Love this mod, thanks for the hard work! With the current update I was worried I'd have to redo my characters appearance to keep the breast size changer, but apparently not. Can't play this game with out these mods ;D
When I'm not busy working on Skyrim mods, I'll try to follow your guide to remove some of the pieces of armor. I'd love to remove the clothes, but keep the straps :D
I noticed that at higher breast sizes most of the clothes/robes tend to either have minor clipping or just look plain odd. Which is to be expected, as its not designed to handle that.
The only other deformation I ran into is with high breast size, I believe the horizontal slider you get some of the skin under the breast stretching. I've yet to find at what threshold it does this. Its really only noticeable from the size angle.
Again I realize this is unavoidable, I was just curious if anyone knows around which value you start seeing this.