so just follow the folders and place them in the right folders.)

(example: pew_00_nude.pac would go in:

Once you are done placing all the custom files in the right folders, just press inject on Meta_Injector and make sure that you choose "Leave files sorted" instead of "sort for me"
That should be it.

(Mods last until patch day.)

During patch day you will need to replace your now modded pad00000.meta file with the clean one you saved previously.

Run the game and let it patch like normal.
~You may run into an "error" message about the .meta being messed up and needs to be deleted. Just press “ok” and then press the "scan files" button next to play/patch button.

(Don't worry, it's not going to "find the mods" but only check the damaged meta and re-download everything.)

After patching, BEFORE pressing play, resave the new updated pad00000.meta and launch Meta_Injector as admin, and then press inject.

That should work but in some cases, you may have to run all 3 again and redo everything.

In rare cases, like me, you may have to do the last .meta part EVERYTIME you close the game. (Meaning you have to launch Meta_Injector every time you start the game.)
I just tried running resorepless as an admin and it closes afterwards with no selections. Any ideas?


Potential Patron
Jul 16, 2017
Any idea how to fix clipping through clothes? Even showing on my male characters but I choose only female gender...


2D Artist
Dec 26, 2022
I've viewed several different threads and tried to piece things together but there is differing information everywhere including some of the applications mentioned in guides being outdated, and I'm not sure how to get around that as I am completely new to BDO modding... if anyone's generous enough to help, that would be much appreciated :)


Potential Patron
Jun 30, 2021
Does anyone happen to know the name of the new Salanar outfit parts for Maegu? I'd love to fix the clipping in the chest/legs, but I don't know the outfit name to add to partcut.


3D Artist
Oct 8, 2021
I have a question, can you explain what the parthidedesc.xml file does? I have never used it.
I would really love to know the same thing he is asking
1. how to add or remove part of an outfit from parthidedesc.xml ?
2. a list of codes with their respective updated clothing names ?

Please? :wat:
Last edited:


Potential Patron
Dec 9, 2023
Installing Nude Mods:

First you will need to get:

Followed by:
EDIT by moderator.
The files partcutdesc.xml and parthidedesc.xml are needed.
However, the links to those files are broken, and AN69 AN69 has not logged in since May.

Along with any additional textures and edits you have.
(All of which I have uploaded here to attachments or linked to their source.)

Next, locate your Paz folder.
Should be something like:
C:/Program Files/Black Desert/PAZ/

Now extract
BDOToolkit.zip, Resorepless_v3.6f.zip, and Meta_Injector.zip into that paz folder.

After extracting, make sure to copy the
pad00000.meta and save it somewhere safe (i.e. desktop) as a backup.

Next run BDOToolkit as admin by right clicking and pressing “run as administrator”. It should be self explanatory, just press “1” then press “enter”, and it should launch Resorepless afterwards. If not, just right click Resorepless and run as administrator.

Now in Resorepless, you could go through the menus if you want to and choose whatever you want from the menus. Just make sure to turn on 3D vaginas.
Once you are done, just go back to the main menu and choose install.
(You shouldn't have to launch BDOToolkit or Resorepless ever again after this, unless you want to turn off or change something in Resorepless menus.)

~(Just remember running Resorepless again and editing things, will erase everything in files to patch. Causing you to need to reinstall all additional/custom files again with Meta_Injector)

After this is done, it should launch MetaInjector. If not, just right click it and run as administrator.
Place whatever ADDITIONAL/CUSTOM mods/textures/files in your PAZ NOW!

(ALL files start from here:
C:/Program Files/Black Desert/PAZ/files to patch/.resorepless/Character/
or go further in.)
Place the parcutdesc.xml and parthidedesc.xml files just inside /Character/
Place any
.dds texture files inside /Character/textures/
Place all
.pac models inside /Character/model/.../*
*(They should be named so just follow the folders and place them in the right folders.)

(example: pew_00_nude.pac would go in:

Once you are done placing all the custom files in the right folders, just press inject on Meta_Injector and make sure that you choose "Leave files sorted" instead of "sort for me"
That should be it.

(Mods last until patch day.)

During patch day you will need to replace your now modded pad00000.meta file with the clean one you saved previously.

Run the game and let it patch like normal.
~You may run into an "error" message about the .meta being messed up and needs to be deleted. Just press “ok” and then press the "scan files" button next to play/patch button.

(Don't worry, it's not going to "find the mods" but only check the damaged meta and re-download everything.)

After patching, BEFORE pressing play, resave the new updated pad00000.meta and launch Meta_Injector as admin, and then press inject.

That should work but in some cases, you may have to run all 3 again and redo everything.

In rare cases, like me, you may have to do the last .meta part EVERYTIME you close the game. (Meaning you have to launch Meta_Injector every time you start the game.)
Hey it’s a very helpful guide but how to change armor part for example I want to take off the upper body armor and keep the lower body armor, I managed to do it but half of character’s upper body is just invisible. Is there something else I whould do like choose naked upper body textures instead of the armor ?


Jan 2, 2024
Would really like to know how to keep on all the clothes, only when underwear is toggled to show nude?!.. (obviously)


Swell Supporter
Apr 10, 2021
I've viewed several different threads and tried to piece things together but there is differing information everywhere including some of the applications mentioned in guides being outdated, and I'm not sure how to get around that as I am completely new to BDO modding... if anyone's generous enough to help, that would be much appreciated :)
Resorepless is outdated in the sense that it doesnt include the classes released after its last update. It is still a good starter point to get you started with modding and understanding how things work. There will be many more recent posts in that thread that are still valid.
The gamecommondata folder it will create to adjust character sliders (for the classes it supports) will still work but wont include all classes. It's best to download the most recent one (search for gamecommondata) to include all the classes. That folder is responsible for "crash on server selection" whern it's outdated.
Understand that resorepless will record the changes you select in the /.resorepless folder it will create. That folder gets recreated (its content erased) each time you run resorepless, so don't put your own files in that folder (like the instructions warn you about).
Create the folder structure (create a "/character" folder within /files_to_patch, etc.) to store your own mods and chose "keep the files" instead of "let the program decide" when you run meta injector to apply the mods.
Read up on the partcutgen tool to help you deal with the holes and clipping issues. There are posts containing the filenames of the outfits you're looking to fix (not all clothes).
I think there is also a video explaining the basics for modding BDO, the information should still be valid.
Remember that the game hasnt changed that much since its release. Most of the stuff you'll read will still be valid because they didnt rebuild the game from the ground up. Trial and error or more reading will help you weed out what doesnt work anymore (the old outfit names with a bunch of numbers for instance).
If you play on a server other than NA/EU, use the tool that bypasses the check preventing the mod from working. Additional steps will be required to "survive patch day" as well. every week, after each patch, you will have to reinstall the mods (if you dont want anything changed from your setup, just run meta injector AFTER it finished patching: launch the game, let it finish patching THEN run meta-injector)
When you come across a problem, start with a search in these forums (the looking glass icon on the top right corner will be your best friend). Every issue you can run into has already happened to someone and answers have been provided within these forums.

This should get you started :)
Have fun in your modding adventures :)


Potential Patron
Jun 16, 2024
Hello everyone, can someone help me or guide me with how to do all those stuff ? I mean i see which files to download etc but maybe do a walkthrough with me, even with discord call if possible, because i see lot of people have different issues (errors, crashes etc.), some say those files are outdated but others have newer ones, others claim that its not worth the risk because its a fuss to remove them after and much more that its confusing from someone who doesn't have a single idea about such stuff and doesn't want to mess things up. So i wanted to try it on another account first and not on my original to see how things will go with the nude mods (don't want to get perm. banned, thank you). I have found here various links from this site and since the posts are so many i am getting lost so i would really appreciate the help if anyone is willing, even with a gift if we can negotiate. Because i want to do it too with another friend and have fun, laugh etc. I appreciate the support & collaboration, of anyone willing to to help me ^.^

P.S. Here are the links:
1st - https://www.undertow.club/threads/black-desert-online-resorepless-nude-mod.9098/
2nd - https://www.undertow.club/threads/bdo-modding-for-beginners.16569/
3rd - https://www.loverslab.com/topic/60240-black-desert-online-nude-mod/
4th - https://www.undertow.club/threads/b...ask-about-armor-swapping-in-this-thread.8606/


Swell Supporter
Apr 10, 2021
Hello everyone, can someone help me or guide me with how to do all those stuff ? I mean i see which files to download etc but maybe do a walkthrough with me, even with discord call if possible, because i see lot of people have different issues (errors, crashes etc.), some say those files are outdated but others have newer ones, others claim that its not worth the risk because its a fuss to remove them after and much more that its confusing from someone who doesn't have a single idea about such stuff and doesn't want to mess things up. So i wanted to try it on another account first and not on my original to see how things will go with the nude mods (don't want to get perm. banned, thank you). I have found here various links from this site and since the posts are so many i am getting lost so i would really appreciate the help if anyone is willing, even with a gift if we can negotiate. Because i want to do it too with another friend and have fun, laugh etc. I appreciate the support & collaboration, of anyone willing to to help me ^.^

P.S. Here are the links:
1st - https://www.undertow.club/threads/black-desert-online-resorepless-nude-mod.9098/
2nd - https://www.undertow.club/threads/bdo-modding-for-beginners.16569/
3rd - https://www.loverslab.com/topic/60240-black-desert-online-nude-mod/
4th - https://www.undertow.club/threads/b...ask-about-armor-swapping-in-this-thread.8606/

To get you familiarized with the tools, you can also look at some vids: "Nicknero made a video explaining the mod installation (resorepless). Link: https://puu.sh/JuIL4.mp4".
If you dont play on NA/EU, you will need to read up on the bypass tool created by Undercovertpervert (I forgot what it was called since I dont use it). Extra steps may be necessary before launching the game to fool the anti cheat successfully (delete some files).

If you're worried about getting banned, use the magnifying glass icon on the top right to search for "BDO BAN" for instance and you will see lots of posts discussing the issue. In short: the mod alter what you see on your screen, to everyone else, your character looks according to what file they have on their computer (vanilla files for most, so vanilla, unmodded clothes and body). Just be smart about it and dont go posting modded pics on public channels like the beauty album or your character pic.

Follow the steps in this thread to install the necessary tools and library and dont worry about parthidedesc.html, the vanilla version does the job as well.
Make sure to follow the install instructions for each piece TO THE LETTER and you wont have any problem. The resorepless thread also has a lot of information about modding this game.
It can be daunting at first (like the game) but after you've spent some autofishing/cooking/pathing time reading different posts, you will become more familiar with everything and have a better understanding of how it all works.

Understand that every file you put in your /character folder (NOT the one within the .resorepless folder if you chose to use resorepless) will be replacing its vanilla counterpart (with exact same filename in the exact same folder) once you run Meta Injector. (The tool actually creates new .paz files after the vanilla ones and modifies the pad0 file to tell the game to look for ressources in the modded paz files. It's better described in the MetaInjector thread).
Make sure to pick "keep the folder structure" when you run MetaInjector, the automatic feature is no longer reliable.

If you want a quick start modded game, you can download Suzu's "BDO world" with all the mods she was using at the time (https://www.undertow.club/downloads/black-desert-online-nude-mods-for-meta-injector.7760/).
Just dump it all in your file_to_patch folder and run MetaInjector. It won't have all the classes but it will get you started and teach you about folder structure :)

Read up on "patch day" because you will need to reinstall the mod after each patch every week. Make sure to launch the game first to let it finish patching THEN run MetaInjector. Otherwise it wont recognize its vanilla pad0 file and will tell you it's corrupted and you will be reparing the game endlessly :p

If you run into problem, use the looking glass "search" icon at the top right corner and use keywords describing your issue. You WILL find posts adressing whatever problem you're having along with the solutions.

Clothes mods are scattered throughout different posts and threads, so you will have to read to find them. Very old posts will have modded clothes with their old names ( a string of numbers), those will no longer work unless you can find their new name to change the filenames I guess ?

PartcutGen doesnt seem to be available anymore, so you will have to read up on "fixing holes" to solve your individual issues if you use clothes not exactly like those in Suzu's World.

Good luck on your modding adventures :) Hope this helps making it a little bit clearer.


Potential Patron
Jun 16, 2024

To get you familiarized with the tools, you can also look at some vids: "Nicknero made a video explaining the mod installation (resorepless). Link: https://puu.sh/JuIL4.mp4".
If you dont play on NA/EU, you will need to read up on the bypass tool created by Undercovertpervert (I forgot what it was called since I dont use it). Extra steps may be necessary before launching the game to fool the anti cheat successfully (delete some files).

If you're worried about getting banned, use the magnifying glass icon on the top right to search for "BDO BAN" for instance and you will see lots of posts discussing the issue. In short: the mod alter what you see on your screen, to everyone else, your character looks according to what file they have on their computer (vanilla files for most, so vanilla, unmodded clothes and body). Just be smart about it and dont go posting modded pics on public channels like the beauty album or your character pic.

Follow the steps in this thread to install the necessary tools and library and dont worry about parthidedesc.html, the vanilla version does the job as well.
Make sure to follow the install instructions for each piece TO THE LETTER and you wont have any problem. The resorepless thread also has a lot of information about modding this game.
It can be daunting at first (like the game) but after you've spent some autofishing/cooking/pathing time reading different posts, you will become more familiar with everything and have a better understanding of how it all works.

Understand that every file you put in your /character folder (NOT the one within the .resorepless folder if you chose to use resorepless) will be replacing its vanilla counterpart (with exact same filename in the exact same folder) once you run Meta Injector. (The tool actually creates new .paz files after the vanilla ones and modifies the pad0 file to tell the game to look for ressources in the modded paz files. It's better described in the MetaInjector thread).
Make sure to pick "keep the folder structure" when you run MetaInjector, the automatic feature is no longer reliable.

If you want a quick start modded game, you can download Suzu's "BDO world" with all the mods she was using at the time (https://www.undertow.club/downloads/black-desert-online-nude-mods-for-meta-injector.7760/).
Just dump it all in your file_to_patch folder and run MetaInjector. It won't have all the classes but it will get you started and teach you about folder structure :)

Read up on "patch day" because you will need to reinstall the mod after each patch every week. Make sure to launch the game first to let it finish patching THEN run MetaInjector. Otherwise it wont recognize its vanilla pad0 file and will tell you it's corrupted and you will be reparing the game endlessly :p

If you run into problem, use the looking glass "search" icon at the top right corner and use keywords describing your issue. You WILL find posts adressing whatever problem you're having along with the solutions.

Clothes mods are scattered throughout different posts and threads, so you will have to read to find them. Very old posts will have modded clothes with their old names ( a string of numbers), those will no longer work unless you can find their new name to change the filenames I guess ?

PartcutGen doesnt seem to be available anymore, so you will have to read up on "fixing holes" to solve your individual issues if you use clothes not exactly like those in Suzu's World.

Good luck on your modding adventures :) Hope this helps making it a little bit clearer.
Thanks for the response and late reply, i am just busy with work and life. Well i don't know some of the stuff you said about folders, etc but does Suzu's has the witch, guardian, mystic, sorceress, etc class ? Also about the patching, so i cut the folder and take it out before every update and then after installing the update, i open once the game...close it and put the folder back to its place ? i know its kind of like that but on bdo i had help to learn the cooking etc stuff...so thats why i asked if someone willing to show me (i will do the work, but he/she will be the mentor-guide)


Swell Supporter
Apr 10, 2021
Thanks for the response and late reply, i am just busy with work and life. Well i don't know some of the stuff you said about folders, etc but does Suzu's has the witch, guardian, mystic, sorceress, etc class ? Also about the patching, so i cut the folder and take it out before every update and then after installing the update, i open once the game...close it and put the folder back to its place ? i know its kind of like that but on bdo i had help to learn the cooking etc stuff...so thats why i asked if someone willing to show me (i will do the work, but he/she will be the mentor-guide)
SUZU's mod has more classes than resorepless.
You havent said which server you play on. If it's not NA/EU, you need a few extra steps for patch day.
You're lucky the game is patching, otherwise I'd just tell you te re-read my post and look up "patch day" for BDO threads explaining what you have to do :p
Pick "3. restore backup" in Meta_Injector to restore the vanilla pad0 file, letting the game think that all is well and vanilla. It will then complete its patching/update process like nothing was up.
Then open the game launcher to let it finish the patching process (it checks for the presence of its vanilla pad0 file). It only takes a second to finalize.
Once it is done, then you can run Meta Injector and apply your mods to the game before clicking the "start game" button.

Have fun in your modding adventures :)

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