The era of beat 'em ups was over, and the city streets were safe again.
Wood Oak City prospered under new leadership, and crime rates were at an all-time low. With nothing to do, Axel Stone and Adam Hunter started a new shoewear line that took off and earned them enough money to comfortably retire.
Blaze Fielding and Estel Aguirre couldn't hack it at their desk jobs. They longed for the excitement of a fight, a bare-knuckle brawl through the streets, but those days were long gone.
Then something miraculous happened.
Eccentric Billionaire Rick Anstle held the microphone annoyingly close to his nose, but he didn't care. He ran the damn show.
In its first season, Bodied rounded up out of work, beat 'em up gals from around the world, and pitted them against violent opposition. The kind of seedy, illegal opposition that people paid a lot of money to see. The live stream was a runaway success.
"We have an exciting fight lined up for today,"
The show was produced like a live tv news broadcast, with little boxes of pictures on top, showing off the fighters and their profiles.
"Up first...the lovely lady who will fight in our MAIN EVENT! GIVE IT UP FOR ESTEL AGUIRRE!"
Estel walked out to loud but canned applause, notably added in the post.
"Now Estel, you are fighting a blast from the past. The one man you should have seen a lot of on the streets!"
"Donovan can I forget that goofy little head?"
Canned laughter played on the live stream.
" some respect is in order!"
"Respect!? I will beat that little bitch down and ride his mouth with my pussy..." Estel moved closer to the camera.
"And then, after I make him drink my cum, I'm gonna carry him home, lock him up in a cage and make him MY BITCH..." Estel paused for dramatic effect.
"OOOOO...seems like we have a doozy on our hand's folks, and it's gonna be at the Wood Oak Junkyard. While Estel scoots over to the location, let's cut to another beautiful woman doing a special combo challenge for us...LADIES AND GENTLEMAN BLAZE FIELDING!"
The stream cut to a cheap recreation of the city streets. 10 thugs populated the show floor, eagerly waiting for the sight of the muscular goddess.
Their jaws dropped when she showed up.
Blaze effortlessly chained her attacks together, moving from one person to the next. She flew over the head of one thug, giving him a wink and a view of her red panties. Then she clocked him in the face with her boot.
Another man got a mouthful of her bosom as she flipped him over her head. She gave him a beaming smile as he fell to his head. Above them was a billboard that was counting her strikes.
It flowed elegantly like water, and Blaze matched its movement with her grace. A kick into a punch that linked into a forward roll took care of two more men. Blaze made it three in a row as she blew one more away with a Kikoshou blast.
Blaze felt the vibe, the music, the loud sounds, and the pain-filled screams filled her ear with ecstasy. She was in the zone.
The hits kept coming.
Blaze Fielding was in seventh heaven. She was finally letting her pent-up aggression loose. Something she never thought she would do again.
It finally stopped when the last man fell. A 1000-linked, consecutive series of strikes between 10 men. She still had it.
Blaze took a bow for the audience before the stream cut away.
"DON'T GO ANYWHERE, FOLKS! When we come back after these short messages, the grudge match of the century...ESTEL VS DONOVAN, In a no-holds-barred, hatred-fueled fight!"
The studio quickly emptied as the camera cut away. Paramedics rushed in to attend to the wounded men while Blaze signed a few autographs for eager fans. Two of them seemed particularly eager.
"Ms. Blaze, would you mind joining us for a party? It's close to here at my friend's place!" Blaze hated it when they made puppy doll eyes at her.
"Ooooo...I am sorry, boys, but I have plans to watch the fight tonight! Wouldn't miss Estel's debut for the world!"
Blaze didn't want to disappoint her fans. She sighed at their long faces.
"How about this? How about we watch the fight together? I got VIP seats in the studio!"
"R-Really?" stammered one of the fans.
"Would that be okay?" Inquired the other.
Blaze gave them a beautiful smile and led them to the auditorium.
The rain poured down, splashing spitter splatter on the carcass of old vehicles strewn about. There were cameras in every nook and cranny around the Wood Oak Junkyard, taking a shot of Estel entering through the large gates.
Cars were piled on top of each other, as far as the eye could see. But Estel's sight was set on one man.
He stood in the center of a makeshift pit with a circular border of old cars. Estel slid over the bonnet of one of the cars and made her way into the fight pit.
"Welcome," said Donovan with a smile.
The big brute adjusted his black glasses and flashed a lusty grin, impressed at the sight of the muscular woman before him.
"Impressive, you have gotten a little bigger than the last time we met," mocked Estel. "But you still ain't tough enough to beat me!"
Despite her snarky jibe, Estel could see that the man was taller, grander, and bigger than she was. He looked around 7 feet, with ebony skin dark as the night. He wore loose-fitting trousers paired with black boots. Dark sunglasses covered his eyes, and his bald head glistened in the rain.
Estel looked at his massive bare chest, impressed by how wide it was. His body was sculpted for mean muscle, and she knew this man would pose a dangerous challenge.
"It seems like they gave me an old photo of yours," smiled Donovan. "You look even bigger in person!"
"What's the matter?" said Estel with a snarky grin. "Afraid of lil' ol' me?"
"Not at all!" replied Donovan with enthusiasm. "The more you have..."
Donovan put up his fists next to his face.
"The more meat for me to play with!"
That comment made the snarky grin on Estel's face disappear. She now wore a cold stare, eyes burning with rage. Donovan could feel her wanting to tear him apart. He smiled and licked his lips.
Estel knew she couldn't rush in. Not against a guy this big. She needed a plan.
Estel scanned his body for weaknesses, but it seemed like an impenetrable fortress of muscle. Without many options to consider, she settled for his small, beady head.
His height meant she would need to jump, but for that to happen, Estel would need to mix him up. A fake jab at his stomach should get him to block low, giving her enough time to strike with a knee. When he was dazed, that would be her moment to jump.
Estel decided the best course of action would be to commit and be as swift as possible. She rushed in and threw a jab at his stomach. Thinking it would surely succeed, Estel had conditioned her body to throw out a follow-up knee as fast as possible. Something she would soon regret.
To her utter shock, Donovan did not block low. He did not block at all. He saw through her move and let the weak jab connect with his stomach, standing unfazed.
Estel panicked and tried to withdraw her follow-up knee, but it was too late. It bounced off Donovan's wrists harmlessly.
Estel knew she was fucked the moment her strike would fade. She now had a choice between eating his follow-up punch, which she could see him rev up, or jumping anyway and seeing if she could land a blow to his head. Estel realized she was lying to wasn't really a choice.
She jumped, turning her body at the peak and pointing a fist at Donovan's head. For a second, it looked like it had worked. Estel had his tiny head in her crosshairs and smiled. Then something strange happened.
Donovan's head vanished from her view. She stared slack-jawed as he dodged at the last second. In place of his head, a fist appeared in her sight. Estel gulped as she realized where it was headed and prepared to taste the bitter medicine.
Her scream filled the air as Donovan impaled her stomach. He held her body in the air, letting her limbs flail and the pain flare. She threw her head up and screamed again.
Donovan covered her face with his large palm and slammed her body into the concrete. The back of Estel's head hit the wet ground first. Her feet lingered in the air a little longer than her torso till they fell limp and weightless.
The aftershock sent a tremor that shook the old cars around them. Donovan's large knuckles obstructed her view, but she could still see the sick smile on his face.
Donovan raked her face over the concrete and flung her into the air. Estel's body floated. She flipped upside down and began to dread Newton's law.
Spit flew out of her mouth when Donovan rammed his large boot into her stomach. The impact sent her flying toward one of the cars. Estel's back collided with the front of an old car, and she fell to her ass. She sat there blank and shocked at the brutality of his strikes. The thought that there was more to come filled her heart with fear.
As if on cue, she saw Donovan flash a smile. He worked his fingers into a makeshift camera, mockingly taking a photo. Estel sat dazed in front of the old vehicle, her head sagging between the two headlights.
She watched, helpless, as Donovan broke into a run and braced herself for what was to come. His large body floated through the air, his feet jutting out straight in front of him. They collided with the ballistic armor on her chest.
Estel screamed her loudest when the dropkick buried her into the car. The steel split open, accepting Estel's body while it sliced through the old chassis. The car ate and shot her out the back while it broke in two.
Her hard body rolled on the concrete, coming to a stop a few meters away. Estel lay breathing on her face, her body twitching from the pain.
She could hear Donovan's maniacal laugh echo through the junkyard.
"IS THAT IT?" He screamed, making Estel's body shiver with fear.
Estel ignored his screams and focused on the task at hand - Getting back to her feet. The fight had barely started, and she was reeling from his onslaught. Her mind was in shambles, shocked and humbled by his punishment.
She concentrated, slowly willing her battered and aching body to get up. Donovan smiled as he watched her muscles flex and burn. The big amazon slowly made it to her knees and then took her time getting to her feet. Donovan was impressed. The big girl had some fight in her after all.
He made his mind up to break her slowly.
Estel swayed on her feet, struggling to balance herself. She looked at the ruined ballistic armor on her chest, shattered in two, the protective garment hung by a thread. She ripped it off and flung it aside.
She tore off the vest beneath and raised her fists up to her face. Now topless, her breasts gleamed in the rain, flaring Donovan's lust and making him hard. It made Estel least there was one battle she was winning.
They circled in the rain, their feet splashing water from the litter puddles on the floor. After the colossal failure of the opening salvo, Estel took her time. She scanned his body again. Like a computer scanning an image, Estel tried to find a weakness, but Donovan's limbs read like sculpted stones.
She scanned and rejected nearly every possibility, and his brutal punishment for one mistake had made Estel cautious. She decided it was time to stop playing fair. Estel looked at the thick bulge filling his pants and locked her target in.
To open her strikes, Estel decided on a spinning heel kick to close the gap. Despite her aching body, she executed it to perfection. Estel dove to the ground, extending her foot in the air and using the ground as a springboard to push herself up.
Her body flipped in the air, her massive leg threatening to land on Donovan's head. It forced the big man to block high. Donovan was forced into a crouch when he swatted her leg away. Estel landed and wrapped her big arm around his head, catching Donovan in a front headlock.
She forced him up and eyed her target. Estel had him bent over, with his head locked at her hips. It left him open to her barbaric plan. She smiled when she felt her boot crunch into his balls.
Estel did not stop kicking. She could not stop. She felt the humiliation course through her veins, turning into the rage that poured out of her stikes.
Slowly, a realization dawned on her. Donovan wasn't screaming.
He wasn't even grunting. He was laughing. Fear ran down her spine when she watched him sportingly hold his own hands behind his back.
"I wondered how long it would take to break your ego."
Estel panicked when she heard his voice at the side of her hips, still stuck in her front headlock, or was he? She increased the intensity of her strikes.
"All that self-righteousness..."
She kicked as hard as she could, squishing his balls under her boot.
"All that false pride...taking the law in your hands..."
Estel's breathing quickened, and her nerves flared with fear. She kicked his balls as hard as she could.
"And you turned out to be nothing but a simple thug...well..."
Estel shrieked with fear as Donovan's arms wrapped around her waist. He picked her up and held her in the air.
"My turn!"
He rammed her pussy into the tip of his knee with a savage atomic drop. The impact sent a shockwave that rattled Estel's pelvic bone and squished her ovaries. The pain shot up to the pit of her stomach, and Estel screamed again.
Another atomic drop rendered her arms limp by her side. Estel sat drooling on his knee, her eyes crossed from the pain, and her tongue rolled out of her mouth.
Donovan trapped her hair between his knuckles, nearly separating it from her scalp as he forced her to stand. Then he resumed his punishment.
His large boots dug holes into Estel's hamstrings, forcing her to spread her legs wide. Then the knee strikes began. Donovan's cold strikes detonated like bombs in her pussy. Each explosion rocked her to the bone, and she prayed for the punishment to end.
She felt another knee collide deep with a resounding thud.
"You are an embarrassment..."
"A straggler that rode the success of your friends..."
"I will show you what you really are..."
"A big, dumb jobber slut..."
Donovan moved away after one final strike. Estel fell to her knees. Tears ran down her eyes and mixed with the rain falling on her face. Donovan's furious attack had torn a hole through her garment, giving them a crotchless makeover that couldn't hide her bruised vulva from view. Her hands were limp by her side.
Estel just wanted it to end, but Donovan wasn't done yet.
She nearly choked on her own spit when his large knee crashed into the center of her chest. It sent a tremor through her ribs, and electricity coursed through her veins. Estel wondered why she wasn't dead yet. She began to wonder why Donovan was holding back.
Despite the furious intensity of his strikes, she could tell they were not at full strength. He could have broken her ribs if he wanted to, but he didn't. Then a realization sent a chill down her spine. He was playing with her.
A nasally scream echoed in the junkyard when Donovan's knee squished Estel's nose and bloodied her nostrils. His large palm covered her face, attaching itself like a parasite and pulling Estel into the air.
She dangled helplessly in his hand, her feet and arms limp by her side. Donovan licked his lips at the sight of her taut abdomen.
"It surprises me how weak you are..."
His massive fist sunk into her stomach, striking deep and stretching her skin. Donovan hit with precision, punching every pocket of muscle he could find on her abdomen. Estel screamed and screamed some more.
Her eyes went wide when she coughed spit and blood in Donovan's palm. Estel's stomach was bruised from the strikes, and the pain soared through her body. Yet, she could feel him holding back. If he wanted to, he could impale her and kill her right there, but he didn't.
Donovan was playing with his food. He stripped off the rest of her wardrobe, and Estel hung nude in his hand, his palm still imprisoning her face.
Estel was tired of her screams. The strain they put on her throat hurt. Her voice slowly wound down until she whispered soft groans in his hand. Every inch of her abdomen burned with pain. Every muscle tired till Donovan's hand cut through her skin like butter. Her hands hung limply by her side, and her feet lingered in the air.
Estel had never been dominated like this. Like a piece of meat dangling in the hands of a psychotic bastard. A strange sensation ran through her broken body. The beating was turning her on.
She moaned as Donovan continued his onslaught. He struck her stomach with sledgehammer punches, and Estel was starting to like it.
"I knew it!" smiled Donovan. Another fist bruised her skin with a sadistic thud.
"You like this, don't you?"
"The feeling of being dominated,"
"Who knew the big, bad cop was a little slut?"
Estel felt the humiliation run through her body. Her pussy began to get wet at the realization.
Her body folded dutifully and welcomed another fist into her stomach. Her muscles twitched with exertion before they gave up. The punch went deep deeper than before, sinking into her solar plexus. Estel's blood now filled Donovan's palm. He smiled and finally stopped.
Donovan repositioned his grip around her throat and admired her body in the falling rain. Her head swayed to one side, her eyes barely open. Estel's lips opened and closed in short bursts, her lungs desperate for air. Her nude body gleamed, and Donovan licked his lips when his eyes wandered to her bruised stomach.
His vision then floated upward towards her luscious, round breasts. Donovan smiled at the thoughts that ran through his head.
He let Estel go, giving her false hope of freedom as she floated to the ground. She didn't even get to touch it. Donovan intercepted her fall with a thunderous fist to her face.
It caved her cheek in, rattling her teeth. Blood and spit flew out of her mouth, and her body spun like a top in the air. Estel traveled a few meters before gravity took hold, and she came crashing down to her face.
Her naked body twitched in the rain, involuntarily humping the ground as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She orgasmed hard, letting out a shameful cry of submission. It made Donovan laugh, and he watched her slowly pass out.
During her brief sojourn, Donovan relieved himself of his clothes. He flipped the unconscious Estel around with his feet and sat down softly on her stomach. Donovan let his lust curve a path through her abdominals, and his erect phallus followed his command.
Estel woke with timid moans on her lips. Her eyes adjusted briefly and then grew wide in shock at the thick cock grinding on her stomach.
Donovan quelled her protest with a hand over her mouth. He humped her bruised stomach, and Estel bit his hand in ecstasy. She slowly realized she had lost and was now on Donovan's whim.
They moaned together when he unloaded over his six-pack, bathing her battered stomach with his seed. He let go of her mouth and kissed Estel passionately, and she responded in kind.
Their tongues danced in ecstasy, and she was ready to warm his bed. What she didn't know was there was still more to come.
Donovan's fist squished her breast, deflating the tear-drop globe and making her scream.
Another fist landed on the opposite breast, and Donovan began slowly picking up the pace.
Estel screamed at first, but then her body got used to the pain. The adrenaline shot burning passion through her nerves. She began moaning and biting her lips.
She screamed, and Donovan obliged. He beat her tits black and blue, and Estel loved every second.
So did Blaze. The two men next to her struggled as she stroked their erections.
Before long, Donovan slid his snake between Estel's cleavage and rained fury on her face. Her cheeks swelled, and blood ran down her lips. She couldn't get enough.
Donovan did not disappoint. He gave her battered globes a ravenous fucking, while he punched her. Estel now had a black eye, and her nostrils bled. One of her cheeks had swollen up, and the other was besieged by a large bruise.
The intensity of his thrusts between her bruised breasts matched that of his punches. The pace quickened and quickened until finally...he unloaded on Estel's face. She smiled in satisfaction, her pussy wet from another orgasm, and her body wracked with pain.
Blaze's biggest fans nearly passed out when they came, shooting their loads in her hands as their eyes fluttered and their arms fell. She threw her head up as she orgasmed hard.
Donovan flipped Estel around to her face and positioned her hips till her ass pointed to the air. She moaned as his erect cock teased her bruised vulva.
Her furious shriek was quelled by Donovan's palm, and he began penetrating slowly. He picked up the pace to a fever pitch, giving Estel a hard anal pounding. She moaned and bit his hand softly, crying tears of ecstasy. She was now his little jobber slut.
Blaze watched Donovan fill Estel with another dose of his lust, and her fingers moved between her legs. She matched the intensity of his thrusts, turned on and horny, while she watched Estel get ripped apart. Blaze wanted Donovan. She wanted him bad.
The eccentric billionaire Rick Anstle appeared on the Livestream again.
"Now, who would have guessed that, eh folks?" He held the mic annoyingly close to his nose.
"The big, bad Estel Aguirre beaten and fucked like a little bitch! I told you we have a surprise in store for our debut season! And his name is MUTHAFUCKIN' Donovan!"
The big man gave the camera a thumbs up, but the cameraman seemed focused on Estel's bouncing head. Her mouth opened wide to accommodate Donovan's girth, and she gagged. A line of spit hung from the side of her lips and then mixed with his seed when he finally unloaded deep down her throat.
"Now, why don't we get comments from our loser?"
The cameraman moved close to Estel's drenched face, which was held up to the camera by Donovan's hand, pulling on her hair.
"N-Nothing to...ungh...say r-really. Donovan...ungh....beat me up good and made me his bitch!"
"Is that some humility in your tone, I hear?" Rick mockingly held up his hand to his ear.
"Humility a-and...ungh...subjugation!"
"Indeed!" smiled Rick.
"Now, since you have won the fight, you get to pick your next opponent. Now, who will it be?"
Rick pointed the mic annoyingly close to Donovan's nose.
"Say my name...say my name!" Blaze's fingers were now on overdrive.
"Who else could it be?" Donovan looked at the camera and smiled.
"MMMM...OHHHH YESSS!" Moaned Blaze as she drew close to an orgasm.
"The one bitch I have wanted payback from since our early days on the streets. Blaze Fielding!"
Blaze drenched the VIP seat with an intense orgasm, spraying some on her exhausted fans. She threw her head up and collapsed on the chair, grabbing her shocked fans and forcing their tongues on her teat. She held their heads there till she rocked to another orgasm and left them sitting there.
She walked out with a smile on her face.
Wood Oak City prospered under new leadership, and crime rates were at an all-time low. With nothing to do, Axel Stone and Adam Hunter started a new shoewear line that took off and earned them enough money to comfortably retire.
Blaze Fielding and Estel Aguirre couldn't hack it at their desk jobs. They longed for the excitement of a fight, a bare-knuckle brawl through the streets, but those days were long gone.
Then something miraculous happened.
Eccentric Billionaire Rick Anstle held the microphone annoyingly close to his nose, but he didn't care. He ran the damn show.
In its first season, Bodied rounded up out of work, beat 'em up gals from around the world, and pitted them against violent opposition. The kind of seedy, illegal opposition that people paid a lot of money to see. The live stream was a runaway success.
"We have an exciting fight lined up for today,"
The show was produced like a live tv news broadcast, with little boxes of pictures on top, showing off the fighters and their profiles.
"Up first...the lovely lady who will fight in our MAIN EVENT! GIVE IT UP FOR ESTEL AGUIRRE!"
Estel walked out to loud but canned applause, notably added in the post.

"Now Estel, you are fighting a blast from the past. The one man you should have seen a lot of on the streets!"
"Donovan can I forget that goofy little head?"
Canned laughter played on the live stream.
" some respect is in order!"
"Respect!? I will beat that little bitch down and ride his mouth with my pussy..." Estel moved closer to the camera.
"And then, after I make him drink my cum, I'm gonna carry him home, lock him up in a cage and make him MY BITCH..." Estel paused for dramatic effect.
"OOOOO...seems like we have a doozy on our hand's folks, and it's gonna be at the Wood Oak Junkyard. While Estel scoots over to the location, let's cut to another beautiful woman doing a special combo challenge for us...LADIES AND GENTLEMAN BLAZE FIELDING!"
The stream cut to a cheap recreation of the city streets. 10 thugs populated the show floor, eagerly waiting for the sight of the muscular goddess.
Their jaws dropped when she showed up.

Blaze effortlessly chained her attacks together, moving from one person to the next. She flew over the head of one thug, giving him a wink and a view of her red panties. Then she clocked him in the face with her boot.
Another man got a mouthful of her bosom as she flipped him over her head. She gave him a beaming smile as he fell to his head. Above them was a billboard that was counting her strikes.
It flowed elegantly like water, and Blaze matched its movement with her grace. A kick into a punch that linked into a forward roll took care of two more men. Blaze made it three in a row as she blew one more away with a Kikoshou blast.
Blaze felt the vibe, the music, the loud sounds, and the pain-filled screams filled her ear with ecstasy. She was in the zone.
The hits kept coming.
Blaze Fielding was in seventh heaven. She was finally letting her pent-up aggression loose. Something she never thought she would do again.
It finally stopped when the last man fell. A 1000-linked, consecutive series of strikes between 10 men. She still had it.
Blaze took a bow for the audience before the stream cut away.
"DON'T GO ANYWHERE, FOLKS! When we come back after these short messages, the grudge match of the century...ESTEL VS DONOVAN, In a no-holds-barred, hatred-fueled fight!"
The studio quickly emptied as the camera cut away. Paramedics rushed in to attend to the wounded men while Blaze signed a few autographs for eager fans. Two of them seemed particularly eager.
"Ms. Blaze, would you mind joining us for a party? It's close to here at my friend's place!" Blaze hated it when they made puppy doll eyes at her.
"Ooooo...I am sorry, boys, but I have plans to watch the fight tonight! Wouldn't miss Estel's debut for the world!"
Blaze didn't want to disappoint her fans. She sighed at their long faces.
"How about this? How about we watch the fight together? I got VIP seats in the studio!"
"R-Really?" stammered one of the fans.
"Would that be okay?" Inquired the other.
Blaze gave them a beautiful smile and led them to the auditorium.
The rain poured down, splashing spitter splatter on the carcass of old vehicles strewn about. There were cameras in every nook and cranny around the Wood Oak Junkyard, taking a shot of Estel entering through the large gates.
Cars were piled on top of each other, as far as the eye could see. But Estel's sight was set on one man.
He stood in the center of a makeshift pit with a circular border of old cars. Estel slid over the bonnet of one of the cars and made her way into the fight pit.
"Welcome," said Donovan with a smile.
The big brute adjusted his black glasses and flashed a lusty grin, impressed at the sight of the muscular woman before him.
"Impressive, you have gotten a little bigger than the last time we met," mocked Estel. "But you still ain't tough enough to beat me!"
Despite her snarky jibe, Estel could see that the man was taller, grander, and bigger than she was. He looked around 7 feet, with ebony skin dark as the night. He wore loose-fitting trousers paired with black boots. Dark sunglasses covered his eyes, and his bald head glistened in the rain.
Estel looked at his massive bare chest, impressed by how wide it was. His body was sculpted for mean muscle, and she knew this man would pose a dangerous challenge.
"It seems like they gave me an old photo of yours," smiled Donovan. "You look even bigger in person!"
"What's the matter?" said Estel with a snarky grin. "Afraid of lil' ol' me?"
"Not at all!" replied Donovan with enthusiasm. "The more you have..."
Donovan put up his fists next to his face.
"The more meat for me to play with!"
That comment made the snarky grin on Estel's face disappear. She now wore a cold stare, eyes burning with rage. Donovan could feel her wanting to tear him apart. He smiled and licked his lips.
Estel knew she couldn't rush in. Not against a guy this big. She needed a plan.
Estel scanned his body for weaknesses, but it seemed like an impenetrable fortress of muscle. Without many options to consider, she settled for his small, beady head.
His height meant she would need to jump, but for that to happen, Estel would need to mix him up. A fake jab at his stomach should get him to block low, giving her enough time to strike with a knee. When he was dazed, that would be her moment to jump.
Estel decided the best course of action would be to commit and be as swift as possible. She rushed in and threw a jab at his stomach. Thinking it would surely succeed, Estel had conditioned her body to throw out a follow-up knee as fast as possible. Something she would soon regret.
To her utter shock, Donovan did not block low. He did not block at all. He saw through her move and let the weak jab connect with his stomach, standing unfazed.
Estel panicked and tried to withdraw her follow-up knee, but it was too late. It bounced off Donovan's wrists harmlessly.
Estel knew she was fucked the moment her strike would fade. She now had a choice between eating his follow-up punch, which she could see him rev up, or jumping anyway and seeing if she could land a blow to his head. Estel realized she was lying to wasn't really a choice.
She jumped, turning her body at the peak and pointing a fist at Donovan's head. For a second, it looked like it had worked. Estel had his tiny head in her crosshairs and smiled. Then something strange happened.
Donovan's head vanished from her view. She stared slack-jawed as he dodged at the last second. In place of his head, a fist appeared in her sight. Estel gulped as she realized where it was headed and prepared to taste the bitter medicine.
Her scream filled the air as Donovan impaled her stomach. He held her body in the air, letting her limbs flail and the pain flare. She threw her head up and screamed again.
Donovan covered her face with his large palm and slammed her body into the concrete. The back of Estel's head hit the wet ground first. Her feet lingered in the air a little longer than her torso till they fell limp and weightless.
The aftershock sent a tremor that shook the old cars around them. Donovan's large knuckles obstructed her view, but she could still see the sick smile on his face.
Donovan raked her face over the concrete and flung her into the air. Estel's body floated. She flipped upside down and began to dread Newton's law.
Spit flew out of her mouth when Donovan rammed his large boot into her stomach. The impact sent her flying toward one of the cars. Estel's back collided with the front of an old car, and she fell to her ass. She sat there blank and shocked at the brutality of his strikes. The thought that there was more to come filled her heart with fear.
As if on cue, she saw Donovan flash a smile. He worked his fingers into a makeshift camera, mockingly taking a photo. Estel sat dazed in front of the old vehicle, her head sagging between the two headlights.
She watched, helpless, as Donovan broke into a run and braced herself for what was to come. His large body floated through the air, his feet jutting out straight in front of him. They collided with the ballistic armor on her chest.
Estel screamed her loudest when the dropkick buried her into the car. The steel split open, accepting Estel's body while it sliced through the old chassis. The car ate and shot her out the back while it broke in two.
Her hard body rolled on the concrete, coming to a stop a few meters away. Estel lay breathing on her face, her body twitching from the pain.
She could hear Donovan's maniacal laugh echo through the junkyard.
"IS THAT IT?" He screamed, making Estel's body shiver with fear.
Estel ignored his screams and focused on the task at hand - Getting back to her feet. The fight had barely started, and she was reeling from his onslaught. Her mind was in shambles, shocked and humbled by his punishment.
She concentrated, slowly willing her battered and aching body to get up. Donovan smiled as he watched her muscles flex and burn. The big amazon slowly made it to her knees and then took her time getting to her feet. Donovan was impressed. The big girl had some fight in her after all.
He made his mind up to break her slowly.
Estel swayed on her feet, struggling to balance herself. She looked at the ruined ballistic armor on her chest, shattered in two, the protective garment hung by a thread. She ripped it off and flung it aside.
She tore off the vest beneath and raised her fists up to her face. Now topless, her breasts gleamed in the rain, flaring Donovan's lust and making him hard. It made Estel least there was one battle she was winning.
They circled in the rain, their feet splashing water from the litter puddles on the floor. After the colossal failure of the opening salvo, Estel took her time. She scanned his body again. Like a computer scanning an image, Estel tried to find a weakness, but Donovan's limbs read like sculpted stones.
She scanned and rejected nearly every possibility, and his brutal punishment for one mistake had made Estel cautious. She decided it was time to stop playing fair. Estel looked at the thick bulge filling his pants and locked her target in.
To open her strikes, Estel decided on a spinning heel kick to close the gap. Despite her aching body, she executed it to perfection. Estel dove to the ground, extending her foot in the air and using the ground as a springboard to push herself up.
Her body flipped in the air, her massive leg threatening to land on Donovan's head. It forced the big man to block high. Donovan was forced into a crouch when he swatted her leg away. Estel landed and wrapped her big arm around his head, catching Donovan in a front headlock.
She forced him up and eyed her target. Estel had him bent over, with his head locked at her hips. It left him open to her barbaric plan. She smiled when she felt her boot crunch into his balls.
Estel did not stop kicking. She could not stop. She felt the humiliation course through her veins, turning into the rage that poured out of her stikes.
Slowly, a realization dawned on her. Donovan wasn't screaming.
He wasn't even grunting. He was laughing. Fear ran down her spine when she watched him sportingly hold his own hands behind his back.
"I wondered how long it would take to break your ego."
Estel panicked when she heard his voice at the side of her hips, still stuck in her front headlock, or was he? She increased the intensity of her strikes.
"All that self-righteousness..."
She kicked as hard as she could, squishing his balls under her boot.
"All that false pride...taking the law in your hands..."
Estel's breathing quickened, and her nerves flared with fear. She kicked his balls as hard as she could.
"And you turned out to be nothing but a simple thug...well..."
Estel shrieked with fear as Donovan's arms wrapped around her waist. He picked her up and held her in the air.
"My turn!"
He rammed her pussy into the tip of his knee with a savage atomic drop. The impact sent a shockwave that rattled Estel's pelvic bone and squished her ovaries. The pain shot up to the pit of her stomach, and Estel screamed again.
Another atomic drop rendered her arms limp by her side. Estel sat drooling on his knee, her eyes crossed from the pain, and her tongue rolled out of her mouth.
Donovan trapped her hair between his knuckles, nearly separating it from her scalp as he forced her to stand. Then he resumed his punishment.
His large boots dug holes into Estel's hamstrings, forcing her to spread her legs wide. Then the knee strikes began. Donovan's cold strikes detonated like bombs in her pussy. Each explosion rocked her to the bone, and she prayed for the punishment to end.
She felt another knee collide deep with a resounding thud.
"You are an embarrassment..."
"A straggler that rode the success of your friends..."
"I will show you what you really are..."
"A big, dumb jobber slut..."
Donovan moved away after one final strike. Estel fell to her knees. Tears ran down her eyes and mixed with the rain falling on her face. Donovan's furious attack had torn a hole through her garment, giving them a crotchless makeover that couldn't hide her bruised vulva from view. Her hands were limp by her side.
Estel just wanted it to end, but Donovan wasn't done yet.
She nearly choked on her own spit when his large knee crashed into the center of her chest. It sent a tremor through her ribs, and electricity coursed through her veins. Estel wondered why she wasn't dead yet. She began to wonder why Donovan was holding back.
Despite the furious intensity of his strikes, she could tell they were not at full strength. He could have broken her ribs if he wanted to, but he didn't. Then a realization sent a chill down her spine. He was playing with her.
A nasally scream echoed in the junkyard when Donovan's knee squished Estel's nose and bloodied her nostrils. His large palm covered her face, attaching itself like a parasite and pulling Estel into the air.
She dangled helplessly in his hand, her feet and arms limp by her side. Donovan licked his lips at the sight of her taut abdomen.
"It surprises me how weak you are..."
His massive fist sunk into her stomach, striking deep and stretching her skin. Donovan hit with precision, punching every pocket of muscle he could find on her abdomen. Estel screamed and screamed some more.
Her eyes went wide when she coughed spit and blood in Donovan's palm. Estel's stomach was bruised from the strikes, and the pain soared through her body. Yet, she could feel him holding back. If he wanted to, he could impale her and kill her right there, but he didn't.
Donovan was playing with his food. He stripped off the rest of her wardrobe, and Estel hung nude in his hand, his palm still imprisoning her face.
Estel was tired of her screams. The strain they put on her throat hurt. Her voice slowly wound down until she whispered soft groans in his hand. Every inch of her abdomen burned with pain. Every muscle tired till Donovan's hand cut through her skin like butter. Her hands hung limply by her side, and her feet lingered in the air.
Estel had never been dominated like this. Like a piece of meat dangling in the hands of a psychotic bastard. A strange sensation ran through her broken body. The beating was turning her on.
She moaned as Donovan continued his onslaught. He struck her stomach with sledgehammer punches, and Estel was starting to like it.
"I knew it!" smiled Donovan. Another fist bruised her skin with a sadistic thud.
"You like this, don't you?"
"The feeling of being dominated,"
"Who knew the big, bad cop was a little slut?"
Estel felt the humiliation run through her body. Her pussy began to get wet at the realization.
Her body folded dutifully and welcomed another fist into her stomach. Her muscles twitched with exertion before they gave up. The punch went deep deeper than before, sinking into her solar plexus. Estel's blood now filled Donovan's palm. He smiled and finally stopped.
Donovan repositioned his grip around her throat and admired her body in the falling rain. Her head swayed to one side, her eyes barely open. Estel's lips opened and closed in short bursts, her lungs desperate for air. Her nude body gleamed, and Donovan licked his lips when his eyes wandered to her bruised stomach.
His vision then floated upward towards her luscious, round breasts. Donovan smiled at the thoughts that ran through his head.
He let Estel go, giving her false hope of freedom as she floated to the ground. She didn't even get to touch it. Donovan intercepted her fall with a thunderous fist to her face.
It caved her cheek in, rattling her teeth. Blood and spit flew out of her mouth, and her body spun like a top in the air. Estel traveled a few meters before gravity took hold, and she came crashing down to her face.
Her naked body twitched in the rain, involuntarily humping the ground as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She orgasmed hard, letting out a shameful cry of submission. It made Donovan laugh, and he watched her slowly pass out.
During her brief sojourn, Donovan relieved himself of his clothes. He flipped the unconscious Estel around with his feet and sat down softly on her stomach. Donovan let his lust curve a path through her abdominals, and his erect phallus followed his command.
Estel woke with timid moans on her lips. Her eyes adjusted briefly and then grew wide in shock at the thick cock grinding on her stomach.
Donovan quelled her protest with a hand over her mouth. He humped her bruised stomach, and Estel bit his hand in ecstasy. She slowly realized she had lost and was now on Donovan's whim.
They moaned together when he unloaded over his six-pack, bathing her battered stomach with his seed. He let go of her mouth and kissed Estel passionately, and she responded in kind.
Their tongues danced in ecstasy, and she was ready to warm his bed. What she didn't know was there was still more to come.
Donovan's fist squished her breast, deflating the tear-drop globe and making her scream.
Another fist landed on the opposite breast, and Donovan began slowly picking up the pace.
Estel screamed at first, but then her body got used to the pain. The adrenaline shot burning passion through her nerves. She began moaning and biting her lips.
She screamed, and Donovan obliged. He beat her tits black and blue, and Estel loved every second.
So did Blaze. The two men next to her struggled as she stroked their erections.
Before long, Donovan slid his snake between Estel's cleavage and rained fury on her face. Her cheeks swelled, and blood ran down her lips. She couldn't get enough.
Donovan did not disappoint. He gave her battered globes a ravenous fucking, while he punched her. Estel now had a black eye, and her nostrils bled. One of her cheeks had swollen up, and the other was besieged by a large bruise.
The intensity of his thrusts between her bruised breasts matched that of his punches. The pace quickened and quickened until finally...he unloaded on Estel's face. She smiled in satisfaction, her pussy wet from another orgasm, and her body wracked with pain.
Blaze's biggest fans nearly passed out when they came, shooting their loads in her hands as their eyes fluttered and their arms fell. She threw her head up as she orgasmed hard.
Donovan flipped Estel around to her face and positioned her hips till her ass pointed to the air. She moaned as his erect cock teased her bruised vulva.
Her furious shriek was quelled by Donovan's palm, and he began penetrating slowly. He picked up the pace to a fever pitch, giving Estel a hard anal pounding. She moaned and bit his hand softly, crying tears of ecstasy. She was now his little jobber slut.
Blaze watched Donovan fill Estel with another dose of his lust, and her fingers moved between her legs. She matched the intensity of his thrusts, turned on and horny, while she watched Estel get ripped apart. Blaze wanted Donovan. She wanted him bad.
The eccentric billionaire Rick Anstle appeared on the Livestream again.
"Now, who would have guessed that, eh folks?" He held the mic annoyingly close to his nose.
"The big, bad Estel Aguirre beaten and fucked like a little bitch! I told you we have a surprise in store for our debut season! And his name is MUTHAFUCKIN' Donovan!"
The big man gave the camera a thumbs up, but the cameraman seemed focused on Estel's bouncing head. Her mouth opened wide to accommodate Donovan's girth, and she gagged. A line of spit hung from the side of her lips and then mixed with his seed when he finally unloaded deep down her throat.
"Now, why don't we get comments from our loser?"
The cameraman moved close to Estel's drenched face, which was held up to the camera by Donovan's hand, pulling on her hair.
"N-Nothing to...ungh...say r-really. Donovan...ungh....beat me up good and made me his bitch!"
"Is that some humility in your tone, I hear?" Rick mockingly held up his hand to his ear.
"Humility a-and...ungh...subjugation!"
"Indeed!" smiled Rick.
"Now, since you have won the fight, you get to pick your next opponent. Now, who will it be?"
Rick pointed the mic annoyingly close to Donovan's nose.
"Say my name...say my name!" Blaze's fingers were now on overdrive.
"Who else could it be?" Donovan looked at the camera and smiled.
"MMMM...OHHHH YESSS!" Moaned Blaze as she drew close to an orgasm.
"The one bitch I have wanted payback from since our early days on the streets. Blaze Fielding!"
Blaze drenched the VIP seat with an intense orgasm, spraying some on her exhausted fans. She threw her head up and collapsed on the chair, grabbing her shocked fans and forcing their tongues on her teat. She held their heads there till she rocked to another orgasm and left them sitting there.
She walked out with a smile on her face.