[Beta] Ultimate Deepthroat Development Enviroment (1 Viewer)

The Hacker Known As Snow

Content Creator
Aug 30, 2012
An issue I've always had with the loader has been folder hell. Where I have a million loader installations in various states of completely broken and not even remembering what I was doing with them. And then there is of course making a new loader installation from scratch, where any one mod might have 3 dependencies or add-ons, a million version number conflicts and load-order nonsense.

So here is what I'm doing, I'm standardizing the installation starting by standardizing development, with the current state of the game and community I don't think there is a difference between content creators and players so this pack will also be a good way to set up a new characters for personal use and will grow to the wider release of UDT in the future.

Here is a preview:
  • Support data
    • ffmpeg
      I've been working on a method and work flow to making high quality high frame rate SDT gifs and webms and I can do everything with ffmpeg now, I'll also include an open source MIT video trimmer, here are some examples
    • SDT 1.21.1b de-compiled
    • Old Adobe Flash Debuggers
      Adobe decommissioned the flash archive so I'll dig around for copies I have a few versions or if you can send me any you have in my DMs I'll include them
  • The Game
    • I'll define a default configuration of mods and their dependencies. Soon allowing people to more easily share character folder set ups and develop full scenes and complilations.
    • I'll be developing for SDTL2 and using this for the basis of the development environment and later UDT itself, its key killer features are:
      • Adds potential full stack web technologies such as HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript and more.
      • Currently this is used to load hairs in-game from the old booru. But support for loading mods from the resource manager is possible.
      • Drag and drop file loading my favorite feature so far
      • A debug console
      • F5 to restart, very useful for iterating
  • Model Character Folder
    • I've nearly completed this today, this character folder incudes templates and tools for creating any mod. I've made some of these templates and tools myself and have improved ones others have made. This is the one of the main features of the environment. Model is a fully stacked loader character folder. It has everything you need to make mods from stuff like simply cutting out the background for a static hair import all the way to making something like Jaxx's School Rumble Underground or WeeWillie’s Slave Bazaar Bundle. Yes! You can make every single type of mod here!
Last edited:


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
i thought that pretty much the only stuff that would be dependencies would be dialogactions, moretriggers, and my junk

The Hacker Known As Snow

Content Creator
Aug 30, 2012
i thought that pretty much the only stuff that would be dependencies would be dialogactions, moretriggers, and my junk
There are also patches and fixes by stuntcock and other users or things like some_dude's spitFix that is important for SDTL2 since that bug is more prevalent.

Some of these mods are not configured and merely expose functions the user can tweak themselves.

To start playing SDT even just with Sby's bundle the user has a dozen mods to config with maybe two dozen or more settings in one of those mods.

So the platform will contain these mods as well as configure them.


Potential Patron
Dec 1, 2020
Hey so, I've been skulking since forever but I never bothered to register.

I'm fairly decent at python, C/C++ and I don't have much trouble picking up any other language when necessary. I know a little bit about graphics and opengl too. Can I be of any help with this?

The Hacker Known As Snow

Content Creator
Aug 30, 2012
Hey so, I've been skulking since forever but I never bothered to register.

I'm fairly decent at python, C/C++ and I don't have much trouble picking up any other language when necessary. I know a little bit about graphics and opengl too. Can I be of any help with this?
Welcome to the forum! We are in sore need of technical users!

At the moment I do not have the capacity to manage a team, though you are free to take a look at SDTL2 and its extension system. You should find me on Discord or DM me if you would like me to get you up to speed.

The Hacker Known As Snow

Content Creator
Aug 30, 2012
This zip in this post is what I put together so far for the project, the idea is you'd have a separate loader setup with just Model's character folder, loadingscreenV1.swf auto loads the character folder at start up and something like SDTL2 lets you F5 to reload the mods you are working on inside the same character folder.

The folder itself is absolutely everything I could find to assist in making mods, somethings I made myself. Somethings, like sclover13 sclover13 said in his All encompassing mod template? thread mention that lots of things have missing pieces or need to be updated to Adobe CC2021 now.

This is the full extent to what I've been thinking for years:

One: is to use SDTL2 to make "profiles" or what I called virtualization. I mentioned folder hell in the OP; windows can create "symbolic links", virtual folder links to tunnel or crisscross/link files and folders without ever moving anything. You could still move files around with SDTL2 it would be needed for either method but basically you could abstract out a lot of folder nonsense and can reuse things easier by kinda setting and forgetting and it never breaking because again it never moves.

The IDE would be one profile, things like SlaveBazzar or Sin City Or School Rumble Underground could all be profiles or the 2nd part of my ideas: .UDP files.

Two: .UDP files would just be .json files that load scenes. Think about what a night mare it is to send someone a full scene? Tons of files you may or may not need to ask to send depending if you post publicly and then the user still has to mess with god damn text files to get it to work. .UDP is everything, it loads into SDTL2 and uses folder virtualization to load anything with one click

Three: Is a 2021 mod archive. One download and you get everything, users can share the .json .UDP files and they will already have a standardized installation with the best mods to load any scene in one or two clicks. A web host service could let you in client upload the .json scene file and like bit.ly could shorten it to a hash like these: "QIFMN". You could copy-paste-load anything, everything.

Four: Sby Loader * Snow Config: What I'd like to contribute to start off is a default configuration to the loader, a standardized installation with every dependency as well as the QoL Sby's mods can offer. I said in a reply here, some of Sby's mods just expose vanilla functions for customization. There are dozens of mods, with dozens of settings each sometimes, some of which have fucking scientific hand drawn diagrams to explain how the magic numbers work xD. I want to explore Sby's Loader and come up with something basic everyone would enjoy so you can play the game better then even the old members here really know is possible, all in just one download

Five: a client side sql database;. since we already have the forum resource browser users could have a nice mod menu and manager in SDTL2, the game could be 16:9 HD wide screen, the project could see to redoing the menus like I suggested when SDTL was first announced.


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