Resorepless v3.4
Download: Black Desert Online - Resorepless Nude Mod
- Added full compatibility with the new Mystic class.
Now you can use the new body model with her too
You can choose her own pubic hair:
- Fixed Kibelius Armor Wings being removed when set to keep
- Fixed Valkyrie,Maehwa, Kunoichi and Mystic having their pubic hair texture dictated by Sorceress. (Now it really works each one have their different pubic hair)
- If you choose to use the old models and the shaved version, it uses the vagina texture from v3.1 instead of the new one that comes with the new 3D models.
- Changes the feature "List All Patched file", to a more useful thing: "Check if a file is patched"
There you can actually search for a specific file and see it easily if it's patched in your .meta file, instead of having to scroll through all the patched files and find the one your want (or not, if it's not patched)
You can use the "*" flag if you want to check all the files that has a certain substring in it. For example, searching for: phw_*_ub_*.dds will give you all the upperbodypart patched for Sorceress.
- Changed the output when copying the Nude Texture files, merging the pubic hair, or copying the censorship removal file. (Now it really tells you where and what files the program is copying/merging)
Yeah this is amazing. Thanks for the update.
I just have one small problem though. Not a deal breaker or anything, but the pubic hair options are now in .bin files, and I had edited my options before when they where .DDS files. Now I can't do that anymore. Is there a way to extract these bin files make an edit then put it back to bin?
- Now if you have any texture in the pubic hair folder. Instead of using the .bin files, the program will use your .dds files.