Right, don't know if you've seen (BUT YOU MUST HAVE, I TELL YOU) some of Clara's outfits in Season 8 are FABULOUS. They could be done really well, especially in the latest episode (S08E04- Listen), aka Date Dress. Wow. And her hair in this episode is wonderful too. Furthermore, there's the "Oswin" Oswald from the future and also "barmaid" Clara, along with "Victorian nanny" Clara. Additionally, there's "Into the Dalek" Clara and "Robot of Sherwood" Clara... Her outfits have been excellent this season... Just wow.
I was thinking that perhaps someone could do this? Is it asking too much?
It's mainly outfits, and perhaps a few static hair mods. A dream come true is if someone could do a dynamic hair one, and/or the outfit in .swf format.
This is my request. :D
Thank you to any who do partake and contribute to this (I'm sure widely requested) err- thing. :)