yah you can not see it if all women are nude lol the partcut file you shared here is the same as come from Suzu, i dont know if Suzu checked everything but for me all womens basic gear outfits and somes from the cashop have upper/lower body clipping (shared or specific) i edited the file but theses clipping still remain. In other way if i use the partcut file from discord, i dont have theses clippings exept for the moddeds outfits and even by editing this one, the clipping and hole still here, i become crazy and depressive with this dumb file.
If you are using my partcutdesc
For costumes where you don't want to cut the body, just add the filename of the costume to the following line.
upperbody_hair for upper body
lowerbody_hair for the lower half of the body
If you are not sure which one, write it in both.
The costumes that the body will be clipping are
Write it in the Bugatti line.
My partcutdesc is in the Corsair thread.