Black Cobra mods (1 Viewer)


Content Creator
Mar 29, 2014
Moderator Edit: Black Cobra's mods have been copied over to the Resource system. Click here.

My first mods:basic nipples


View attachment long.swf
View attachment really_long.swf
View attachment wide.swf
View attachment cone.swf
View attachment long_skinny.swf

Nipples are hue-adjustable using the NippleHue mod. There may be a conflict with the hue adjustment mod and the breast size slider as the new nipples won't move with a breast size adjustment after a hue modifications on the breasts is performed (but works if breast size is modified before the hue).

I am working on a big areola version currently...

Template: Mod Template v0.96.4.fla

Many thanks to Faceless Faceless for the help.
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Peter Langton

Potential Patron
Jun 20, 2013
Nice job dude! Keep up the work. The really long nipples look a bit funky, but then again there's a mod replacing the nipples with dicks, and it's probably just my personal taste.


Content Creator
Jun 12, 2011
Holy anorexia, Batman!

Also, if you're going to leave her chest alone like that, consider add some shading or tweaking the outline so that we can tell where her rib cage is supposed to be. As it is, she looks rather distorted.

Baron Dirt

Potential Patron
May 13, 2014
Nice work on the nipples there! Excellent! Will have to see if piercings work with those....

Think the skinny one looks a bit too rakishly thin and in need of a nice meaty diet ;-)

How about a curvy version so the breasts enhancing mods don't look too freakishly huge!


Potential Patron
Feb 9, 2012
Superb work.

Can I make a request to port those nipples so it can be loaded on vanilla SDT? I don't mind losing the controls to the nipple hue, as long as it follows the herSkin settings


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