Uninstall everything, matter of fact just do a file repair and get a new Paz folder. Install Resorepless only for now until you get a better hang of how everything works. Mixing files is likely your culprit for why it's not working properly. With resorepless installed as instructed, do your sliders if you want (customization), if you want you can turn on/off armor or start armor only. Run resorepless and then run meta injector, then delete all the files. Doing that every class should work properly except Guardian which has no nipples or genitals. You can fix that later on though if you want, it's a simple fix. I wouldn't add any suzu files or anything custom in until you understand file structure of where everything is supposed to go, then you can start gradually adding in other stuff one at a time and testing to make sure it works and doesn't break anything else.