Dante's Loader Imports. (Update:Merry Cristmas - Loader Archive Updated) (2 Viewers)


Casual Client
Feb 4, 2012
Re: Dante's Loader Imports. (Update: DC Superheros - The Huntress)

PenKnight said:
Just a quick question: is it easier to make these individual clothing mods for the Loader than it is for the regular SDT program?

Nope, it's exactly the same except if you plan on doing every breast size possible.

@Dante: you should pack your files in an archive when only the color changes as for the skirt...or activate color hue.


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
Re: Dante's Loader Imports. (Update: DC Superheros - The Huntress)

Mike said:
activate color hue.

My thoughts exactly.
Might want to think about reading the dev guide Dante, it has some useful functions... maybe.


Avid Affiliate
Dec 31, 2011
Re: Dante's Loader Imports. (Update: DC Superheros - The Huntress)

ModGuy said:
Mike said:
activate color hue.

My thoughts exactly.
Might want to think about reading the dev guide Dante, it has some useful functions... maybe.

what these two said


Content Creator
Jun 15, 2012
Re: Dante's Loader Imports. (Update: Extras - Teacher/Librarian Skirt)

Okay I put them in a zip folder. I found the guide.
Modguy, I may need to catch you on the IRC sometime for a coding lesson if you got the time. I've got all my components for x-ray ready...ish

The Jaw is two parts, the upper and lower x-ray jaws, but the lower jaw still over laps the upper jaw.
The Penis is 18 parts. 16 interlocking circles, plus tip and base. I have no idea where to begin with coding them to animate.
The Throat is still being worked on, but it's basically a ribbed background with muscles (working on it) that spread as the dick goes down.

Art Progress:


Potential Patron
Aug 17, 2012
Re: Dante's Loader Imports. (Update: Extras - Teacher/Librarian Skirt)

thanx for the imports dante.. hopefully I will contribute with some of my creations soon. I really apreciate the instructional vid.


Content Creator
Jun 15, 2012
Re: Dante's Loader Imports. (Update: Extras - Teacher/Librarian Skirt)

Your welcome. That's what I wanted to hear when I made it. If you have any questions, let me know and I'll help out the best I can.

EDIT: Working on a newer Costume Template. Found a few bugs in the one's I released. Nothing major...
Upperarmr - slightly off center, outline doesn't quite match up (up two, left two)
Right and left arm Layouts need to be adjusted.
Collar code is set for skin instead of costume


Vivacious Visitor
Feb 17, 2011
Re: Dante's Loader Imports. (Update: Hulk)

This. Is. Epic. I am happy to wait for this mod to be fully realized... soon...


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
Re: Dante's Loader Imports. (Update: Extras - Teacher/Librarian Skirt)

Dante said:
Modguy, I may need to catch you on the IRC sometime for a coding lesson if you got the time. I've got all my components for x-ray ready...ish
The Penis is 18 parts. 16 interlocking circles, plus tip and base. I have no idea where to begin with coding them to animate.

I thought I had no idea, but I went ahead and threw my idea at flash and it worked somehow.
Half the algorithm, second half should be simple to implement, issue of clipping could ruin everything.
Here the blue line is a "smoothed" version of the two arbitrary vectors v1 and v2 (black) which sum to the red line v3. Green is midpoint of v3 to where v1 meets v2.
Blue uses a really awful algorithm to take a line between a changing end point and the same start point. As such it produces numerous slightly varying gradients.
When we jam a bunch of these lines end to end, using these slightly changing gradients we get a curve. Basic idea, right?

How about the following idea (This one is pretty terrible too):
Create a "border" of circles along the walls of her throat, sort of like a barrier.
For each circle in our list of segments...
If our circle intersects with a barrier (Distance between centres < sum of radii)...
Move our circle away from barrier, include all following segments.
Repeat until no more collisions, make sure to also check previous segments and move away from that too.
Eventually, hopefully even, we should have all circles move "Through" our barrier resulting in no collisions. (Or just a horrible crash.)

Could easily be implemented if I could find that circle physics thingy from a while back. (How long till anon says "Hey box2d lol fufufu")
Seriously easier than my method, and would remove all clipping assuming the barrier is complete enough.


Content Creator
Jun 12, 2011
Re: Dante's Loader Imports. (Update: Hulk)

I like how you qualified all that as terrible, ModGuy.

As for clipping, could that not be masked? You'd probably have to rearrange containers to get the mask to take, though.


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
Re: Dante's Loader Imports. (Update: Hulk)

Faceless said:
I like how you qualified all that as terrible, ModGuy.

As for clipping, could that not be masked? You'd probably have to rearrange containers to get the mask to take, though.

Even if it were masked, if they don't line up it'd look silly anyway.
And this is a very dynamic approach to the mod, why not just have a premade animation thrown over the objects?
Use the current depth of the penis to select the relevant frame.


Content Creator
Jun 15, 2012
Re: Dante's Loader Imports. (Update: Hulk)

Animation. You mean like; Go to main Scene 1, and place the parts where they go for each frame? That I can do, but how do I attach it so it follows the mouse?


Content Creator
Jun 12, 2011
Re: Dante's Loader Imports. (Update: Hulk)

It'd be more like the code I threw together for arms:back. Except with more frames and the frame condition is his.penis.x or something.


Content Creator
Feb 17, 2011
Re: Dante's Loader Imports. (Update: Hulk)

Faceless said:
It'd be more like the code I threw together for arms:back. Except with more frames and the frame condition is his.penis.x or something.

Depth would work better, otherwise you'd only be able to use one position.
It'd also fail if you had the mouse held down and it didn't go in.


Content Creator
Jun 15, 2012
Re: Dante's Loader Imports. (Update: Hulk)

Well, crap. I got over excited, and spent all night animating it frame by frame. Guess that was a waste of time :o.

Well, may as well not let it go to waste. It's still VERY rough around the edges, but this is what I was doing;

And before anyone see's this and, asks why it won't open with the loader.... this is NOT a mod, yet. Don't let .swf fool you.


x-ray gif.swf
331.5 KB · Views: 370


Content Creator
Jun 15, 2012
Re: Dante's Loader Imports. (Update: Hulk)

Lol, now if I could just figure out how to code it. I believe with my skill level it is out of reach for me alone.

Okay I got a bit further with the xray. I actually managed to load it with the loader.

Faceless, Modguy, I could use a hand here if you got the time. It's still very rough, and I'm currently working on the art portion. Currently it's all set for the penis component, but I can't figure out the goandstop function. There's 27 frames:

"normalPenis" then "xray1" - "xray26". I need it to pretty much go from one frame to the next, the deeper she goes, plus it needs to be brought to the front of everything.

EDIT: I tried implimenting this:
function initl(l)
var penis = new hispenis();
var xray1:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
xray1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, function(e){if(e.currentTarget.parent == null)
{e.currentTarget.removeEventListener(e.type, arguments.callee);}else{penis.gotoAndStop((
l.him.currentPenisPosition == 0)? "xray1" : "normalPenis"); }});
var xray2:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
xray2.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, function(e){if(e.currentTarget.parent == null)
{e.currentTarget.removeEventListener(e.type, arguments.callee);}else{penis.gotoAndStop((
l.him.currentPenisPosition == 0)? "xray2" : "normalPenis"); }});

I made a pretty obvious mistake. It's attached to the "arms behind back". What's the trigger I need?


162.7 KB · Views: 278


Potential Patron
Jun 4, 2012
Re: Dante's Loader Imports. (Update: Inuyasha - Kagome & Songo

With DC Comics you should Wonder Women, Fire, or my favorite Power Girl.


  • pg.jpg
    101.2 KB · Views: 168


Content Creator
Jun 15, 2012
Re: Dante's Loader Imports. (Update: Inuyasha - Kagome & Songo

Here's what I got minus the 3-26 xray coding. Didn't figure you would want a lot of useless lining

EDIT: Ouch... I'm having to go back to the drawing board on this one. The graphics I had draw are just about useless. Regardless, I have made headway into it, and it should be done within the next few days.


Content Creator
Jun 12, 2011
Re: Dante's Loader Imports. (Update: Inuyasha - Kagome & Songo

...Wow. That is just about the most inefficient way you could have gone about it. Y'know how the right upper arm is a single object with two frames in the timeline? Try it like that, instead. Make a single xray object, and put all of your frames into it. Then your code should be something like this:
if(this.parent.parent != null){
    //... housekeeping stuff

    var shot = new xray();
    main.loadCustomFull(/*load onto penis*/);

    main.him.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, xrayframe);

   //... more housekeeping stuff

function xrayframe(Event e){
    int framenum, xmin, xmax;
    //xmin = x value of penis before entering mouth
    //xmax = x value of penis when fully deepthroated

    //... determine xmin, xmax somehow
    //... framenum will be normalized so that framenum = 0 when xmin, framenum = 26 when xmax


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