Simply switching the two files with any other outfit don't seems to work.. the game crash by loading a level.
Also unlocking an outfit on hard doesn't help, you'll get the same outfits; skyguard and winter.
So the files ayumi_cs_schoolgirl_char.grp and ayumi_cs_summer_char.grp in the res folder are still a riddle to me. Maybe some left files from the developers...
Simply switching the two files with any other outfit don't seems to work.. the game crash by loading a level.
Also unlocking an outfit on hard doesn't help, you'll get the same outfits; skyguard and winter.
So the files ayumi_cs_schoolgirl_char.grp and ayumi_cs_summer_char.grp in the res folder are still a riddle to me. Maybe some left files from the developers...
I've tried this, as well, with the same results; the game craps out by starting you from the very beginning, until you undo the change by restoring the original file.
Did you make sure you also completed everything in the game? All treasure chests collected on every level even? If not, that might be a requirement for unlocking them.
Did you make sure you also completed everything in the game? All treasure chests collected on every level even? If not, that might be a requirement for unlocking them.
I've found all the text logs and every secret chests in the game. Both on normal and hard. On hard you'll get new weapons and armour in the chests, but no new costumes.
Has anyone else more luck in unlocking these "hidden" outfits?
Blades of Time - Summer, Schoolgirl, Zero, Michelle Costumes
In another topic I shared pictures of summer and schoolgirl costumes that some people would like to unlock. I didn't "unlock" them but anyway, since someone is interested I decided to open as a new topic explaining how to achieve this. You can also play as Zero or Michelle. You can't achieve Dragon mode though, guess it requires something else.
Two of the images;
I can't explain every detail, for example you need to learn about hex editing for this so such things are for you to learn. Hopefully, explanation here will be enough. Since this is some sort of hack, it might break things so TAKE BACKUP!
1- Get a hex editor program that's capable of comparing files. I think the one I have, FrHed, was downloaded from here. Frhed - Free hex editor
2- Find where your save files are. With WindowsXP mines are at C:\Documents and Settings\[user_name]\Local Settings\Application Data\BladesOfTime. You can see files like hotkey.blk, profile.blk...
3- Copy the entire folder for backup. My rage skills seem to have gone now, I am not sure if it's because I messed with these or it happened after I played swamp extra content. I remember changing profile file before which appears to be an unnecessary file in this. Just in case, take backup.
4- Clear the ones named like "save[number].blk" if you don't have an important save state. This doesn't remove your profile, clears just the progress within levels.
5- Open the game. Start a level. At the beginnings of levels or maybe when there are cut scenes, or in-game speeches going on, this may not work. Just move to the first checkpoint in that level. It is usually not that far.
6- Now quit. When I say quit, just quitting to the main menu is enough for this. You don't need to close the game entirely. Wait until the game returns to the main menu. Check folder to see a save file appeared. Copy this file.
7- Get to the game and continue level. Switch to a different costume and quit again.
8- Open the save file with hex editor, the actual one like "save[number].blk", not the copy with some sort of addition in its name like "Copy save[number].blk".
9- Go to Edit/Compare from current offset... In the file dialog window select the previous copy file. If everything was right and you were lucky, it should give you a list with a single line like "1) 0x2a8=712 to 0x2a8=712 (1 bytes)" Numbers differ depending on the save.
This is the location of the byte that controls your costume for that save. 0x2a8 is hexadecimal(base 16) and 712 is the decimal position. If you wonder what this means, you need to learn hexadecimals and hexediting as I said before.
10- In hex editor, on the left you will see 2 digit numbers (some has letters a, b, c, d, e, f) and on the right, you can see some readable text here and there. You need the left part. On the bottom-left of the program there says "Offset 0=0x0" Now you need to select the 2 digit number which is at 0x2a8 or 712. Select until the bottom-left of the program says "Offset 712=0x2a8", the ones you found before after comparing two save files. Now change this value and save in hex editor. When you switch to the game and continue, it will load the new costume.
I don't know what extra default ones are for, maybe one is mortal form but I can't check since all my skills are gone anyway. I tried some other values and everything else seems to be crashing the game. So I don't know if dragon mode can be used like this.
Yeah, for short, it is the basic "modify in-game and check save file for changes" approach. I created the explanation as a new topic to make it easier to find in case more people are insterested.
after adding 4 more layers in photoshop with parts cut out, hand painting, adding shadows and nips you get this
but you are not done yet because any clothing that you remove you also need to remove from the bump maps
or it'll end up looking like you just painted her clothes with a skin colour. You will need nvidia's DDS plugin for photoshop to do the bump maps.
What I'm trying to say is that it's not a 10 minute job to make a nude mod, there is alot of trial and error involved till you are some what happy with the result. But I'm NOT trying to talk you out of doing it, by all means keep working at it, we could use some more modders here!:D
P.S. I'm not really sure what you meant by that last part, how are they deformed?
For those who wanna see what they look like.
I didn't unlock them in case you are wondering, this is done by changing a byte value in save files. You can also play as Zero or Michelle this way.
Finally, the elusive "schoolgirl" and "summer" costumes have been excavated!
Thank you very much to bloodoftime for finally "cracking" these costumes, and sindito for the downloads.
From playing around with the costumes this morning, I notice that the summer/schoolgirl costumes go away on stages where you actually receive a new costume (e.g. Sky Castle, where you first get the "Sky Guard" costume, your costume will change to Sky Guard), and you can only switch back to the in-game costumes via the menu.
I'm not sure if it was necessary to overwrite the save file again to regain the schoolgirl/summer costumes, but I did it anyway (while the game was still running) for good measure.
I was a bit disappointed that the summer costume wasn't her original X-Blades costume (that was my hope), but it's still hot. I just miss that g-string...and I want to see it in Blades of Time 1080p. ;)
Hang on a sec, back whan you used texmod to get that texture was the game running that save trick? If not, that might be the problem, the ID number for the texture may have changed...
grr...I reinstalled the game, backed up my save files then tried copying the summer save over that Sindito posted. Loaded the game and everything was the same as before, thought maybe it only works if you start a new game, so did that. She was still in the default outfit, copied my backup back and guess what, I'm still at the start of the game, so I've lost my completed game.
Not sure what I did wrong here but the end result is the same, you guys are on your own trying to mod these outfits...sorry.
Hi boys! I need some directions here.
I extracted some .dds textures from the summer suite using texmod, my plan is simple, remove the skirt from the texture to obtain a old stile summer suit.
But i do not know how to save the edited file, photoshop ask me for a special type DDS options when try to save and i have no idea what to do.
I will appreciate any kind of help.
Sorry for my bad english.
Mutter, when photoshop brings up that save box, the only thing that needs to change is the dropdown box in the upper left corner, set it to DXT5 ARGB 8 bpp | interpolated alpha leave the rest as they are and just click save.
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