Double check everywhere on your PC you have no mod files sitting around. When I first installed Resporeless I was able to do it as suggested keeping files in Paz and only deleting the ones it outlines. Then after a patch or two it started crashing on load so I deleted all the files in Paz that aren't supposed to be there, worked fine. A patch or two later it did it again then I realized I wasn't emptying recycle bin and that fixed it. A patch or two later etc. It's now at the point that I can't even leave the files in zip on my PC. I have them on an external SDD but if that is plugged in... it detected it a little while ago and started crashing. So now I have to even unplug the fucking thing from my PC. That's my suggestion anyways, it is usually the cause of the anti cheat causing a crash. The other thing is a lot of people, including me, find when you patch or repair Paz files. Start the game normally before installing mod, for some reason it seems to crash if you install mod immediately after repairing. Devs have told me this is all BS and you shouldn't have to do any of this, but my findings after being here for a while is everyone's PC is different. While it might work perfectly fine for some people, others have issues. Hopefully this helps!