I thought those files would exist inside a "weapon" folder inside my DK folder (C: Daum Games \ Black Desert \ character \ model \ 1_pc \ 15_pdw), but there's only "armor" and "event_costume", and no "weapon" folder for DK. This is quite odd, since folders for all other characters do have "weapon" folders inside them. So while I want to erase lbd files like you have suggested, I don't have a folder that contains them in the first place (I did look inside "armor" and "event_costume" just to make sure the lbd files aren't inside them). I'm guessing that this might be is a KR server-specific peculiarity.
I'm not sure how to solve this problem, but here is what I think might work: I create the weapon folder for DK, and place pac files inside it (of course, I would have to be helped out by someone who is willing to share their files since I don't have them in the first place), and then erase the in.pac files on Resorepless. Do you think this would work?
I worked on removing weapons for Maehwa, and first it seemed that it didn't work, as the weapon was intact. But I noticed that my Maehwa was equipped with a Yuria weapon, and I did not have the pac files for the Yuria weapon in my Maehwa folder. So I bought an Elsh weapon, which I do have pac files in my folder (pkww_01_bld_0007.pac and pkww_01_bld_0007_in.pac) to check whether it is visible or not. As expected, the Elsh Weapon turned out to be invisible when armed. I don't know why certain pac files like Maehwa's Yuria weapon do not exist in the folders they should, but I assume that if I can get hold of those files, I would be able to remove them in-game.
I would be grateful if anyone could share their pac files for Maehwa (Plum)'s Yuria weapon, which are pkww_01_bld_0006.pac and pkww_01_bld_0006_in.pac, along with their DK weapon folder pac files (all of them).