1. Download mods
2. Extract files
3. Install BDO tools and download meta injector
4. paste meta_injector.exe inside the "Paz" folder
5. Make a CLEAN BACKUP(No mods applied!) of your pad0000.meta file so you can replace the moded one before an update etc.
For suzu's mods:(Only need to be done once)
Copy/paste the "files_to_patch" folder inside your "Paz" folder (located in BDO's root directory)
Run meta_injector.exe, while chosing patch method chose the "Use file structure" option, not the one that says "Let program decide" as suzu's mod pack already has the correct file paths
For resorepless:
Simply run the exe, adjust your settings and start the patching process
6. wait for the injector to finish
7. done, just launch the game
Doing it this way you won't have to touch the files again unless a new patch for the game is released, when that happens just replace the .meta file with the CLEAN BACKUP before patching.
After patching DO ANOTHER CLEAN BACKUP of the .meta file, you will need this too in case something goes wrong, and files get corrupted/a new patch is released or whatever else, ALWAYS HAVE A CLEAN BACKUP OF THE CURRENT .META FILE, IT WILL SAVE YOU A LOT OF TIME AND EFFORT
Using the "Use file structure" option is recommended if you got already sorted files like suzu's mods as this works more more reliably, if you have files from random mods but don't know where they go just use the "Let program decide" option, it's not guaranteed it will work but there's a very good chance it will.
8. After updating the game and doing the previous just run meta_injector.exe again, that sould install the mods no problems if you followed this easy step guide. Repeat for every new game update starting at step 5 but ignoring the "resorepless/suzu's mods" part if you didn't want to touch the mod files or want the same settings as before.
PS: Do not ask for help if you didn't at least read undercover's info post or the threads you got the mods from, the same questions get asked on a weekly basis and it gets tiring to answer them over and over again specially for the content creators of this community, do a little research, understand how the thing works and learn from mistakes.