Any Idea on how to change Lahn's BODY SIZE manually ?
..coz resorepless isn't doing it yet..
There is one way, with this you wont gonna have problems for textures, faces, vertex or anything else.
but is a little confusing if u dont do it rightly (just if you have a lot of folders in extracted_files like i have xD)
You need "MeshLab" (I use version 2016.12) and "ZBrush" (Version 4R7)
First step is get the .PAC file with "paz browser"
Then you need this.
***Those files arent mine, they are created by
Then u need edit this name with any text editor.
Remmember it has to be the name of the Pac that you extracted before
Like this.
Then you save it. and
Execute the bat file.
Once the bat file is finished the only file for use gonna be "_lod0" which is the file more bigger(MBytes)
for avoiding problems is better erase the others.
then in MeshLab you just import that .Dae file
Save it as an .obj
Then in Zbrush its where the magic begins.
But u need to import the file, but after import, u need to any other object in zbrush unless "SimpleBrush" or u will have troubles.
in the example i selected "Sphere3D"
then i imported it
Then you have to "Draw" the object in the map. With left click u draw from the top of the screen to down.
this sh*t cause me a lot of problems when i didn't knew how to use that tool.
Then select the magic "Move Tool" <3
Alt+Right Click (Pressed both) Move The Pane
Right Click (Move the the camera xyz)
Ctrl+Right Click (Zoom)
Shift+Left Click (Center view of the angle)
History of editing
and left click for edit the model.
PRESS "X" for mirror editing.
then with "Move" you just Draw the model the way you want.
anyways im not a fan of big boobs. but its an example.
Once you are finish editing. you export it like an ".obj" and replace the file.
Then go again to MESH LAB
and import the obj that we edited(replaced)
you will notice a difference with a Black Model, that means that is an object edited not from meshlab, but dont worry, the propieties from textures an other are fine, even the program when you open any model it says that "has texture problems" its because .dds are not supported on meshlab. but who cares, if it works its ok.
then Select and export that black model as .DAE
For finish you need to modify the .bat (dae_to_pac.bat)
the first name is "_lod0.dae" from the file in this case "psw_00_nude_0001_mesh00_lod0.dae"
and the second name is the main file "psw_00_nude_0001.pac"
check very carefuly the name. so you dont get any problem
then you execute that bat file
then you are done
now you pick that "psw_00_nude_0001.pac" File
and you move it or copy it to "files_to_patch"
and that's it. then you just run meta injector it and you are done.
PD: if this wasn't what you needed,then explain yourself.