Carl Fennin's Edited Resident Evil 6 Ryona/Music Videos (3 Viewers)


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
I agree. At the end of the day all that matters is you like stuff you are making. Carl you've got 450+ subs, people like your stuff.
Yes, well, I suppose the mass amount of numbers in utter silence is more meaningful than actual messages or posts.

Yo, it's nice to see you haven't given up on doing the things you like.
Don't worry about the lack of feedback here, I'm sure most people don't drop by the site daily. Heck, I only drop by once every few weeks and only just noticed now that your thread got updated!

You should keep sharing your work regardless of whether or not you think it's worth showing.
I'm sure there will be people that can appreciate it, after all, like Tonug said, you've got 10 times the subscriber count than me!
I don't look really look a subscriber count as scale of interest. Especially if you're aware how it's not very accurate at all as the number increases over time. Ghost accounts being the main issue.


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
In any case, it seems I've somehow, in some way, found the will and motivation to make yet another Ryona Music Video. I'm sure those who stumble upon this post are wondering how the flying Hell do I keep finding ways to make these kinds of things towards a shitty three year old game or why this is even still a thing. As Jeff Goldblum once said, "Life finds a way." This is probably the most time I've spent on such a project out of all of the videos I've made so far. However that doesn't mean that the quality of the video will be anything spectacular. I could spend 200 hours of actual work time on a two minute video and it can still be a shit video. The project originally started and finished in the span of a few days, but then I decided to scrap it and redo it with a different focus. Thus the "most time I've spent on such a project" statement; just a lot of rearranging and figuring out the setup.

For what the video contains, this is another nude mod based Ryona Music Video. Shocker. The characters involved are Ada Wong, Sherry Birkin, and Helena Harper in various different nude mods from their normal nude mods to extreme big breasted nude mods. I'm sure the latter will be unappealing to the majority due to the body exaggeration. The type of focus for the Ryona Music Video is back to a more sexual theme much like the "Resident Evil 6 - Resident Evil Women Like That" video I made. Of course, what people view as sexy in this kind of stuff is always highly questionable. Just know that there will be zoom-ins on breasts, asses and pussies throughout the video.

In this video, instead of playing true to my favorite moments as I found myself repeating the same footage from previous videos, I tried to use a lot of new stuff that I never used before in my Ryona Music Videos. That's what the main focus and goal was and why it took a revision. Yes, there is still some same footage used as I am limited to what is already recorded by other users, but I did try my best to incorporate new material as much as possible. I could have played it safe, stuck to my guns and picked my favorites, the stuff that I enjoy a lot, but I think that would have made for another boring, samey feeling video with just different music slapped on.

For the audio/sound effects portion, the only stuff edited in are Ada Wong, Sherry Birkin, and Helena Harper's hard death screams in certain portions of the video. Unlike the "Ada Wong Ruined - Resident Evil 6 Ryona" where the audio from the used recorded footage played alongside with the music, you won't hear any other sound effects or vocal audio being played. Meaning there is a lack of moans, groans, gasps, and other sound effects used. If anyone likes hearing that kind of stuff in their ryona videos, then I am sorry to disappoint you.

Resident Evil 6 - Destination Ryona - MOTHERLESS.COM

If anyone stumbles upon this post, I do hope that it contains some degree of entertainment value for you. If not, then well... I guess it's just a video for me and my dumb tastes... I did try my best to keep it as fresh and new as possible. While I have no problems seeing the same thing over and over again and getting off towards it, I understand that not everyone else feels the same way. So it becomes difficult to be willing to share edited works. That being said, I believe I have covered a lot of ground in all of the videos that I've made up to this point towards the game itself. There isn't much variety left beyond free camera tricks and manipulation. It doesn't mean that I've hung up the editing mantle as I'll continue to make edited videos; Ryona Music Videos or not. At least towards this incredibly shitty game. Sharing them is an entirely different thing, though... I believe I've made eight or so different edited videos just focusing on Helena's breasts alone. Pretty sure nobody is interested in all of that because it's just the same shit and I don't blame them.

Sorry for the looong wall of text.
Last edited:


Avid Affiliate
Mar 6, 2011
Hey man I still appreciate all that you do. I am just NOW getting back into the swing of things of nude ryona, and will be uploading stuff hopefully tonight to do my first post. Guess I should do it in the video section like you do. :)
You're one of the few people who do full nude ryona. Thanks!


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
While I do make video edits containing nudity, nude mods, and nude ryona, every video I've made was from someone elses pre-existing footage unless stated otherwise in the description. That is to say most of the recorded footage wasn't done by me myself. So it's not really fair to say that I'm one of the few people who do full nude ryona... I'm just a hack who makes shitty edits.

But, um... thanks for the appreciation. I'm sure you will fair better than I should you make your own thread. Good luck regardless.


A Fighter
Content Creator
May 11, 2012
While I do make video edits containing nudity, nude mods, and nude ryona, every video I've made was from someone elses pre-existing footage unless stated otherwise in the description. That is to say most of the recorded footage wasn't done by me myself. So it's not really fair to say that I'm one of the few people who do full nude ryona... I'm just a hack who makes shitty edits.

But, um... thanks for the appreciation. I'm sure you will fair better than I should you make your own thread. Good luck regardless.

As a hack who makes shitty edits (though of actual Mods, not videos) I think your being too hard on yourself, I can see some real video editing talent in your work, so be proud of your skills. :)


Avid Affiliate
Mar 6, 2011
While I do make video edits containing nudity, nude mods, and nude ryona, every video I've made was from someone elses pre-existing footage unless stated otherwise in the description. That is to say most of the recorded footage wasn't done by me myself. So it's not really fair to say that I'm one of the few people who do full nude ryona... I'm just a hack who makes shitty edits.

But, um... thanks for the appreciation. I'm sure you will fair better than I should you make your own thread. Good luck regardless.

I agree with NiteGuardian. You are being TOO hard on yourself. Please continue to make content and don't worry what others think. I am a fan of yours and I am sure you have others as proven with the comments in this thread, so don't worry. Also, yea, I remember you getting your edits from other videos but you did the editing and video creation yourself, so don't worry about that.

In short, don't short yourself. You're doing fine. Just enjoy creating and that's all that is important!


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
As a hack who makes shitty edits (though of actual Mods, not videos) I think your being too hard on yourself, I can see some real video editing talent in your work, so be proud of your skills. :)
Hard to be proud of the most basic editing work that is mainly cutting. I'm not even using special effects or unique editing tricks seen in high quality AMVs. I'm not being too hard on myself, I'm being realistic...

I agree with NiteGuardian. You are being TOO hard on yourself. Please continue to make content and don't worry what others think. I am a fan of yours and I am sure you have others as proven with the comments in this thread, so don't worry. Also, yea, I remember you getting your edits from other videos but you did the editing and video creation yourself, so don't worry about that.

In short, don't short yourself. You're doing fine. Just enjoy creating and that's all that is important!
Seeing as this last project I did was an absolute failure just like all the rest, I don't really have the drive or motivation anymore to make anymore Ryona Music Videos at all. It was a stupid idea.


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
It's been two years since my last post here. Looking back at this thread, most of the Mega download links to the content that I've made are probably offline. I lost the password to my Mega account some year or so ago and in trying to reset my password, Mega deletes all content that was uploaded to the account. I have to re-upload every single video and re-link them in the older posts. Not that much good that will do in the long term all things considered... And yet I might do it anyway for whatever reason... For whoever poor soul honestly is interested in or bumblefucks their way into my so called "work" and "projects".

So why am I posting in a basically dead thread? I have some good news, I guess. I have a strong enough computer to run and record my own Resident Evil 6 content. That means I don't have to be at the mercy of someone to upload content and edit their videos like in my previous works. I have much more freedom in picture/video content with Resident Evil 6 now and it's a great feeling. If only I had this sooner...

To stay relevant to this thread, I do have new video content on my YouTube channel that I recorded and edited myself. Most of it being at the request of others (and I now know that overwhelming feeling when people ask and ask and ask for content). Do not worry, though. They aren't my shitty Ryona Music Video ideas. They are just simple compilation style of moments. A lot of it is most likely content that has been seen and done before...

Here are the videos:

[ リョナ ] Resident Evil 6 - Ryona Compilation

[ リョナ ] Resident Evil 6 - Helena (USA Outfit) Rasklapanje Ryona

[ リョナ ] Resident Evil 6 - Helena (China) and Sherry (Bikini) Napad Backbreaker Ryona

[ リョナ ] Resident Evil 6 - Helena (China) and Sherry (Bikini) Ubistvo Chainsaw Ryona

[ リョナ ] Resident Evil 6 - Ada Wong Meat Grinder Ryona

[ リョナ ] Resident Evil 6 - Helena Harper (Asia) Rasklapanje Ryona

[ リョナ ] Resident Evil 6 - Ada and Helena (USA) Ubistvo Backstab

[ リョナ ] Resident Evil 6 - Sherry Birkin (China/Edonia/EX1) Rasklapanje Ryona

[ リョナ ] Resident Evil 6 - Ada and Carla Rasklapanje Ryona

[ リョナ ] Resident Evil 6 - Helena Harper (EX1) Napad Strangle Ryona

[ リョナ ] Resident Evil 6 - Ada Wong (Lingerie Mod) Napad Strangle Ryona

[ リョナ ] Resident Evil 6 - Ada Wong (Modified EX1) Electrocuted

As for the last thing to address, I know I had said that I was done making Ryona Music Videos. "Resident Evil 6 - Destination Ryona" was the last posted Ryona Music Video I made. However, despite my deflated interest at the time making them, I guess something sparked the interest again to make more... Granted, they aren't anything special still. Still shit. Still uninteresting garbage. But they've been made... Nobody cares, but I guess I'll put them in this thread at a later time...

While this thread is in the videos section, I'd probably have better enjoyment in posting sexy/ryona Resident Evil 6 images and just sharing those what with free cam being so easy to utilize now. I assume people enjoy looking at images rather than video content anyway... I don't know... Then again, I feel like making a separate thread just for my images would be a huge waste of space on this site... I'll give it some thought though.


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
It turns out there was only one additional Ryona Music Video that I created that I haven't added to this thread. It was made before the "Resident Evil 6 - Destination Ryona" video. From what I remember, this is the second to last Ryona Music Video that I created and I made it solely for one person. The person actually enjoyed my RMV's (well, really, only one he truly liked), so this one was created to try and improve upon the one he really liked. Unfortunately, I had failed and he didn't really like this one as much as the old one I had made... And I guess that's what caused my decline to make more with "Resident Evil - Destination Ryona" being the very last one. I just didn't post this video in this thread because once he told me it wasn't great, I didn't want to share it here. But now I guess I'll put it here anyway. It's titled "Resident Evil 6 - What's In Her Head".

Here is the link to the video:

Resident Evil 6 - What's In Her Head - MOTHERLESS.COM

I suppose I'll continue the tradition of detailing the content of the video... It's what I've been doing in this thread...

As mentioned before, this Ryona Music Video was created to try and one-up an older video that someone liked. A more sensual song, better used footage, some better editing, etc. It features all three female characters; Helena Harper, Sherry Birkin, and Ada Wong. Nudity was the main focus of the video as that is my preferred ryona interest. I tried to use more variety based on what I had footage from at the time from other people. This was back when I didn't have a powerful PC to record my own footage. Despite trying for variety, there is still repetition and similar/same footage or animations being played out. I tried to go with the feel of the music, but overall I think it failed.

Other than this video and "Resident Evil 6 - Destination Ryona", I honestly haven't made any other Ryona Music Videos. At all. Just extremely stupid and repetitively edited side video projects for my own, or whoevers, twisted and moronic amusement. There are some older edited works that I decided to upload to Motherless that I'll link here as well.

RE6 - Helena Harper Breast Obsession

RE6 - Ada Wong Nude Knife Dual View

RE6 - Voice Edited Moaning Ryona

RE6 - Sherry Rasklapanje Edited Compilation

RE6 - Helena Rasklapanje Edited Compilation

RE6 - Ada and Sherry Rasklapanje Orgy

RE6 - Ada and Sherry Rasklapanje Orgy 2

These were mostly made and edited in a way that I wouldn't have to manually rewind back on the video timeline to highlight and enjoy specific moments (or use A to B Repeat). They were also edited to add in edited voices for a more sensual/sexual layer in a compilation style. In other words, edited because I'm a stupid boring fuck.

Anyway, that's about it for now... I'll give the photo thread more thought later. For whoever is actually reading this thread; for whatever damned reason...


Potential Patron
Sep 20, 2019
Ada and Helena Rasklapanje Dual View / Regarding Ada Wong RMV

I've had this video done for quite some time, but I thought it was a bit repetitive of me to share it with you guys due to there already being an Helena Harper Rasklapanje Dual View video and an Ada Wong Rasklapanje Dual View video. However, it's been quite some months since I've done anything and I figured I might as well share this video anyway.

What this is is the the Rasklapanje death animation (with the Rasklapanje being so small that he's pretty much invisible during the death animation) on both Ada Wong and Helena Harper nude mods from the same camera angle. What I did in this video, however, is separate the audio into different speakers. The left side you can hear Ada Wong's struggle and on the right you can Helena Harper's. This way, the audio doesn't sound so meshed together at the same time and it sounds clearer if you're using stereo.

I deeply apologize if this is just more of the same to you guys. I thought it was unique enough to do with two different characters side-by-side on the same camera angle with the different audio channels into the speakers. Anyway, here is the video links.

Ada and Helena Rasklapanje Dual View - MOTHERLESS.COM
Ada and Helena Rasklapanje Dual View -

To those who care regarding the Ada Wong Ryona Music Video (RMV for short; a stupid name I came up) that I said that I would work on. I've been in a complete downer mood and lost practically all of my motivation to do it due to several events happening as of late.

Most of you probably know that I, myself, am not creating the footage in these videos; that I am merely taking someone elses footage and editing the footage into something else. In short, I'm a fucking scumbag leecher. The footage that I get these videos from were on YouTube and it's been a super dry spell for RE6 ryona/nude ryona for obvious reasons.

  • It's been two years since the game came out.
  • Nobody really does nude mods for the game anymore.
  • People aren't interested in ryona for the game as much.
  • Nude mod video uploaders are getting their channels terminated/closed (duh) resulting in older videos getting deleted.
  • Nude mod video uploaders are also on long hiatuses and not uploading at all.
  • There's only, like, three of these uploaders.
  • Etc.
I don't have much footage for nude Ada Wong ryona that I was able to salvage and it's been kind of a struggle figuring out how to edit what I've got into something. Does it need to be nude? I prefer it that way, but the majority like it clothed and I don't know if anyone really likes these videos nude. Musical choice has been a thing as well. I've started on two of them (Helena and Sherry), but I can't finish the last one (Ada). Sure... I guess I could change the formula and just do normal costumes presented in the game. But I don't know, honestly.

Anyway, that is the update on that. When will it be out? I don't know. Do people really want such a video? I don't know. When I get motivation to even start on it? I don't know... And I know, I know, I know. I should be doing these videos for myself. Too bad I can't think of it that way anymore...

Wow amazing!!!


Potential Patron
Sep 20, 2019
Ada Wong Nude Rasklapanje Dual View Video

I know this has nothing to do with the Helena Harper Destroyed series (if you could even call it that) as, well, it's a different character, but it's better I post this here than make a whole 'nother thread just for this. I guess you could say that this thread is more about my shoddy editing skills towards RE6 nude ryona videos that others have uploaded. ... Is this even really considered ryona anymore? What a terrible person I am...

Odin Enteomega put up some videos recently with the enemies being extremely small to the point that they're pretty much invisible. This way, you can see the whole death animation without the enemy covering the nude model. Using his videos with my amateur editing, I decided to do another Rasklapanje Dual View video on Ada Wong's nude mod.

Ada Wong Destroyed [Rasklapanje Dual View] - MOTHERLESS.COM
Ada Wong Destroyed [Rasklapanje Dual View] -

It may look really strange to see this without the Rasklapanje actually present and I understand that it may lose appeal of not seeing the enemy actually kill Ada Wong. That's kind of the point, right? To see the enemy defeat the heroine? But there are some things on the heroine that you normally wouldn't see as the enemy blocks the view. Like her struggle animation and her body and face convulsions as her face is getting drilled in by the Rasklapanje. ... ... AHEM, sorry. Uh, this one has less repetitive moments than the other Rasklapanje Dual View video on Helena which was probably annoying for others, so it's a bit more seamless. I hope someone enjoys this.

There isn't any videos like this being done with Sherry's nude mod yet, but should that happen, I will try to make an RDV (I'm sure you know the abbreviation) video for her as well and put it here. I still haven't worked on a musical compilation for Ada and Sherry videos yet. It's a bit more difficult to find varied deaths for them with nude mods; mainly for Sherry. Or I'm just picky...
Thanks for this awesome job, I love the videos about ada Wong she is my favorite character, keep it up men


Swell Supporter
Feb 17, 2013
Thanks for this awesome job, I love the videos about ada Wong she is my favorite character, keep it up men
I apologize for the extremely late reply. I've been very rarely visiting Undertow and the times I do, I just... didn't want to reply. I know that's extremely rude, but I've been in a rough emotional state. In any case, good to hear that you enjoy the content...

It's 2020. It's been over five years since I made this thread. The last time I posted in it was last year in 2019. So why exactly have I come back to this thread once again in 2020 when it seemed clear that I lost motivation, viewer interest in my content seemed non-existent around here and the fact that this thread is basically more dead than a beaten dead horse? I suppose with the release of Capcom's Resident Evil 3 (2020), I was curious to see the input of others around on the site. I came back to read what others had to say and in doing so, I decided to look back upon this thread. Hard to believe it's been five years since and the content I decided to edit/create together for it... And yet, the lack of input here and how often I'm talking to myself or sharing it to emptiness is... discouraging upon looking at it again. Ironically, here I am once again to post an update to this barren thread. For who? I guess mainly just for myself... It is my thread and I suppose I have a attachement/responsibility for it...

I had plans to at least update this thread with my content every time I made something, but I kept losing motivation to do so. I also had plans to do a separate thread for just images instead of videos. I do have images/screenshots that I have taken for such purposes, but I just haven't really put in the effort or found the drive to make such a thread to share them. However, I guess it would be easier to just say that they are also on my Motherless account.

In any case, what is the update this time? I've got five videos from my YouTube channel that I haven't posted on here. They were requests given to me from comments on YouTube that I decided to fulfill. Whether or not they appeal to you is a shot in the dark. Here are the videos:


[ リョナ ] Resident Evil 6 - Ada Wong Grabbed from Behind by Neo-Umbrella J'avo

[ リョナ ] Resident Evil 6 - Sherry Birkin (Edonia) Rasklapanje Ryona (Extended)

[ リョナ ] Resident Evil 6 - Sherry Birkin (Prison Gown) Napad Strangle Ryona

[リョナ] Resident Evil 6 - Ada Wong (Default) Napad Backbreaker

And with the last one displaying how exactly I am able to do the fixed freecam in Resident Evil 6:

[リョナ] Resident Evil 6 - Free Cam During Animations Demonstration

There are still many, many more requests that I need to do, but I feel so overwhelmed and a bit burned out on doing them that I kind of gave up. I'll try to go back and do them, but sometimes my interest goes to other places. Sometimes I just wanna focus and have interests on normal porn or hentai...

On my Motherless account, I've uploaded several things of both image and video types. However, I guess the main project I worked on was towards a compilation of Ada Wong in her incredibly busty nude mod getting backstabbed by Ubistvo on the bus in Resident Evil 6. I made this compilation mainly for my own satisfaction as I doubt anyone else cares about this death animation in particular or for similar reasons as I do. And of course, instead of making it with Ada Wong clothed or in her normal, accurately on model nude mod, I went with extreme exaggerated proportions because... that's my shitty tastes. The video is roughly twelve minutes long all displaying Ada Wong getting ruined by Ubistvo from many different camera angles with normal and slow motion as well. It can be seen as quite repetitive (as is the nature for my kind of edited compilation videos), but I guess I made it that way mainly for my own enjoyment... You can find the video here:

RE6 - Ada Wong Nude Ubistvo Chainsaw Compilation

I also uploaded a couple of older videos I edited together that I never shared. You can see those here:

RE6 - Convulse And Spasm For Me Sherry

RE6 - Helena Harper Drilling Sound Mess Around

RE6 - Sherry, Helena And Ada Ryona Compilation

RE3 - Jill Valentine Tentacle Slam Edit Ryona

And this last one being something I decided to put together with audio I edited in. The audio edit is quite poor, I'll admit... I'm awful at ADR for erotic audio.

Resident Evil SFM Compilation

That pretty much concludes this update. For the one to three people that stumble upon this, I guess this is for you... Or maybe not. I don't know...

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