Comic book Zako (4 Viewers)


Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
Well this was disappointing, she was super powerful in previous appearances, and she barely fights this new guy because he is immune to everything, I guess? Why did she not try running away then?


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
After reading some issues, it was clear to me Warren Ellis just wanted to make the comic as offensive and shocking to everyone as possible with a "hero" no sane person would root for. If you think this was brutal, just check what she does to her own relatives who were in a crime family... his own uncle she hangs upside down and pulls his guts out with a tractor so it spells her initials... I dunno how this comic lasted so many issues. Jennifer Blood does things that'd make the Punisher have nightmares.

Also, wait the Ninjettes had an origin story? Where? They made a separate comic just for them? After we already knew they were all dead anyway?
Wouldn't surprise me. Warren Ellis is no stranger to writing really edgy protagonists and plots.
EDIT: Wait I think this was actually by Garth Ennis, not Warren Ellis. Woops. Well to be fair, anything that I could say about Ellis being an "edgy" writer goes double for Ennis to be perfectly honest. He's most famous for writing Punisher after all. (Not that I have anything against Punisher at all. Quite the contrary actually. but he's admittedly a very "edgy" character) More-so than that though there's "Preacher", "The Boys" Which he called "The series to out-Preacher Preacher", and "Crossed" is honestly just really bad because it feels like him trying to literally one-up himself on how crude and grotesque he can be with every dang issue without much substance. But I really like "Punisher MAX", "Nick Fury MAX", and "Hitman" had a level of edge that was actually over the top but in a self aware way. (One of the cover arts for that is literally the protagonist about to club a baby seal and it's oddly comedic)

Damn that was way too brutal and unnecessary, I don't mind lethal takedowns, but I'm not a fan of killing zako that have surrendered and have a sense of self preservation. Even worse is how the MC KNOWS they are out of their league, already interrogated the remaining survivor, and gave her a sense of hope before just offing her anyway.
Agreed, and that actually goes for both male and female mooks to be honest. Because it's not really a thing that bugs me from any zako kink point of view, but more a thing that bugs me from a writing standpoint of not liking the main protagonist much because they come off as mercilessly bloodthirsty to the point that they're not much better than the villains. That's one of the reasons I think I only really like Punisher series for instance where the bad guys are pretty much puppy-kickingly evil to the point you wont fell bad when they're brutalized. Which to be fair, is most of the time, and the occasions Punisher wants to kill anyone with a semblance of redeemable qualities, it's generally in a crossover where there's some kind of moral dilemma with the hero he's teaming up with (Daredevil, Spiderman, whoever) being all "Frank, killing isn't good!" and all that yatta yatta.

Haha, hope you all don't mind my tangents being not entirely on the topic of zako, but I like chatting about writing and stuff, sorry. :wat:
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Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Oh, I keep confusing those two... But yeah I agree. All that merciless killing suits bad guys better than "heroes". And even antiheroes have to get redeeming qualities. I mean Venom is at least funny! Frank, not so much.

Speaking of D-Os, already there is art of her. Same guy who drew the previous One Punch monster girl too.
イラストコミュニケーションサービス [pixiv]
イラストコミュニケーションサービス [pixiv] (warning - futa in the second link)
Oh yeah the previous One Punch Man zako was the leopard print girl who briefly appeared before being killed by poison gas or whatever. Like that design a lot. Artist also drew Zangya fan art, also with the "female lesser enemies" tag, because she's basically a zako in Dragon Ball, being one of Bojack's minions who he himself ends up actually killing... For no real reason actually when I think of it. Initially I remembered him using her as a human (or... non-human... alien) shield, but what actually happens is she's his last living crew member and he just kind of grabs and blasts her to be like "I'm the bad guy" or whatever, haha. :tongue::tongue::tongue:


Club Regular
Jul 21, 2012
Oh, I keep confusing those two... But yeah I agree. All that merciless killing suits bad guys better than "heroes". And even antiheroes have to get redeeming qualities. I mean Venom is at least funny! Frank, not so much.

Speaking of D-Os, already there is art of her. Same guy who drew the previous One Punch monster girl too.
イラストコミュニケーションサービス [pixiv]
イラストコミュニケーションサービス [pixiv] (warning - futa in the second link)

=)) Is this artist addicted to dick or futanari or something, he keep putting dick on everything


Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
=)) Is this artist addicted to dick or futanari or something, he keep putting dick on everything
Sadly, yes... Hence my warning.
Oh yeah the previous One Punch Man zako was the leopard print girl who briefly appeared before being killed by poison gas or whatever. Like that design a lot. Artist also drew Zangya fan art, also with the "female lesser enemies" tag, because she's basically a zako in Dragon Ball, being one of Bojack's minions who he himself ends up actually killing... For no real reason actually when I think of it. Initially I remembered him using her as a human (or... non-human... alien) shield, but what actually happens is she's his last living crew member and he just kind of grabs and blasts her to be like "I'm the bad guy" or whatever, haha. :tongue::tongue::tongue:
Never heard of her but she looks nice. Was she in the new series with the tournament? Got any screenshots?


Master of this Domain
Aug 23, 2014
Never heard of her but she looks nice. Was she in the new series with the tournament? Got any screenshots?
DBZ Movie 9: Bojack Unbound. My Personal favorite of the movies (or more specifically, favorite of the pre-Battle Of Gods movies) actually. Here's her beating the living hell out of Krillin (with some annoying watermarks): And here's her death scene:


Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
So what, she was pushed by the other villain and she died from that?
She looks a lot like that blue skinned girl whom this Kevinkinne guy did his death games comic about.


Master of this Domain
Feb 25, 2018
Female enemy characters from Origin.

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Master of this Domain
May 26, 2015
Wow these are some resilient robots if they can come back from being torn to shreds, and sometimes even operate while in pieces...


Swell Supporter
Feb 28, 2019

I finally made an account after lurking the zako threads for a while.

The most recent issue of West Coast Avengers has some female zakos in it, some of which may or may not have been sliced and diced by Gwenpool. The zakos are nameless, but have appeared before in Hawkeye’s (Kate Bishop) own book before. Their appearance in the West Coast issue I’m talking is pretty short, however.

West Coast Avengers #8 (2018-2019)

I don’t usually read a lot of comics online; I almost always buy them physically. I’m also not that keen with the policies surrounding posting links here, so I’ll (unfortunately) leave this one up to you if you want to find it for now.

(Edit: I must add that the blood(?) is greenish/grey, probably because of the Teen rating of the series. Also, the zako are amongst male henchmen and are outnumbered by their male counterparts. I do like their outfits though, very monotonous and form-fitting, but allows for their hair to be free.)
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Swell Supporter
Feb 28, 2019
Alright, let me try another comic book.

All-New Wolverine #19 (2016)

Wolverine (Laura Kinney AKA OG Wolverine's female clone) and Gabby (Laura's younger clone who feels no pain at all) are infiltrating a ship full of mercenaries working for a man involved in human trafficking. They initially attempt to dispatch the guarding mercenaries stealthily. However, a crash landing spacecraft nearby brightens the night sky and reveals Wolverine and Gabby on the ship, in full view of the mercenaries. The mercenaries promptly shoot them both, but renders them unconscious due to the two's healing factors. The boom from the crashing spacecraft wakes them back up and they violently deal with the mercenaries.

There are female mercenaries here, but like my last post, they are also outnumbered than their male counterparts. They're also not dressed as sexy as the ones in my last post. Their clothes, mostly being tank tops and suit jackets, honestly remind me of Target Terror's mercenary zakos.
There is red blood here, and you do see a hand get severed (though I don't know whether or not it was from one of the female mercenaries). The violence is pretty tame compared to other posts I've seen here, and you do see a few of the female mercenaries get arrested afterward if you were wondering if any of them were spared.


Henchgirl 29

Club Regular
Oct 1, 2018
I saw this in the Ryona forum and figured it deserved a good mention over here, as a heads up I know like jackshit about the plot of this manga so sorry if I butcher the plot or anything but this zako is cute as all hell.

Basically, we see this assassin go from this to this all in a matter of chapters and it's fantastic.

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The arc is from the manga Caterpillar and the background of the scene is that there is some type of battle is going on on a cruise ship and all the characters have/are bug like powers.

The zako in question is called Nanafushi which is like a stick bug I guess and her power is that she can turn invisible. Dressed as a sort of businesswoman assassin she is convinced that she is unstoppable. however, is easily defeated and then further humiliated.

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She starts off extremely cool and collected remaining almost emotionless as she effortless battles this bigger dude.

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The guy somehow manages to survive and runs to his sister.

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However, using her invisibility, Nanafushi beats him there and holds the little girl at gunpoint her location unknown to both the brother and his sister.

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Assuming the girl is defenseless Nanafushi becomes cocky and goes in for the kill. However, in doing so reveals herself allowing the little girl to attack and critically wound the zako.

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Although shocked Nanafushi regains her composure and uses her last bargaining chip. Throwing a letter of value off the boat allows her to conceal herself once more.

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Instead of Escaping Nanafushi is pissed and vows to kill girl for tricking her. As she calms down she becomes extremely overconfident in her ability to win.

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However just as she finishes monologuing to herself about how unstoppable she is, she is shocked to find the girl staring directly at her (a feat that should be impossible considering she is invisible.)

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Frozen with fear the assassin's confidence is instantly drained as she questions how the girl was able to find her. Turns out the girl was just guessing where Nanafushi was and by reacting to this Nanafushi revealed herself (rookie mistake).

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Enraged that she has been tricked a second time, by a little girl no less, the assassin goes full-on rage mode. However, her actions are fruitless and she is absolutely demolished.

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Some time passes and we see Nanafushi bound to a chair hung precariously over The edge of the boat, the once-terrifying assassin has lost a considerable amount of her clothes and the helpless terrified embarrassed henchgirl is desperately pleading for her life as the girl and her brother interrogate her.

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After this altercation, Nanafushi is never seen again.


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Swell Supporter
Feb 28, 2019
If one of them can just make everyone sleep, then it was really excessive for him to let the other kill so many of the minions before doing that...
So what is this anyway, some alternate reality where Gwen Stacy became Deadpool?
Yeah, I know.

Actually, Gwenpool ISN'T Gwen Stacy. Instead, Gwenpool is from a reality similar to our own, where Marvel exists as comic books other forms of media. Gwenpool's real name is Gwen Poole, a comic book nerd and struggling adult who got sucked into the mainstream universe. Using her knowledge of typical comic book tropes and stereotypes, she takes advantage of certain plot devices and even acknowledges the existence of "plot armor." Gwen Poole adopts the name "Gwenpool" after a supersuit tailor mistakes her name as being copy of Deadpool's, even designing her suit after Deadpool's iconic suit.


Gwenpool is very reckless and very inconsiderate of the state of other characters, literally viewing them as minor, inconsequential background characters despite now being in the same universe as them. This is why she makes the redshirt reference when she kills the minions, because she knows how disposable they are from a fourth wall perspective.

She was also trained by Batroc, an old-school Captain American villain, in sword-fighting, if that explains how she can handle two katanas.

Gwenpool had a solo series that's pretty good, imo. Y'all should give it a read sometime.

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