so i'm relatively new to this particular mod, and when it comes to modding, i feel a little overwhelmed. Specifically when doing the advanced stuff. I had no problem installing the basic nude mod and getting the expanded boobs to work, but at some point, i'm going to want to get some edited armor. Because lets be honest, having everyone run around in the nude gets boring after a while. But my problem is that i suck at model editing.
So with that said, does this mod edit armors for us? or do we need special programs and knowledge to manually edit the armors? Because i tried editing an armor on skyrim and things did not end well. The furthest i could go was deleting parts of the armor. But that was a long time ago and i dont remember what i did. So i'm wondering if there's a simple method with doing it here.
Also, i noticed that there's an option to remove files of particular armor sets. Does this mean if i remove a particular armor set, then that armor set will still load in the game and not be 'invisible'? Because i'd like to have some armor sets still show in the game (specifically skimpy ones).