To get you familiarized with the tools, you can also look at some vids: "Nicknero made a video explaining the mod installation (resorepless). Link:
If you dont play on NA/EU, you will need to read up on the bypass tool created by Undercovertpervert (I forgot what it was called since I dont use it). Extra steps may be necessary before launching the game to fool the anti cheat successfully (delete some files).
If you're worried about getting banned, use the magnifying glass icon on the top right to search for "BDO BAN" for instance and you will see lots of posts discussing the issue. In short: the mod alter what you see on your screen, to everyone else, your character looks according to what file they have on their computer (vanilla files for most, so vanilla, unmodded clothes and body). Just be smart about it and dont go posting modded pics on public channels like the beauty album or your character pic.
Follow the steps in this thread to install the necessary tools and library and dont worry about parthidedesc.html, the vanilla version does the job as well.
Make sure to follow the install instructions for each piece TO THE LETTER and you wont have any problem. The resorepless thread also has a lot of information about modding this game.
It can be daunting at first (like the game) but after you've spent some autofishing/cooking/pathing time reading different posts, you will become more familiar with everything and have a better understanding of how it all works.
Understand that every file you put in your /character folder (NOT the one within the .resorepless folder if you chose to use resorepless) will be replacing its vanilla counterpart (with exact same filename in the exact same folder) once you run Meta Injector. (The tool actually creates new .paz files after the vanilla ones and modifies the pad0 file to tell the game to look for ressources in the modded paz files. It's better described in the MetaInjector thread).
Make sure to pick "keep the folder structure" when you run MetaInjector, the automatic feature is no longer reliable.
If you want a quick start modded game, you can download Suzu's "BDO world" with all the mods she was using at the time (
Just dump it all in your file_to_patch folder and run MetaInjector. It won't have all the classes but it will get you started and teach you about folder structure :)
Read up on "patch day" because you will need to reinstall the mod after each patch every week. Make sure to launch the game first to let it finish patching THEN run MetaInjector. Otherwise it wont recognize its vanilla pad0 file and will tell you it's corrupted and you will be reparing the game endlessly :p
If you run into problem, use the looking glass "search" icon at the top right corner and use keywords describing your issue. You WILL find posts adressing whatever problem you're having along with the solutions.
Clothes mods are scattered throughout different posts and threads, so you will have to read to find them. Very old posts will have modded clothes with their old names ( a string of numbers), those will no longer work unless you can find their new name to change the filenames I guess ?
PartcutGen doesnt seem to be available anymore, so you will have to read up on "fixing holes" to solve your individual issues if you use clothes not exactly like those in Suzu's World.
Good luck on your modding adventures :) Hope this helps making it a little bit clearer.