Video Games Chun-Li: Caught By Dolls (1 Viewer)

Asuka Kazama Ryona

Club Regular
Mar 25, 2018

Chun-Li received an anonymous tip that a shipment of drugs from Shadaloo was arriving on the pier in just a few minutes. From the moment she read the text on her phone, she knew something was off.
Who could’ve sent this message? They have my number and they know about Shadaloo. This has to be a trap, Chun thought.
But if this is true, we can finally get a lead on Shadaloo’s operations! I can’t let this opportunity slip away, even though this still doesn’t feel right. Her mind was made up. Chun-Li headed for the pier, wary but determined.
When she got to the pier, all she saw was a docked cargo ship with seemingly nothing aboard. She didn’t see Decapre climb on top of a shipping crate behind her.

Chun-Li was caught off-guard by a pair of boots slamming into her back and throwing her into the rough pavement. Chun bounced once on the ground, and just as her body settled, her head was lifted up by a hand and slammed face-first into the ground.

“GUHH!!” She lay face-down without moving for a second, shaken up by the sudden assault. Then she quickly climbed up to her feet, where she saw Decapre standing in front of her. The Shadaloo Doll’s masked face was cold and cruel as ever, and she stood ready to fight with a blade imbued with a pink, glowing energy. She immediately drew back the blade into her gauntlet, sending a clear message to Chun-Li: “I don’t need this to beat you.”

“There was never a shipment coming in from Shadaloo tonight, was there?!” Decapre’s only reply was to burst forward, surprising Chun-Li with her speed. She swung with her right that Chun barely defended against, but her follow-up left hand uppercut slammed into Chun-Li’s unprotected gut.

The punch to Chun-Li’s belly knocked the air out of her and shocked her; she had been hit many times before, but Decapre’s blow was in a league of its own.
What the hell was th- “AUGHH!!”
Her thoughts were interrupted by Decapre’s forehead butting her own. Chun-Li’s head was whipped back, letting Decapre grab her by the collar of her qipao, pull her close, and headbutt her again.

“Aughh!” Chun-Li saw stars from the impact; Decapre’s blows were quickly taking a toll on her, but she wasn’t stopping. The Doll kneed Chun-Li’s abs one more time before throwing her off to the side, sending her crashing into the ground yet again where she rolled a few feet before stopping.

She’s so fast and I can’t keep up… I gotta figure her out! Chun-Li thought as she lay on her back and caught her breath. She heard Decapre’s footsteps closing in and so she rolled over, and shakily got back up to her feet. But when she did, she immediately ate a punch to her face from out of nowhere.

“Aahhh!!” Chun-Li staggered backwards and barely caught herself before she could fall on her ass. Where did that come from?!
As soon as Chun regained her bearings, another blow slammed into her opposite cheek.

“AAHH!!” This time, the blow knocked her down to the ground. She shook her head slowly, trying to clear her head and regain her bearings. Chun-Li propped herself up on an elbow and looked in front of her; two more Shadaloo Dolls, Juli and Juni, had joined Decapre’s side. They stood a few feet away from the downed Chun-Li, all staring at her with unnerving calmness.

Just when I thought this couldn’t get any worse! How the hell am I going to win against three of them on my own?! Despite Chun-Li’s thoughts and doubts, she pushed herself off the ground and shakily got herself standing again. Chun-Li was outnumbered and outclassed, but she was no quitter. She also knew that there was no way out of this situation; it wasn’t likely at all that the Dolls would just let her get away. But she barely even got into her fighting stance before the three Dolls struck all together. Chun-Li cried out as Decapre landed a flying kick to her face with immense speed, and before she could fall down, the second Doll grabbed her shoulder, turned her around, and kneed her right in her abs.

“GAAAHK- UGHH!!” The third doll followed immediately with a mighty uppercut that whipped Chun-Li’s head backwards. Chun-Li began to fall, but Decapre pushed her from behind into an oncoming left hook from Juli.

“GUHHH!!!” Chun-Li would’ve crumbled to the ground again, but this time Juli caught her and threw her into Juni who in turn lashed out with a kick to Chun’s head. Chun-Li was spun around harshly and thrown to the ground, but once again Decapre pulled her up and threw her to the other Dolls.

And the trio continued what was no longer a fight, but torture for Chun-Li; her body was thrown around and ragdolled by the Dolls. They were unforgiving and relentless as they decimated Chun-Li, landing strike after strike all over her. Countless punches, kicks, chops and more landed all over Chun’s pretty face, her body, and even her legs.

All Chun-Li could do was scream as the trio utterly destroyed her in a whirlwind of attacks that seemed to last an eternity for her. A punch sent Chun-Li staggering in front of all three Dolls, but she miraculously stayed standing- a target for all of them at once. Decapre and her two partners simultaneously kicked Chun-Li upwards, slamming their feet into her face and torso.

Chun-Li blacked out momentarily as her broken body sailed through the air after the Dolls’ combined assault. She landed hard onto the pavement, rolling once before coming to a stop. The Dolls closed in on Chun-Li one last time as she lay motionless on the ground, clearly defeated. Decapre bent down to pick the beaten woman up off the ground to take a look at her. Chun-Li’s beautiful features were contorted in an expression of pain, and her mouth hung open as she breathed heavily. Decapre saw Chun raise her right hand slowly to throw a punch. Decapre smiled. Chun somehow still had some fight in her left.

The blow didn’t faze Decapre at all, and as Chun-Li tried again, Decapre decided to finish the Chinese woman off with a quick punch to her gut.

“UNGHH!!” Spittle flew out of Chun-Li’s mouth and her eyes bulged wide open. Her mind completely blanked out with the shock from the impact to her stomach. Decapre withdrew her fist; Chun-Li immediately crumbled to her knees, and then collapsed face-down onto the hard ground. Decapre met no resistance anymore as she used her foot to roll Chun-Li’s limp body over onto her back.

Chun-Li was glassy eyed as she lay helpless beneath the Dolls, her body wracked with pain all over. Damn it, I couldn’t even put up a fight… they’re too strong…

Those were the last words that ran through Chun-Li’s mind before unconsciousness finally and mercifully took over. Decapre took out her phone and took a picture of Chun-Li as she lay beaten beneath her, sent it, and bent down to pick up and haul Chun’s body over her shoulder. The beaten woman’s limbs dangled freely as Decapre walked to the ship with her partners in tow with cold smiles of satisfaction for a job well done.
Mission accomplished. -D 10:51

Juri smiled as she stared at Decapre’s messages on her screen. “Poor, poor Chun-Li,” she purred. I’ve already seen you beaten before, but this… you’ve never looked like such a mess!”

Faint bruises dotted Chun-Li’s pretty features and minor cuts and small scrapes could be seen on her arms. Chun-Li’s once powerful legs lay slightly spread on the ground, exposed in place by her torn and ruined stockings, and her face bore the traces of the exhaustion and pain she felt before she passed out. Juri was right; never before had Chun-Li been destroyed as thoroughly in a fight. She leaned back into her chair and continued staring fondly at Decapre’s picture of Chun-Li beaten, unconscious, and laid out on the ground. Her mind raced with plans and possibilities now open with Chun-Li defeated and reduced to their captive…


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