Black Desert Online Resorepless Nude Mod (287 Viewers)


Content Creator
Sep 2, 2013
Have you tried customizationboneparamdesc_bladewomentest?
I can't seem to find a way to reproduce the crashing issue people are mentioning when entering Maehwa's character customization screen.

Can someone that is having the problem tell me exactly what values you're using that are different than the default ones and which game region are you playing?


Potential Patron
Feb 7, 2018
I think I will have to try a full re-install of the game. Anything I do crashes at the character selection menu. Tried resetting all body parts to normal sizes, tried repairing files from game's end and then re-running mods, tried different variations of things within in the mods. Idk what Im doing wrong. Anyone else just not have it working at all?


Potential Patron
Feb 5, 2018
Having the same issue as posted above , Ive recently repaired all my BDO files on steam , deleted all the files , redownloaded the toolkit installer , injector and resorepless . Installed toolkit > resorepless > injector , and my game still crashes every time I try to customize / create a new character. Is there anything Ive done wrong or could change?


Content Creator
Sep 2, 2013
as called psd texture new class Mystic?
It's the same as the Sorceress texture file:
Having the same issue as posted above , Ive recently repaired all my BDO files on steam , deleted all the files , redownloaded the toolkit installer , injector and resorepless . Installed toolkit > resorepless > injector , and my game still crashes every time I try to customize / create a new character. Is there anything Ive done wrong or could change?
Which game region is your game?
Can you zip the folder "gamecommondata" located at "files_to_patch\.resorepless" after you apply the mod and send it to me over here?



Potential Patron
Feb 5, 2018
Game region is EU , heres my customization settings if it matters at all.


Also , every time I run resorepless and click "install" it runs up until this line , then closes (doesnt finish & automatically run injector)

It just closes itself after that Generating line so I have to manually open injector , could it be an issue with some game file on my end?

64.8 KB · Views: 176


Content Creator
Sep 2, 2013
Game region is EU , heres my customization settings if it matters at all.
View attachment 69869
View attachment 69870

Also , every time I run resorepless and click "install" it runs up until this line , then closes (doesnt finish & automatically run injector)
View attachment 69871

It just closes itself after that Generating line so I have to manually open injector , could it be an issue with some game file on my end?
Thanks for sending this. Send me your "pad00000.meta", after resorepless.exe closes itself, but not patched with Meta Injector, so I can try to figure out your problem.


Potential Patron
Feb 5, 2018
Ive backed everything up to the initial restore point and deleted the resorepless patcher state in patcher_resources and it worked , game no longer crashes while creating a character , although nothing really changed in the installation process , the resorepless still closed after the generating line and i just ran injector manually , pretty confused as to what I did to fix it but I guess it worked lol


Content Creator
Sep 2, 2013
Ive backed everything up to the initial restore point and deleted the resorepless patcher state in patcher_resources and it worked , game no longer crashes while creating a character , although nothing really changed in the installation process , the resorepless still closed after the generating line and i just ran injector manually , pretty confused as to what I did to fix it but I guess it worked lol
Has anyone that is having this crashing problem tried this solution?
- Delete the resorepless_patcher_state.bin in the "patcher_resources" folder?

I tried using the files Ncustomx provided that were causing the crash and it worked just fine here.


Potential Patron
Apr 22, 2016
For now I can't find exactly what's causing the crash when entering the character customization from Maehwa class.

It's probably due to something wrong with the customizationboneparamdesc xml file, but I can't seem to find the issue.

Maehwa is the Female version of the Blader, right? Her file should be "customizationboneparamdesc_blawomen.xml" but I don't see anything wrong there.

People who are having the crashes, can you show me a screenshot from your "max default min" body values that you've changed?

For now, if you don't want to crash, reset the settings from the "Change body parts max size" and don't use it for now, until I found the bug and fix it.

The issue with the black square shadow is fixed though. For those of you who missed the last page, here's the fix:
Mr. "BlackFireBR", hello. I'm a resident of a Japanese site and am your fan.
It may be unrelated to your request "Problem of customization", but a picture group is stuck on below.
The version when I customized in the Game, was "Resorepless v3.4b"+"Meta Injector Reloaded v1.6".
"BDO Toolkit" and "Meta Injector" have not been installed yet as of it.
The present installation is "BDO Toolkit 1.1.0"+"Resorepless v3.6d"+"Meta Injector 1.2.1+"Restore N' Patch"+"paz_browser_v1.4b".
I won't know at all because of what it'll be. I'll hope to settle it early by every-Modder's help. Good-Luck.



Below is a file of "D:\xxxxxx\BlackDesert_live\Paz\files_to_patch\.resorepless" folder.


11.2 KB · Views: 149

Last edited:


Potential Patron
Apr 22, 2016
Mr. "BlackFireBR", hello. I'm a resident of a Japanese site and am your fan.
It may be unrelated to your request "Problem of customization", but a picture group is stuck on below.
The version when I customized in the Game, was "Resorepless v3.4b"+"Meta Injector Reloaded v1.6".
"BDO Toolkit" and "Meta Injector" have not been installed yet as of it.
The present installation is "BDO Toolkit 1.1.0"+"Resorepless v3.6d"+"Meta Injector 1.2.1+"Restore N' Patch"+"paz_browser_v1.4b".
I won't know at all because of what it'll be. I'll hope to settle it early by every-Modder's help. Good-Luck.

Below is a file of "D:\xxxxxx\BlackDesert_live\Paz\files_to_patch\.resorepless" folder.
Why didn't the head picture enter..., I'm sorry.


Potential Patron
Oct 5, 2017
i try to get a hand on the *frost* costume from the cash shop. i wanna change it slightly with alpha layers. but i can't get the files browsed anymore via the resore tools


Vivacious Visitor
Feb 14, 2017
[QUOTE =“BlackFireBR,信息:127542,成員:2727”]

- 其他玩家不能看到你的角色裸體。
- 你不會被禁止使用這個MOD,只要你保持自己
- Sim,funcionanaversão南美洲(南非)

以前的版本: 發布

- 下載Resorepless
- 下載MetaInjector
- 下載BDOToolkit
- 下載Restore N'Patch
- 將所有內容提取到安裝文件夾內的 “PAZ \”文件夾中。
(注意:對於蒸汽用戶,通常在“C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Black Desert Online \”下)

- 運行“BDOToolkit Installer.exe”並安裝它。(你只需要做一次)
- 運行“resorepless.exe”進行安裝。
- 而不是使用遊戲啟動器來打開遊戲,使用“恢復N'Patch.exe”


- 下載Restore N'Patch並將其解壓到您的PAZ文件夾。
- 創建一個“Restore N'Patch.exe”的快捷方式,並右鍵單擊它並轉到屬性。
- 在“目標”字段的末尾添加:-idle。例如,如果你的“目標”是:
“C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Black Desert Online \ Paz \ Restore N'Patch.exe”
“C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Black Desert Online \ Paz \ Restore N'Patch.exe”-idle
- 運行剛創建的快捷方式,並保持打開狀態。
- 在工具打開時打開啟動器並玩遊戲。

- 運行“resorepless.exe”
- 選擇“卸載選項”,然後選擇“恢復備份”
- 選擇最後的備份選項,通常是最近的備份。

[ATTACH =滿] 54675 [/ ATTACH]

[ATTACH =滿] 54676 [/ ATTACH]

包括 男性裸體國防部佐倉 (不是我的工作)


- 在Customization(自定義)菜單中按F3改變每個班級的陰莖類型:

View attachment 64679[/SIZE][/CENTER]


Innie Vagina Option
View attachment 64681


Make your breasts, thighs, butt huge if you want, by increasing the maximum size of body parts:


If anything goes wrong, try this:
  • If you get any "Access Denied" message, right click "resorepless.exe" and click "Run as administrator".
  • Delete all the .backup you have in your PAZ folder
  • Delete your pad00000.meta file located in your PAZ folder
  • Go into your "patcher_resources" folder and delete "resorepless_patcher_state.bin" and "resorepless_latest_modifications.bin"
    (Warning: this will make you lose your current saved configuration)
  • Delete the "version.dat" file located in your Black Desert Installation Folder.
  • Open your Launcher and let it check your files and it will re-download a clean pad00000.meta file
    (Please note that, it may look like it is (re)downloading a massive amount of data but it will only download damaged files after checking the whole install)
  • Run resorepless.exe and try again.
1 - Customize each armor part you want to keep or remove
View attachment 60105

2 - Change the maximum size of the Breast, Butt, Tighs and even Legs and Hips

4 - TRANSPARENT KIBELIUS: Add some transparency to the Kibelius Armor Outfit, it comes in two versions:

5 - Choose which weapon to remove, and which one to keep, as well if you your option should apply only when in not in combat or not. Customizable for each class

6 - Remove or Restore a specific armor or texture of the game, by using a file browser that allows you to preview all the armors of the game, and mark which ones you want to remove or restore
View attachment 60106

7 - Discover the textures names from an armor, by using the option "Tools->Get textures from a file"

8 - Discover all the files that uses a specific texture, by using the option "Tools->Get all files that uses a specific texture"
Using different textures:

If you are planning on using different textures from the ones included in this mod, do this:
1 - Download Meta Injector and extract all the content of your .zip file to your "Paz" folder.
2 - Place your custom files in the "files_to_patch" folder located now in your "Paz" folder.
3 - First run resorepless.exe and do all your changes and install the mod.
4 - Run "meta_injector.exe" and apply the patch.

Warning: Every time you run resorepless.exe it will replace the your textures in your folder "Black Desert Online\character\texture\" which is where the game loads the file. So make sure you run "meta_injector.exe" after each time you re-apply resorepless.exe.

Removing a specific part of an armor by editing textures

Let's say you want to remove a specific detail of an armor, but you don't want to remove the whole armor.

Follow the example bellow to see what you have to do in order to achieve that:

In this example, I'm going to explain how to remove just the top part of the Sileshi Underwear:

- Use Resorepless nude mod menu option "Tools->Get Textures from a file->Browse" to find the texture name from the armor you want to modify.

(If you want to know which file correspond to which armor without having to keep testing it one by one, go to my thread: Black Desert Online - PAC File Names Relations)

- Open that texture files with Photoshop or (NVIDIA Texture Tools for Photoshop needs to be installed to open .dds files)

- If you are using photoshop:
Opened texture:
View attachment 56888

Create an alpha channel with a black shape in the place of the part you want to remove, like this:
View attachment 56887

- If you are using, simply cut or erase the part of the texture you think it corresponds to the part you want to remove.

After you are done, save your texture and for that texture in specific, use the compression DXT1 - 1 bit alpha
View attachment 56889
(Some other textures you have to save with the DXT5 format, to figure out if it's DXT1 or 5, follow this rule: If the texture file is less than 1MB, it's probably DXT1, if it's greater than 1MB, it's probably DXT5)

- If you haven't downloaded yet, download Meta Injector Reloaded and extract the content of the .zip file to your "Paz" folder.

- Save the edited texture in the "files_to_patch" folder from Meta Injector Reloaded and run the injector.

Warning: If you are using a texture that Resorepless also uses, every time you run resorepless you are going to have to re-apply the meta_injector

How to fix holes on your character
For some textures, if you simply remove part of the texture of the armor, you are going to get a body with a hole in the place where the texture you removed was:
View attachment 57565

What I'm going to teach you, solves the "holes" problem, but it can cause texture clipping, so you will see parts of the body of your character going through the armor.
Unfortunately, it's your only option. It is body holes, or texture clipping.

This is what you have to do:

- Open "resorepless.exe" and go to "Tools->Fix holes on character->Browse files"
- Mark the files corresponding to the part of the armor you are having problems.


If fixing the "Upperbody" part doesn't work for you, try fixing the "Shoulder" part, and if that doesn't work either, try fixing the "LowerBody" part.
For example, if you have holes in parts of Sorceress Cartian Outifit (Awakening), one of those files is causing the holes:

-----------------Sorceress Cartian Outifit
PAC File Name:
PHW_00_UB_0043.PAC (Obtained from this thread: Black Desert Online - PAC File Names Relations)

The outfit is formed by:
Upperbody : PHW_00_UB_0043.PAC
Lowerbody: PHW_00_LB_0043.PAC
Gloves: PHW_00_HAND_0043.PAC
Boots: PHW_00_FOOT_0043.PAC
Helmet: PHW_00_HEL_0043.PAC
Shoulder (Fur part): PHW_00_SHO_0043.PAC
Cloak(Arms fur): PHW_00_CLOAK_0043_P.PAC

(To find out which part forms each armor, download this and take a look. )

Tip: All the armors you mark are saved in "Paz\patcher_resources\partcutdesc_removed_armor.txt". You can manually add or delete armors you want to mark there, and then run the "Fix holes on character" option again.
Black Desert Online 3D Model Export / Import Tool

Thanks to IndigoDesert now it's possible to export .pac files open them on any 3D Editor like blender, edit them, and then re-import them back to the game.

The process is very simple, and I'm going to try to make the explanation as simple as possible with a lot of images to guide you through the process.

Here we go:
  1. Download Paz Browser and extract ALL THE FILES from the .zip file to: "Black Desert Online\Paz\"
  2. Open your "Paz" folder and run "paz_browser.exe"
  3. Find the .pac file you want to edit and press ENTER to extract and preview the file (Don't close the window that open with the extracted files)

    For the nude body models, using the menus, go to "Your class->Body Mesh":

    Here's the list of the nude body models files of each class:
    • Sorceress : phw_00_nude_0001_noalpha.pac
    • Ranger : pew_00_nude_0001_noalpha.pac
    • Tamer : pbw_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Valkyrie : pvw_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Valkyrie : pvw_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Witch : pww_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Kunoichi : pnw_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Dark Knight : pdw_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Plum(Maehwa) : pkww_00_nude_0002.pac
    • Warrior : phm_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Berserker : pgm_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Blader(Musa) : pkm_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Wizard : pwm_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Ninja : pnm_00_nude_0001.pac
  4. Download and extract all the content to the same folder that contains the .pac file (The folder the program opened after extracting the .pac file)

  5. Right click "pac_to_dae.bat" and then click "Edit"

  6. Replace "PAC_FILE_NAME.pac" with the name of the .pac file you are trying to extract. Also, replace "CLASSPREFIX" with the first 3 letters of the pac file you are converting:
    E.g: If the pac file name is: phw_00_nude_0001_noalpha.pac, replace "CLASSPREFIX_01.pab" with "phw_01.pab"

  7. Save the file and run "pac_to_dae.bat". 3 new files will be created in this folder:
    - Each .pac file has 3 "Level of Detail" (LOD) foles.
    - When you convert it to .dae, it separates it in 3 different files:
    • lod0 is the one with more details
    • lod3 is the one with less details.

  8. Open up Blender or any other 3D Editing software, and go to "File->Import->Collada (default) (.dae)" and find your .dae files.

  9. When you are done editing, go to "File->Export->Collada (default) (.dae)" and replace the original file.

  10. Now go back to your folder, right click "dae_to_pac.bat" and click on "Edit".

  11. Do the same thing you did before, but replace "DAE_FILE_NAME.dae" with the ".dae" file name you just edited and exported, "PAC_FILE_NAME.pac" with the original .pac file name, and "CLASSPREFIX" again with the first 3 letters of the .pac

    Note: If you want all the "Level of Detail" to use the same mesh that you just edited, add "-replaceAllLOD" before the "-r"
  12. Now download Meta Injector and extract all the files to: "Black Desert Online\Paz\"
  13. 將剛剛創建的.pac文件放入“Black Desert Online \ Paz \ files_to_patch \”中
  14. 運行“meta_injector.exe”
  15. 選擇“注射器”和“讓程序決定他們應該去的地方”。
如果你做了新的修改,你必須再次完成整個過程,包括注入Meta注射器。[/ QUOTE]

The most customizable nude mod for Black Desert Online. It comes with 12 different types of pubic hair to match your own taste. Choose which type of clothing you want to remove or keep. Increase the breast butt and tights maximum size, and more!

Things you need to know:
- Other players can't see your character naked.
- You will not get banned for using this mod, AS LONG AS YOU KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.
Posting nude mod pics in the beauty album can most likely result in a permanent ban, so just don't post nude pictures there or anywhere in the game.
- Sim, funciona na versão South America (SA)

Previous versions: releases
Source Code: I
ncluded in the .zip file, under "source_codes"

- Download Resorepless
- Download MetaInjector
- Download the BDOToolkit
- Download Restore N' Patch
- Extract everything into your "PAZ\" folder, which is located inside your installation folder.
(Note: For steam users it's usually under: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Black Desert Online\")

- Run "BDOToolkit Installer.exe" and install it. (you only need to do this once)
- Run "resorepless.exe" to install.
- Instead of using the game Launcher to open the game, use "Restore N' Patch.exe"

If you are running the JP version, you have to do this also:

- Download Restore N' Patch and extract it to your PAZ folder.
- Create a shortcut of "Restore N' Patch.exe" and right click it and go to properties.
- Add: -idle at the end of the "Target" field. So for example, if your "Target" is:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Desert Online\Paz\Restore N' Patch.exe"
change to:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Desert Online\Paz\Restore N' Patch.exe" -idle
- Run the shortcut you have just created and leave it open.
- Open the launcher and play the game while the tool is opened.

- Run "resorepless.exe"
- Choose "Uninstall Options" and then "Restore a backup"
- Select the last backup option, which is usually the most recent backup.



- Press F3 in the Customization menu to change penis type for each class:

Warning: This mod only works well for the default skin color for each class, or similar. If your skin color it's too different from the original, this is gonna happen:
View attachment 64679

*New* Female Models with 3D vagina and enhanced nipples


View attachment 64662

* You can't use the 3D vagina enhanced nipples separably *

(Included) Super detailed pubic hair textures:




View attachment 60056


Innie Vagina Option
View attachment 64681


Make your breasts, thighs, butt huge if you want, by increasing the maximum size of body parts:


If anything goes wrong, try this:
  • If you get any "Access Denied" message, right click "resorepless.exe" and click "Run as administrator".
  • Delete all the .backup you have in your PAZ folder
  • Delete your pad00000.meta file located in your PAZ folder
  • Go into your "patcher_resources" folder and delete "resorepless_patcher_state.bin" and "resorepless_latest_modifications.bin"
    (Warning: this will make you lose your current saved configuration)
  • Delete the "version.dat" file located in your Black Desert Installation Folder.
  • Open your Launcher and let it check your files and it will re-download a clean pad00000.meta file
    (Please note that, it may look like it is (re)downloading a massive amount of data but it will only download damaged files after checking the whole install)
  • Run resorepless.exe and try again.
1 - Customize each armor part you want to keep or remove
View attachment 60105

2 - Change the maximum size of the Breast, Butt, Tighs and even Legs and Hips

4 - TRANSPARENT KIBELIUS: Add some transparency to the Kibelius Armor Outfit, it comes in two versions:

5 - Choose which weapon to remove, and which one to keep, as well if you your option should apply only when in not in combat or not. Customizable for each class

6 - Remove or Restore a specific armor or texture of the game, by using a file browser that allows you to preview all the armors of the game, and mark which ones you want to remove or restore
View attachment 60106

7 - Discover the textures names from an armor, by using the option "Tools->Get textures from a file"

8 - Discover all the files that uses a specific texture, by using the option "Tools->Get all files that uses a specific texture"
Using different textures:

If you are planning on using different textures from the ones included in this mod, do this:
1 - Download Meta Injector and extract all the content of your .zip file to your "Paz" folder.
2 - Place your custom files in the "files_to_patch" folder located now in your "Paz" folder.
3 - First run resorepless.exe and do all your changes and install the mod.
4 - Run "meta_injector.exe" and apply the patch.

Warning: Every time you run resorepless.exe it will replace the your textures in your folder "Black Desert Online\character\texture\" which is where the game loads the file. So make sure you run "meta_injector.exe" after each time you re-apply resorepless.exe.

Removing a specific part of an armor by editing textures

Let's say you want to remove a specific detail of an armor, but you don't want to remove the whole armor.

Follow the example bellow to see what you have to do in order to achieve that:

In this example, I'm going to explain how to remove just the top part of the Sileshi Underwear:

- Use Resorepless nude mod menu option "Tools->Get Textures from a file->Browse" to find the texture name from the armor you want to modify.

(If you want to know which file correspond to which armor without having to keep testing it one by one, go to my thread: Black Desert Online - PAC File Names Relations)

- Open that texture files with Photoshop or (NVIDIA Texture Tools for Photoshop needs to be installed to open .dds files)

- If you are using photoshop:
Opened texture:
View attachment 56888

Create an alpha channel with a black shape in the place of the part you want to remove, like this:
View attachment 56887

- If you are using, simply cut or erase the part of the texture you think it corresponds to the part you want to remove.

After you are done, save your texture and for that texture in specific, use the compression DXT1 - 1 bit alpha
View attachment 56889
(Some other textures you have to save with the DXT5 format, to figure out if it's DXT1 or 5, follow this rule: If the texture file is less than 1MB, it's probably DXT1, if it's greater than 1MB, it's probably DXT5)

- If you haven't downloaded yet, download Meta Injector Reloaded and extract the content of the .zip file to your "Paz" folder.

- Save the edited texture in the "files_to_patch" folder from Meta Injector Reloaded and run the injector.

Warning: If you are using a texture that Resorepless also uses, every time you run resorepless you are going to have to re-apply the meta_injector

How to fix holes on your character
For some textures, if you simply remove part of the texture of the armor, you are going to get a body with a hole in the place where the texture you removed was:
View attachment 57565

What I'm going to teach you, solves the "holes" problem, but it can cause texture clipping, so you will see parts of the body of your character going through the armor.
Unfortunately, it's your only option. It is body holes, or texture clipping.

This is what you have to do:

- Open "resorepless.exe" and go to "Tools->Fix holes on character->Browse files"
- Mark the files corresponding to the part of the armor you are having problems.


If fixing the "Upperbody" part doesn't work for you, try fixing the "Shoulder" part, and if that doesn't work either, try fixing the "LowerBody" part.
For example, if you have holes in parts of Sorceress Cartian Outifit (Awakening), one of those files is causing the holes:

-----------------Sorceress Cartian Outifit
PAC File Name:
PHW_00_UB_0043.PAC (Obtained from this thread: Black Desert Online - PAC File Names Relations)

The outfit is formed by:
Upperbody : PHW_00_UB_0043.PAC
Lowerbody: PHW_00_LB_0043.PAC
Gloves: PHW_00_HAND_0043.PAC
Boots: PHW_00_FOOT_0043.PAC
Helmet: PHW_00_HEL_0043.PAC
Shoulder (Fur part): PHW_00_SHO_0043.PAC
Cloak(Arms fur): PHW_00_CLOAK_0043_P.PAC

(To find out which part forms each armor, download this and take a look. )

Tip: All the armors you mark are saved in "Paz\patcher_resources\partcutdesc_removed_armor.txt". You can manually add or delete armors you want to mark there, and then run the "Fix holes on character" option again.
Black Desert Online 3D Model Export / Import Tool

Thanks to IndigoDesert now it's possible to export .pac files open them on any 3D Editor like blender, edit them, and then re-import them back to the game.

The process is very simple, and I'm going to try to make the explanation as simple as possible with a lot of images to guide you through the process.

Here we go:
  1. Download Paz Browser and extract ALL THE FILES from the .zip file to: "Black Desert Online\Paz\"
  2. Open your "Paz" folder and run "paz_browser.exe"
  3. Find the .pac file you want to edit and press ENTER to extract and preview the file (Don't close the window that open with the extracted files)

    For the nude body models, using the menus, go to "Your class->Body Mesh":

    Here's the list of the nude body models files of each class:
    • Sorceress : phw_00_nude_0001_noalpha.pac
    • Ranger : pew_00_nude_0001_noalpha.pac
    • Tamer : pbw_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Valkyrie : pvw_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Valkyrie : pvw_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Witch : pww_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Kunoichi : pnw_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Dark Knight : pdw_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Plum(Maehwa) : pkww_00_nude_0002.pac
    • Warrior : phm_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Berserker : pgm_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Blader(Musa) : pkm_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Wizard : pwm_00_nude_0001.pac
    • Ninja : pnm_00_nude_0001.pac
  4. Download and extract all the content to the same folder that contains the .pac file (The folder the program opened after extracting the .pac file)

  5. Right click "pac_to_dae.bat" and then click "Edit"

  6. Replace "PAC_FILE_NAME.pac" with the name of the .pac file you are trying to extract. Also, replace "CLASSPREFIX" with the first 3 letters of the pac file you are converting:
    E.g: If the pac file name is: phw_00_nude_0001_noalpha.pac, replace "CLASSPREFIX_01.pab" with "phw_01.pab"

  7. Save the file and run "pac_to_dae.bat". 3 new files will be created in this folder:
    - Each .pac file has 3 "Level of Detail" (LOD) foles.
    - When you convert it to .dae, it separates it in 3 different files:
    • lod0 is the one with more details
    • lod3 is the one with less details.

  8. Open up Blender or any other 3D Editing software, and go to "File->Import->Collada (default) (.dae)" and find your .dae files.

  9. When you are done editing, go to "File->Export->Collada (default) (.dae)" and replace the original file.

  10. Now go back to your folder, right click "dae_to_pac.bat" and click on "Edit".

  11. Do the same thing you did before, but replace "DAE_FILE_NAME.dae" with the ".dae" file name you just edited and exported, "PAC_FILE_NAME.pac" with the original .pac file name, and "CLASSPREFIX" again with the first 3 letters of the .pac

    Note: If you want all the "Level of Detail" to use the same mesh that you just edited, add "-replaceAllLOD" before the "-r"
  12. Now download Meta Injector and extract all the files to: "Black Desert Online\Paz\"
  13. Place the .pac file you just created into "Black Desert Online\Paz\files_to_patch\"
  14. Run "meta_injector.exe"
  15. Choose "Run Injector" and "Let the program decide where they should go."
If you make new modifications, you have to go through the whole process again, including injecting it with the Meta Injector.


Vivacious Visitor
Feb 14, 2017
請問 Resorepless v3.6d 版 為什麼都沒辦法調整身體器官大小,往小調整沒問題 往大調整,一但進入美容室, 就當掉遊戲,
什麼方法都試了,就是不可以去動 身體往大調整,麻煩指教,謝謝!


Potential Patron
Oct 5, 2017
The bush for some classes look strange, anyone know how to fix this? (NA, 3.6d)
View attachment 69894
sorry. i have NOT REALLY an idea why it looks like it looks in your pitcure. guessing: can it be that you don't use a DXT5 convertation via PS?
if so just make sure once you goin to save your modded file via PS make sure DXT5 is enabled

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