Ok, so I still need some help getting my flat feet edit to work with Ranger. I have COMPLETELY redone the edit on the ranger model in Blender, without copying data from my Lahn edit this time. It STILL doesn't work in-game...
I tried everything I know how to do, and PEW just simply doesn't seem to get put back into the game right. It looks fine in the 3dModelConverter preview. I tried the renaming of the 3 lods like you said Suzu, but I'm not entirely sure that I understood what you meant. Which file names are what you need to change TO, and which are what PACtool creates? I saw a post here about something being a PACtool bug, and I don't know what version of it I have. Perhaps someone can post links to most recent PACtool? I would greatly appreciate all the help I can get!
Looking forward to replies-