BnS Nude mods (9 Viewers)


Potential Patron
Oct 9, 2012
Did i keep running umod until i quit the B&S?

블레이드 앤 소울에서 이 모드 적용하려면 umod를 항상 실행해야 합니까?
umod를 종료한 후 접속했더니 적용이 안되더군요.:p
영어 느무느무 어렵스무니다
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Translation of above.Google....
In the Blade & Soul this mode to apply the always run umod?
After the Umod,''/ which closed its access to apply the told me not.

English Nemuel Nemuel 20 It is difficult


Content Creator
Jul 21, 2012
Did i keep running umod until i quit the B&S?

블레이드 앤 소울에서 이 모드 적용하려면 umod를 항상 실행해야 합니까?
umod를 종료한 후 접속했더니 적용이 안되더군요.:p
영어 느무느무 어렵스무니다

yes, start Umod before launch B&S
네, UMOD는 B&S를 실행하기 전에 켜 두어야 합니다.


Content Creator
Jul 21, 2012
new version jin race underwear mod
- changed default tits texture
-. enhanced vagina detail

Client 2012-10-11 23-57-49-00.jpg Client 2012-10-12 00-13-08-37.jpg Client 2012-10-12 00-11-41-32.jpg Client 2012-10-12 00-04-46-07.jpg Client 2012-10-12 00-04-32-24.jpg Client 2012-10-12 00-02-37-29.jpg Client 2012-10-12 00-01-06-94.jpg Client 2012-10-12 00-00-29-01.jpg Client 2012-10-11 23-59-28-21.jpg
Download: View attachment

imcompatible with uMod 2.0 alpha


이 파일 받고 umod 1.4때 쓰던 적용 방법을 사용해 봐도 도저히 실행이 되지 않습니다. 모든 방법을 다 똑같이 따라하고 업데이트를 눌러도 아무런 변화가 없습니다. 물론 기존의 모드 역시 같은 이유로 적용이 되지 않습니다. 방법좀 알려주세요...


And this file umod 1.4, which was used to use how I couldn't even execution.
Everything exactly the same by pressing the Update and showed no change.
Of course, existing mode, too, for the same reason to apply. Could you tell me how to ...


Content Creator
Jul 21, 2012
이 파일 받고 umod 1.4때 쓰던 적용 방법을 사용해 봐도 도저히 실행이 되지 않습니다. 모든 방법을 다 똑같이 따라하고 업데이트를 눌러도 아무런 변화가 없습니다. 물론 기존의 모드 역시 같은 이유로 적용이 되지 않습니다. 방법좀 알려주세요...

1. recommended close every programs
2. execute uMod with administrator permission(관리자 권한으로 실행) before start BnS
3. use global hook
4. add games BnS client (not launcher)
5. start BnS
6. open texture /package
7. select dds file (inside zip file i uploaded)
8. hit update (reload) button in umod
9. change texture resolution several times in BnS

this Mod will work only in 진(jin) race with underwear

this is all procedure
there is no other special tasks,

i also made this mod with Windows7 64bit

but not sure all users can use this mod successfully

wonder why.. :(

please do not post reply with Korean. use google translate at least :)
then other people can help you besides me

give me a private message if you are in trouble with English

this site is international (i think)
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Content Creator
Apr 23, 2012


Potential Patron
Oct 1, 2012
"All i'm saying is religion is the problem today not the entire western world.
As long as those in power cater to religions fear of sexuality the rest of us will continue to be denied free expression."



"All i'm saying is religion is the problem today not the entire western world.
As long as those in power cater to religions fear of sexuality the rest of us will continue to be denied free expression."

Well Expressed Rational Declaration?

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