If you look in the lower right image, you can see that player can "interact" with the enemies not just the other way around. So wait for the full version guys
This game deserves its own thread in the Adult Games forum.Here is a HENTAI Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon game,There are many original animated enemies in the game .This is awesome!
You can play the DEMO in here.
体格差おねショタバトル2 女怪人vs女装戦士君 [78] 予告作品 | DLsite
You can find the manual in the DEMO.
here is:
It only features reverse r*pe. What you see on buttom left is a charm spell which some enemies use on you.
This deserves its own thread in the Adult Games forum.
Iggler has returned with more zako fanart, including Liza from Violent Storm and May from Final Fight 3!
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View attachment 77767
Liza and Eliza... perhaps my favourite beat 'em up zakos. What a great homage.
View attachment 77771
You can't do it with that game because it features sex acts on a boy. It was meant to be a porn parody of Sailor Moon in which monsters were taking purity crystals from young boys by forcing them to ejaculate. There is no rule that bans adult games from being discussed on this forum, but it's partly why the Smash Boy thread is in Adult Games although there is a censored version on Steam.I think so, but this game is really an Action game. And there are many fighting actions.
I want to get rid of the part of Adult.
Jjang has more than one female enemy: girl with baton and woman dressed in rabbit costume. You also fight a female boss near the end of the game. This game was so difficult to grab screenshots because anything that takes you out of the game crashes it. I had to play the entire game just for one screenshot and then do it again for another.Another Korean beat em up, It got a similar looking zako, a chick with skimpy purple outfit, black boots and platinum blonde hair.
Download this game Jjang: The Young Boss на Old-Games.RU
This game hates you, and I hate it back. Collision detection is poor, and sometimes the attacks don't come out or the enemy decides not to take the hit. The timer works like Time Crisis in that you have to kill the enemies quickly to restore some time; it does not reset even after a new level or continue. It is very possible to continue a game with little time only for it to run out and take a life right away. If you don't respond to either timer, the game kicks you out.
You can't do it with that game because it features sex acts on a boy. It was meant to be a porn parody of Sailor Moon in which monsters were taking purity crystals from young boys by forcing them to ejaculate. There is no rule that bans adult games from being discussed on this forum, but it's partly why the Smash Boy thread is in Adult Games although there is a censored version on Steam.
Jjang has more than one female enemy: girl with baton and woman dressed in rabbit costume. You also fight a female boss near the end of the game. This game was so difficult to grab screenshots because anything that takes you out of the game crashes it. I had to play the entire game just for one screenshot and then do it again for another.
This game hates you, and I hate it back. Collision detection is poor, and sometimes the attacks don't come out or the enemy decides not to take the hit. The timer works like Time Crisis in that you have to kill the enemies quickly to restore some time; it does not reset even after a new level or continue. It is very possible to continue a game with little time only for it to run out and take a life right away. If you don't respond to either timer, the game kicks you out.
Jjang has more than one female enemy: girl with baton and woman dressed in rabbit costume. You also fight a female boss near the end of the game. This game was so difficult to grab screenshots because anything that takes you out of the game crashes it. I had to play the entire game just for one screenshot and then do it again for another.
It's probably because the game was originally meant for Windows XP, and I had to set compatibility in Windows 7.Jesus christ that's dedication. Why does it crash? Were you able to figure that out?
Because the majority of users prefer fallen female zako, I made sure to grab another screenshot of the baton girl. I may grab two more screenshots for the bunny woman, but that would mean playing the game two more times. She appears in the same stage as the female boss, so I would have to play nearly to completion to reach her and do it again for another screenshot. The game itself doesn't crash; anything that takes the focus off of the game crashes it like Ctrl+Alt+Del or pressing the Windows key. I can't just pause the game and switch to another program to save a screenshot; I have to remember my place in the game and press Prt Scr then paste the image in Paint after closing the game. This also prevents me from attempting Cheat Engine since I can never take the focus off the game without it crashing.The bunny girl looks kinda creepy, but the baton-wielding girl looks pretty hot!! That thicc midriff and boobies are just plain smashing!! I would like to play but...after reading that it crashed a lot makes me kinda disappointed. Considering Korean games like this needs a Korean locale to play, why not try NTLEA or pApploc to play it? Or maybe changing your Windows locale to Korean anytime you want to play it?